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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @LaucherJunge OK explain why you are so sure that it is infinite. Are you Enlightened? ok than be silent. If you are not Enlightened then tell me what makes you believe that it is infinite.
  2. I don't seek Enlightenment described by other people. I am in search of the Truth and whenever I finally understand the ultimate truth I will call it my Enlightenment even if it is completely different from all the teachings of traditional Enlightenment notion. Even if it is that earth is flamingo.
  3. @molosku Why it seems that you try desperately to seem witty @Joseph Maynor Yes. and answer may be the fact that the only way to know this is to become awareness and not just believe that you are it. That's what they call Enlightenment. It supposed to be knowing answers on these questions.
  4. I make these discussion topics to challenge not only others but my beliefs and assumptions in the first place. I am inventing the devil's advocate. Devil also has right to have an advocate is not that so? The Truth is known when you challenge yourself. You guys are just supporting extra of these discussions of me with myself.
  5. @Alex K OK let me tell you what I call the god and why do I consider some of Christianity teachings the closest to the Truth. I consider god to be ultimately being consciousness which exists infinitely. It created the reality within itself and separation within itself to experience something rather than nothing. However the ultimate reason of his creation is love and life - thus experience. That's why I think that there is ultimate good and evil. Killing is ultimate evil because it is opposite of love and life - thus experience. However, Leo described this differently. Here I don't agree with him. @Nahm I think you would agree with me.
  6. if you believe in magic, why don't your believe in god then? What makes magic better to believe than the god?
  7. Faith is your problem. Faith is why you are not gifted yet... Think about that. Curious to itself - you say that as if reality is living entity who can be curious about something.
  8. But wether you were Enlightened or not how you decide to stay or go after you died? You don't have memories or desires anymore when you are dead.
  9. Shin They don't make perfect sense and I sometimes lucid dream. I sometimes can tell that I am dreaming. Sure you can explain like that everything - screaming hey why can't it? Just take as it is! Lol you remind me another religious fanatic. Instead of contemplating and going deeper you just blindly take what you are told!
  10. @Joseph Maynor @Leo Gura You know what makes me suspicious the most? How the fk everything is so precisly and mathematically calculated in this world if there is no reason? If this is only illusion why does bee know how to create honey? Why does earth turn around the sun in the perfect distance for the living conditions. Why there is no just random illusion happening and why there is such a connected system. No guys... there should be a deeper meaning to all these. And I am sure there should be an answer on the question why?
  11. @Leo Gura Leo stop blaming me for believing random stuff. You should know already that I am definitely not a believer. I don't believe in science and I don't believe in anything blindly. I question everything. When you claim that everything is hallucination of course I will question it. I am not lazy. Definitely not in contemplation part.
  12. Who is me though? You mean hallucination inside the hallucination? Do you mean that I am the hallucination and world I see is another layer of hallucination? What is the first layer of hallucination then?
  13. @Shin Yes you are right. And that is actually the only thing what motivates me to continue. Plus I believe in authenticity of Leo. He may be deluded himself - yes this is also possibility. But he won't lie about his experience I am sure. And I know his intellectual possibilities. He is witty enough to avoid major pitfalls.
  14. But as you mentioned in the video the science has been mistaken many times over the course of history. So far the only thing you know is you bump your head in the wall and you end up in hospital. Call it hallucination or not you still end up fuked up.
  15. @Shin I do the work already quite intensively. But if someone came to you and told you that the earth is flamingo in reality. And you should do 69 push ups daily for 5 years to experience this truth yourself. Would you do it? What's the difference here?
  16. Yesterday me and my friend smoked some weed and I offered her to watch Leo's last video. After we discussed and she made several points and I kinda agree with her. First of all she said: "I can touch the wall and it is solid. - So far this is my proof that the universe may be material." Leo is not Enlightened yet as he says so what is your proof Leo? Also you did not bring any solid proof that brain does not exist actually. You just made counter statement without any proofs or did I miss something?
  17. Leo, I will see your Enlightenment on camera and we will celebrate it. I will follow you into the void. You will never outgrow me! P.S. If you are not Enlightened yet than how do you understand the Nothing yourself?
  18. I tried to find my life purpose on shrooms but I completely failed. Shrooms took me wherever they wanted and I couldn't control anything.
  19. @Leo Gura how do you explain this if killing is not the ultimate evil? Not in a traditional meaning of this word but rather in a way that killing is stopping life experience. Why do you call eating animal meat unconscious eating?
  20. truffles are legal. But, if you had paranoia you should avoid psychedelics. Or at least consult with someone who is expert.
  21. Then what do you mean by - only hallucinations and appearences exist in your video? It would be great if you made the video about existence and non-existence and how there is no difference between those two.
  22. There might be some degree of belief since I haven't yet reach full realization. However I've had profound glimpses of no self.
  23. No. That is BS as well. You say that from a separation point. In fact there is no your and mine experience there is just an experience...