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Everything posted by egoless

  1. My coughing gets especially noticeable after drinking a beer and smoking.
  2. Yes I've had ulcers and very bad acidity problems. Most likely the coughing is result of these issues. I've done some treatment but as doctors say it will never completely go away.
  3. I also suspect stress and general anxiety (I am brave though not boasting). But it is so hard to rule this psychological factors out. Because when you suffer from those quite a long time it becomes your natural state and you almost not even notice them anymore.
  4. I agree with you. I need to develop strong vision for myself. I need to visualize where I want to see myself. I need to visualize it every day - every time before I go to bed. This is the only way to get myself motivated and start the action instead of running in this darkness without any clue and direction!
  5. Yes I already did that and couple of other tests too but nothing showed up. I have constant coughing and hot flashes though. Everything seems to be ok with my blood tests. Doctors are clueless.
  6. But I don't know how to differ those two things. If I don't have knowledge based on what should I be self-aware? P.S. I already thought that you were so upset at me that you stopped talking with me. glad we are still friends
  7. How do you know if you truly found something better than your current work or it just another emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes you get so tired of repetition and training of your chosen skill that it gets boring and you are disgusted by it. Then something new shows up and it seems like it is your new passion...
  8. As I said. Your forum - your rules. Doesn’t matter if you dislike my current attitude I will always be grateful for the work you have done. But old Leo was more open minded. That’s all I am saying. Don’t lock on Enlightenment paradigm. One day we may experience another major unexpected mindfuck...
  9. Unfortunately my thread has also been closed. Where I was just offering an open contemplation about possibility of Enlightenment conspiracy... I don't think that thread was stupid - on the contrary it was very very interesting for many people and it could bee seen from how much views and replies it got within couple of minutes. But yeah... Your forum your rules Remember Leo, what you consider as stupid topic may not be the same for the others. Are not we talking about nondualism here? Did not you argue with me that there is no evil and good? Then why there could be stupid thread and clever one? @Leo Gura You know that I respect you for the work you are doing. But I am not fan of these thread blocks unless they roughly break the rules. Don't become blinded by your point of view only and please stay open minded as you always suggest us to be.
  10. Which sources and websites could be potentially used for research on psychadelics. Please provide with authentic and trustworthy sources. Also you can indicate some valuable scholarly articles on this topic. I think people who dare to consume these substances at least should research their safety and proper dosages for hurm reduction. Mention only the sources which provide information and research! Note: I don’t mean where to buy them. Don’t mention that!
  11. My top strengths are creativity and judgement. Any tips how to find the most suited life purpose for those?
  12. Yesterday I watched that TED talk and it was very inspiring. We see all these videos on YouTube telling us to always discover and follow our passion and it conditions our brain. If we don't feel passionate in the moment we become unmotivated and lazy - sort of waiting for that unicorn (passion) to popp up on its own. Passion is feeling she says, and you should never chase the feeling. Rather you should fully concentrate on the present moment and explore current opportunities. Maybe you discover your passion in the process. Success brings passion and when you get successful at smth - you offer a great value to others - that becomes your LP! So maybe we are doing it otherwise. Maybe we should stop constant searching and concentrate on NOW!
  13. Most of you know Eckhart Tolle's - The Power of Now. Reading this book was tremendous value for me in improving different aspects of my life. First of all by being present I stopped my constant worry about the past mistakes or what could I've done differently. I also greatly minimized the attention I used to pay about what other people thought about me. However I find it still very challenging to not race in the future with my thoughts. In stressful situations I tent to over-analyze the future worst-case scenarios. As a result my anxiety and stress levels rise. What is the best way to stop that constant racing in the future? What is the best way to quickly snap back yourself in the present moment without any future worries.
  14. @Nahm exactly, I was thinking about harmonica. It is soo small and compact. But I’m not really sure wether these sounds can be used for meditation. Ideally I want to master some melodies and make recording of my plays. So I can later meditate on my own sounds.
  15. Which musical instruments may be used for spiritual healing and opening chakras? I've searched some of them and it seems like hang is the new popular instrument which has amazing mystical sounds. Let's make a good list of the healing musical instruments. Hang Flute
  16. @Joseph Maynor jazz trumpet has amazing sounds. But thing is I want to master something really compact. Like the one you could carry with you in the pocket literally.
  17. Never seen it before, but it has similar sound to harmonica. Harmonica is great and it’s so compact and easy to carry arroind. However I am not sure wether harmonica sound is useful for healing and meditation. Can someone confirm that?
  18. @AleksM Yeah I've seen that link too. I want to learn playing something very compact to carry with me while traveling. And also the one which is good for stress relief and healing. Maybe even meditation.
  19. Since my early teens I had this strong urge to be lonely. I always felt extremely comfortable and free when being alone. Around people I get tired in a matter of seconds. While this may be good for Enlightenment work it badly affects every social aspect of my life. I lost many friends because of that, I could not succeed in extroverted careers, was doing bad in group studies... I just can't bound with people anymore... In order to survive this materialistic, social world I invented many masks - I carry them everyday in such an extent that I am alien to myself. I almost forgot my true face... It feels like nobody understands me. If I show my true face and interests to other people just struggle to understand me. Most people feel that I am too mysterious and hard to communicate. Is there a way out for such a strong desire of loneliness? It is so hard to survive in this extroverted world like this.
  20. I know this sounds crazy but let’s discuss the possibility. What if “Enlightenment” is the biggest lie created to control and bound humans to chase some mystical goals? What if “Enlightenment” is a huge international secret organization of influential - “Enlightened people” who increase their follower and worshiper numbers to aquire even greater power and money? What if it is so masterfully managed lie that even the most intellectual people fall for it. What if they secretly convert clever people to serve their motives? Discuss with an extremely open mind why could or couldn’t this be the case? Bring solid arguments and proves. I hope we all are open minded enough to discuss this topic seriously without criticizing me for - “how did you even dare to think such a nonsense” - BS.
  21. @Nahm that’s not true however when we speak about this dimension. Everyone is unique here.
  22. @Shanmugam the fault with your logical comparison is that you don’t know me. I wish the Truth of Enlightenment to be the ultimate Truth. I am completely groundless and open minded in that regard. I have never been a materialistic type of person. The Truth of Enlightenment just sounds way too beautiful to be true... hence my heavy questioning over it. I want to be sure that there are no pitfalls left!
  23. Yes. And there is so much controversy on it. this video just randomly popped up in search “illuminati” on youtube
  24. What if he is actually secretly “Enlightened” why are you so sure? Looks are deceiving my friend Maybe he is a great actor?