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Everything posted by egoless

  1. So basically I am mostly orange but the part of me about 10-20% may be yellow. I do not resonate with green much however I don’t dislike that stage. I understand it but it seems like I already see the meta over it. This is also thanks to @Leo Gura‘s videos. If not Leo I would most likely be stuck in an orange stage for very long. Now I see the reality as the very complex system. There are lesser and lesser whites and blacks for me. Is it possible to skip or at least go through green very quickly if there is an information overload? In the beginning of this year I became very compassionate and tried to share. I also tried to be vegan for 8 months. Maybe that was the phase when I went throught the green. But now, as a strategical and systems thinker (INTP) I see the world as more holistic place with the issues and problems which require holistic solutions.
  2. I saw it vividly. They wake up. All of them. Technological advancement is no longer the priority. They unite. They are one. They are me. The one is infinitely creative. The priority is collective creativity channeled in the right direction. Direction of exploring and creating infinite possibilities. We learn how to shift the realities. The future. It’s coming. It’s already here. It is very interesting.
  3. Very nice explanation indeed. What I also observed is that some people just wear masks of liberalism to cover up their egoistic desires under the “freedom in everything” philosophy. But as far as I know true liberalism is not only about that.
  4. @DoubleYou I’m neither conservator. I’m for the balance in everything. That’s how I view the reality. If you sum up everything you end up with 0 which is the perfect balance. I view world as an infinity both ways -/+ I think I already “rush” through the green stage when I became very compassionate and was vegan for 8 month.
  5. @Leo Gura which meditation technique do you think to be the most direct for Enlightenment?
  6. @Joseph Maynor you are right, nowadays it became so vague. Anyone can claim to be a liberal nowadays. I mean the kind of liberals who lost the value for family, respect for the elderly people, are agitating and promoting homosexuality ( while pretending that they are just defending their rights ) and etc. I think you understand what I mean. I don’t judge these people and if they don’t threaten my freedom and rights I don’t really care about them. However, I disagree on these ideas of uncontrollable liberalism...
  7. What do you consider the best ways and exercises for your mind to develop strategic thinking. What books and other sources do you recommend? Do you know any youtube channels which specialize in strategic analysis - which could benefit to develop your skill.
  8. @Shanmugam I’m not trying to argue with you mate. I’m just curious. How is your life right now? Are you 100% sure in you Truth? Or you still assume that you may be mistaken. I mean your Enlightenment and Enlightenment notion in general. Is it real? How are you sure that it is not just chemistry change in the brain.
  9. @Shanmugam Why do you think Leo disagrees with you? I think Leo also observed Sadhguru closely. Maybe there are really deep topics that seems impossible to you?
  10. Make a list of celebs and stars you think or know that are Enlightened. You may mention musicians, actors, sportsmen and various worldwide popular people. Also would be useful if you mention why do you think so with the possible referencing.
  11. Leo in his new motivational video talks about the importancy of extreme ownership over your life. Becoming independent from the society, surviving, starting up your own business. But I don’t understand why Leo generalizes it so much. I’ve seen people loosing their houses and all money because of unsuccessful passionate business they started. Yes reward is amazing if you are successful but sometimes the risk is higher imho. On contrary I know some people in Finance working in huge corporations with good salary and they are enjoying their life at the fullest. @Leo Gura Yes, you can keep repeating that in the end they are delusional and we are having better piece of cake here but reality is reality. These people live at the fullest. They work hard in their corporations even if they dislike the job sometimes. But due to financial stability they are free to experience whatever cones on their mind in their free time. The way you and some other people generalize about 9-5 jobs is way too extreme and I don’t agree. Everyone is different. Plus if everything is divine in the nonduality then why do you make entrepreneurship more divine?
  12. No Leo, I meant the second variant. I did not mean that you call sadhguru a Liar. My bad if it was that ambiguous...
  13. @Shanmugam your viewpoint is understandable and I am sure you have your own arguments. I will read all the links you provided when I have more free time. I don’t follow sadhguru. I just find some of his videos very helpful. I don’t follow any particular spiritual teacher. But I value Leo’s videos the most. I resonate with Leo’s style the most.
  14. @Leo Gura I know how you respect sadhguru and remember how you argued with some people on forum that they don’t understand his deep meanings and he is on another level of understanding. I did not want to misinterpret your words in any ways. Maybe I missed something. I can delete that part if you think that I misinterpreted your viewpoint.
  15. @Shanmugam Leo strongly disagrees with you criticizing sadhguru and calling him liar. How did you practice christianity tell me. Than why do strong christian believers find salvation and peace? I have seen these kind of people myself. Who are very very wise and calm. They are christians and they believe in god. What is that?
  16. @Joseph Maynor as the pure white paper already contains all the possible figures in all the possible shapes, forms and pose in the NOW. It all depends what you see on that white paper. You imagine distinctive boarders which create certain figures in certain poses.
  17. @Peter Zemskov I don't use time at all. And I usually go for approximately one hour. At roughly 20 minute mark (which I call gateway) I enter the blissful state of NOW. I am completely dissolved in the presence with close to 0 thoughts appearing in my mind. I could sit in that way for hours probably. But usually I "wake up" myself at some point.
  18. The thing that you are counting your minutes so desperately prompt me that you are probably doing it wrong. Meditation if done correctly becomes one of the most pleasurable "tasks" to do. So much so that you will look forward to it instead of forcing yourself into it. Master do nothing and surrendering to the present moment technique.
  19. @Damir Elezi Contemplate what are you most interested in doing at this point of your life. What kind of skill you wish to master the most. What could this skill be used for to create the value for society you are living in. Then envision yourself as successful person in that direction daily. Just imagine how would you look like, how would you act, what would you do, how people would appreciate you for the value you are providing with your skill. Envision this image in the NOW. It is very powerful - do it daily
  20. @Shiva I agree with you. However, back in the old days world was a different place. Everyone was accustomed to survive like that. They were raised to provide themselves with food and water. Nowadays educational system is just not suited for this kind of people. Generally it is way to narrow and dogmatic. In addition if everyone become self-employed it will destroy the global economy. Companies need human resources. Technological development and innovation is almost impossible without large corporations. Leo may criticize programmers and financial analysts working in these organizations but I disagree. Without these people real global advancement would be much slower and even impossible.
  21. People comparing Leo's work to other spiritual teachers don't understand one thing. Leo is very straightforward in his teachings. He just gives you the Truth straight on the plate. Is it scary? Yes! Does it sound crazy and extreme? Yes! But that's his style and that's what I like about his approach. He is radically open-minded and explores many aspects of life, offering deep insights in literally every direction.
  22. @Adam M However, it is very important to understand where are you at. It will give you better big picture view on how to further develop yourself in other stages. By skipping I meant going through it very fast - not totally skipping it. As I said in the beginning of this year I was very compassionate and even tried veganism for 8 months.