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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Yes, Eckhart Tolle, rupert spira, sadhguru and Leo is definitely moving towards it. Also other global leaders who care about developing and helping others to grow both spiritually and individually.
  2. I have been living and studying in a foreign country for 2 years now and I am in a tough situation right now. I love this place and would like to stay here. I also found my passion and I envision it everyday. It makes me motivated and concentrated. But if I want to follow my passion and work in that career field I need to learn local language. However if I stick with Finance English will work out pretty well. So basically I’m in a tough choice wether I leave the country I like so much or I start working in Finance again (which I dislike). In this country I found myself. It greatly enhanced my personal development and spiritual understanding. Don’t want to leave it now. But the only way to stay is to find English speaking job in Finance. The work which I’m passionate about requires the knowledge of local language...
  3. @alyra the thing is I don’t resonate with the idea of being locked to one thing my whole life. I think that it destroyes my freedom which I value so much. That’s why I’m telling- not everyone is the same. I value the freedom above all. I want to be free to explore this life with it’s all fascinating possibilities. However, as I told you I want to master big picture thinking and become strategy guru. I love connecting pieces to complete the grand scale picture in my head.
  4. No but I don’t feel I need to have one specific LP either. I am generalist. I am an explorer. My LP could be the exploration of life. If that’s legit. I love traveling, experiencing unknown. I am going to master strategic thinking and big picture analysis. That’s what I am passionate about.
  5. Then what exactly does it entail. It seems like LP can’t be connected with 9-5 or corporate job.
  6. I am going to take it soon. Currently I am very busy at studying. I want to commit to your LP course with high concentration. do I need to first come up with skill I want to master or LP? Are those two directly linked?
  7. May mastering the skill be your LP? For example, mastering strategic thinking may be someone’s life purpose? Or LP means something else. for example, what is your life purpose in one sentence?
  8. @Leo Gura what if somebody, let’s say programmer or financial analyst works in the corporation of which mission and vision resonates with that person? What if they prefer to work in this organization because they see the value it provides to society? They bring value to people without committing high risks which are unavoidable in Entrepreneurship.
  9. What about the people who lost everything because of their unsuccessful LP business? What about divinity in everything. Why can’t 9-5 job be divine if you do it consciously. P.S. I am not talking about myself here. I also value the freedom above everything. But me and you are INTPs it sits in our core personality. I understood your last video asif it was meant for everyone. Maybe I missed something - also possible. But you start the video by criticizing literally every 9-5 job. Mcdonalds, programming etc.
  10. @Leo Gura I already had some ego death experiences. How is the enlightenment different you become dead permanently?
  11. Is Law of Attraction really that powerful?! Some people I've seen have naturally captured life's wisdom without even trying. They play and enjoy their lives without much stress or worries. They kind of have this gut feeling of nothing matters in the end and the existence is just an infinite play. You are the creator, you are who you think you are! Watch this Conor McGregor's video about his strong visualization habits. This guy always visualizes his success in his head and then goes and makes it real! He is master visionary and I think that it is the number one strength he has! I feel that the most successful people are the ones who have an ability to make profound visualization in their heads! Conor knows that it's all in his head and he can become whatever the hell he wants to be! How do these people achieve this level of wisdom without even trying all the meditations, self-inquiry and other work we are trying to do here?! I don't claim that I know what he is doing in his private time - maybe even he is practicing meditation and everything else. But what I know is that man has damn so good vision and purpose in his life! How do you acquire such a profound ability of visualization in your life? How do you define your vision and imprint it in your soul forever?!
  12. @Joseph Maynor what do you mean exactly. What kind of contemplation do you usually do with weed?
  13. @Will2gain you don’t understand you can be aware literally everywhere and always even in the prision. I am meditating when I am in the class studying
  14. How to solve the problems with low energy and extreme exhaustion and what may be the ultimate reason? The most people have experienced the extreme tiredness and low energy after long day at 9-5 job. This may be normal but when you feel constantly down and tired it becomes the major issue. This becomes the barrier to accomplish the things you want and to stay focused on your goals. I watched Leo's video about training and how it requires enormous energy and dedication to master something. I tried to clean up my diet and exercise in a very disciplined way but it did not improve much. I see some of my peers living very unhealthy lifestyles - eating junk food, partying, drugs, drinking but they still have the lot energy compared to me. That is really discouraging...
  15. You are mistaking all of it with nihilism. Yes there is a purpose in your life and you create it. You still live in this dimension as finite being.
  16. 1) what are you most afraid of? 2) what is your favorite game?
  17. Yeah I’ll try it seems very interesting.
  18. Nah civilization is my favorite when it comes to games.
  19. Lol bs! you don't know what you are talking about. Your mind is not separate from you. You just don't identify with it. It is used for a purpose you are assigning to it.
  20. Joker from the batman series. Can he be Enlightened? Can Enlightened person act like him? He clearly does not want money, no sex, no power. He has no identity, no ego desires... He is No One and has literally nothing to loose. All he ever wanted is to prove to others that the reality is infinite anarchy. @Leo Gura I think I finally understood your point of view. Enlightenment does not make you saint nor evil. It is just knowledge of the Truth you acquire. What you do with that Truth entirely depends on you. Am I right? Is that what you mean?
  21. I think it's a choice really. You can be happy and fulfilled even without becoming fully aware of the Truth. Leo however thinks otherwise. Maybe that's because from his perspective he has seen way too much to go back to his previous unconscious life.
  22. Give your vote in the poll and explain why you think so?
  23. @RichardY INTPs are known as inventors though. They love to investigate different fields as Da vinci did. They collect the knowledge, they are natural born Truth seekers. They are extremely creative and analytical. They lack focus and are absent minded. Machiaveli was very focused and oriented. Machiaveli is and INTJ to me.
  24. Yes I know that. But how do you battle these traits in you? Lack of concentration and precise execution without wondering in all directions. I mean when doing strategies. For example in business.