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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Maybe the case. Moreover, I wish it is the case. But I had to ask this question nevertheless.
  2. No I don’t mean any religion but rather the spiritual work we are doing here.
  3. What about Groupthink bias, placebo effect and self induced beliefs???
  4. Recently I was thinking. The majority of stories I've read about Enlightened people are somewhat the same. Most of them have been depressed their whole lives and had hard childhood. Then they started searching for liberation and Enlightenment happened. For example, Eckhart Tolle. His depression triggered Enlightenment. Even me myself and I am sure many of you have been depressed to some extent in your life. We started searching for answers. Why don't we see people who are happy and successful searching for those answers? Then the logical question arises - maybe Enlightenment is a self-induced belief to achieve liberation from the depressed state??? Let us critically discuss this topic. P.S. make a list of Enlightened people who were successful and happy before searching for Enlightenment.
  5. @ppfeiff I see you have studied much about raw vegan diets. But have you studied that deeply other diets as well? You should always put equal effort to study two counteracting positions. What do you think about oatmeal, buckwheat, mushrooms and rice?
  6. @Nahm I'm so damn high right now Still laughing though...
  7. After watching Leo's new video in the end I started laughing histerically and Leo laughed with me. I was existence at this moment. I've had some other prior experiences too when I entered the state of being existence I always start laughing histerically. Existence which is one with histerical laughter is laughing histerically at itself. Another strange loop for you Leo haha! At that times I feel like I have no weight at all - literally I don't exist. I also feel crazy - but that is the best feeling! @Leo Gura Great video as always!
  8. @AleksM Can you send me good binaural beats?
  9. @alyra not hormones but whole system. Brain makes you you. It will be interesting to finally see brain transplantation surgery done. It is interesting if the person will transfer to another body. This will answer many questions we have right now.
  10. What if this experience of samadhi is another hormone interaction in the brain? How are you sure that it is not? That's what I'm asking here...
  11. Guys. I know what you are talking about and yes I've experienced no self. But I offer you to further criticize our experiences. If we want to be open minded enough we should always assume that there are infinite pitfalls.
  12. What makes you sure that it is not self induced feeling over time amd you are not brain after all?
  13. It seems like we are inventing rules. Why we assume that you can't be self aware? Let's say if we are brain indeed than why can't brain see itself through eye channel which is connected to that brain - you.
  14. Good one. But why can't you see yourself? Why do you make that assumption?
  15. You can't point to mind, but you can point to your brain. Yes you may say it is appearance but anyways you can point to it. What's the next step?
  16. I leave up to you to interpret every single word.
  17. Any PUA channel which does not treat woman like objects and actually explain how to connect with them on deeper levels?
  18. I'll explain why I think this question is the most important. If you work hard to get Enlightened in your life time and then you die physically there could be two possibilities. You become absolute infinite aka your true self or you transfer your awareness to new dream, new ego. In the second case all your work done here becomes useless and wasred since you forget everything after you are reborn in the new body. Please answer directly. If you get Enlightened in this life time will you preserve the no form after physical death or will you reincarnate in another body - loosing your Enlightenment?
  19. @WaveInTheOcean You want to get rid of me nachos? Fuckin hell dude!
  20. Leo in his new video talks about appearences taking place into nothingness. But then the question arises why do these appearances exist at all? Shouldn't there be only pure nothingness - aka no appearence at all? Why did first appearence took the place at all? the ultimate question here is why? And your answer is because. But it does not explain anything at all.
  21. I eat eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, buckwheat, mushrooms, honey, oatmeal with coconut milk. Drink water and wine with dark chocolate. That's the only food I eat - boring? yes. Tasty? Sometimes. Why? because I think it's healthy.
  22. @WaveInTheOcean I know that you don't eat nachos. and I know you meant serious that's why my answer was serious as well. dwell deeper into it In fact me and you are talking roughly about the same meaning and you still call me wrong. The example you brought directly proves what I said before.
  23. @WaveInTheOcean you noob why do you enjoy nachos??? Because you want to kill them? No because you love them and because you love experiencing the taste. Read again what I wrote carefully...
  24. My method is questioning everything and following the path which seems the most authentic at the moment of NOW. Today it is meditation and inquiry but tomorrow if I find new answers it may be prayer to the god or doing extreme sports.