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Everything posted by egoless
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etagnwo You are trying to explain 2+2 of beginner nonduality to me. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No you Trust me. You have no idea where I was and how much I know about consciousness, the self and nonduality. And I don't mean intellectual knowledge. I have to speak on your language so you can understand me, Solipsism is often the product of nondual practices and psychedelics and may be destructive to ones psychology. This is why some nondual teachings and psychadelics are dangerous for some people and shouldn't be practiced. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dude, be more humble and stop judging people when you clearly don't know their experience. There is no way you know what I have seen and what I understand. You have no idea how deep I was in the rabbit hole. You just popped in this forum and I have been practicing nonduality for years. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Solipsism is the fruit of delusional tree - the nonduality hypnosis. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am not trying to convert anyone to anything. This is not my purpose in life. But what my purpose is to help people who are struggling and looking for answers. Those who ask me I am trying to help with my current understanding. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etagnwo Ok. That's your choice to interpret my words like that -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes you can start with yourself... Your existence is the biggest miracle. It would be such an ignorant assumption that there is no Godly intelligence behind your existence... Intelligence means personality as well. This is precisely what the God is! Now the second question is to find his personal attributes which can be only found in Jesus. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I reached the very deep states of so called "Nonduality" and collapsing of separate self. But I am telling you,,, My eyes were open that these were delusions. Now it's up to you how you process this information. I am trying to wake you up. The choice is yours! -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It does not work like you are describing. The god does not come to you in a physical form. You need to revise your idea of what God means. The God is universal intelligence, the source, the alpha and Omega. You can never understand the God. You can only make the first true leap of faith and repent with sincere heart and he will show himself to you. He does not come through emotions or visions. You directly become aware of his existence and it is clear that he is not YOU! He is infinitely bigger than you! -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etagnwo You can not tell me anything new about nonduality and Solipsism. People don't understand here that I was very hardcore in these practices before I was saved by the personal God. My eyes were open how delusional all this nondual path is. It is circular deception. The more you practice it the more "True" it seems to you. And in the end you reach the point where you become a zombie without a choice and willpower. Whole your worldview is based on the fact that everything is one and noone exists therefore you have no willpower and choice. This is literally the path of death of the soul. You are destroying the soul and surrendering yourself to devil's deceptions. -
God is infinite intelligence. God is personal. God has intelligently designed you. But when you say: “I am God” that’s ego’s desire to be special and godly. This is where the delusions of nonduality starts. God is you but you are not the God and this is the biggest paradox. You can never become the God. You can only be united with god after you leave the form. God is personal. He is alive. He has a plan for you and everything. He is infinitely intelligent. God thinks the reality into existence. God has created you with infinite potential and therefore free to choose. Free will is the foundation of your existence.
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
She wouldn't pray her entire life if she was not touched by the God Think again! -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Faceless I know my consciousness and it has nothing to do with God and the nature of reality. I can directly go to my consciousness which is no thing and I agree on this part with some nondual teachings. Your consciousness is indeed no thing. However, where the delusion starts is that nondual teachings are trying to extrapolate this understanding and extract delusional worldviews such as you are God. There is only one consciousness. Everything occurs in one consciousness, you don't exist and etc. The fact is we don't know that. This so called "knowledge" "Enlightenment" comes only from delusional self hypnosis when you repeatedly assure yourself that this is the case. Many years of meditations and yoga practices as well as psychedelics boost to imprint this delusional worldview in your head. This is what I call the illusion of Enlightenment. -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have experienced the personal God, he touched me directly and saved me from the delusions of non-duality. 5 Meo won't help you find the God. It will only make you even more delusional. When you are under the effect of psychedelics you easily believe what you have been told because it is form of self hypnosis and your brain is losing the perceptions of reality. God can be only known personally and when you seek and call him. With a prayer where whole your attention is on the God. He comes in all of his glory, believe me you won't miss it when it happens. God is always with you. But you are turning your back away from him when you become ignorant and are trying to escape the reality through false Enlightenment. -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I consider that evil exists and it is also a choice. God did not design you as a programmed robot. You were designed as a free spirit with willpower and choice. Evil is everything what is against the God. What is God? God is unconditional love, life, kindness, forgiveness and compassion. Now you were also given the gift of critical mind and therefore you can differentiate between good and evil. But in the end the choice is yours to make! God does not force or punish you. You punish yourself by choosing to be away from the God. -
egoless replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Betterself This is what happens when you try to imagine yourself as a God. It's your choice if you want to go in a deception. The reality is that you exist as you are. You have free will and free choice given by the God. Therefore you are not God. God is within you and everywhere but you are not! Just ask yourself the question if you were inseparable from the God who is everywhere and substance of everything then why aren't you everywhere as well? No matter how hard you try and even these so called Enlightened nondualists can't escape their body. Don't make blind leaps just use your critical thinking. They try to kill your critical thinking ability so then it becomes easier to hypnotize yourself with all those nondual delusions. -
egoless replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The God exists. It is alive, infinitely intelligent, formless and shapeless. The God thinks out reality into existence. The God is personal. It has personality. Personal God is Jesus. Jesus is the face of the God. Search sincerely and you will find him. -
This former Zen Buddhist who has been meditating and doing Yoga for over 20 years is explaining the neuroscience behind the nondual practices and mystical experiences. He is comparing True Biblical meditation with Eastern meditation practices. Interesting watch! Stay openminded and judge objectively.
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@MarkusSweden you can’t say anything new to me about nonduality really. I was on that path for 2 years and was very damn hardcore on it. My point here is not to be dogmatic fanatic but to seek out the personal God. God is not mechanical and lifeless as many nondual teachers like to draw it. God is not it’s creation. God is separate from its creation. God is transcendental and does not reside in forms... -
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Real freedom comes not from doing whatever the hell you want but it comes from making conscious decisions and choices! Animals don’t have the same level of consciousness as we humans do and therefore we have ability to become free from our addictions and unnecessary lust. -
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why does it matter what do I think about these? As I’ve said sin is just a choice to be away from the God. We should battle sin in us not the person himself. Noone is sinless except the god himself and he was crucified to forgive our sins. All that is “required” from you is to seek and praise the god. But even that is your choice. God does not force anyone to make a choice like there is in nondual understanding. In the nonduality there is no choice, there is no personality you literally become dead. Go that route if you really want to... I have been there and I don’t recommend it as it is delusion. -
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blazed I never mentioned that I was Enlightened. Stop spreading false information. I said I have collapsed the sense of separate self which now I know that was delusion. Because now I know better how meditation, psychadelics and yoga can alter your perception of reality. -
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blazed lol! I have never claimed I am Enlightened. Moreover I think Enlightenment is just a myth and it has nothing to do with spirituality! Enlightenment is the form of mental shift of perception. You are way too easy on throwing conclusions and judgements on other people. -
egoless replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It is true for me I can’t speak for everybody. But I know that it is the ultimate Truth just as some of you think the nonduality is the Truth. Have been there. It is self deception. -
Experienced zen master converts to Christianity. Very powerful testimony. Don’t prejudge.