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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Leo Gura Where can I get into the best course of spiral dynamics? The 25 hour cours you took? Which country has the most conscious laws and living conditions in your opinion? Which country is the most evolved in the spiral dynamics?
  2. I am facing the paradox of these two. If I am practicing spirituality hardcore then I really loose my progress in personal development. I become detached from society and my communication skills suffer. In addition I become less focused on my vision and goals. On the contrary if I focus on PD heavily me spiritual advancement significantly slows down. What is the solution?
  3. Yes Leo, you are right. I watched video till the end more carefully. We are together in this indeed. It’s all about spiral dynamics my wise friend. Thank you for the video!
  4. @RichardY I don’t actually. I dislike the money system. But unfortunately that’s the reality we are living in. P.S. Some people only understand what I say on the surface level.
  5. @Nahm that’s what I’m saying but in a different way. There is no system in reality. Everything is “system”. You are money, you are system. You can’t experience the many possibilities the life could offer without money. You would get stuck in your city homeless and starving. Money rules the game in physical dimension you are living in. Wether you like it or not that’s the case. We could speak fancy words and metaphors for the days but you are still stuck here in this dimension. Money is means to do whatever the hell you want to do. You created money, you gave it power. In the end as you said it’s all about experience and the game of life. P.S. I’ve never been materialistic or greedy but I’m realist and that’s how it works in reality. You can’t think of self actualization or spirituality when you are starving to death. That’s basics of Maslow’s hierarchy.
  6. I want several deep insights from my next trip. I know it does not usually work out as planned but Imho you can still set up some intention beforehand. So basically right now I need to get more compassionate and open to people, more expressive. I have been very closed later years so this is the major aspect of my life which suffers. I also need to become selfless once again and experience powerful unity with the reality to supercharge my meditations. Does anyone has advanced tips how to set up the proper intentions and whether it is possible to work on several aspects within the one trip. Maybe it's better to spread those to different sessions. @Leo Gura Is there any specific videos you recommend me to watch before/during/after the trip? This will greatly help me.
  7. @Shanmugam I have been seeking for the Truth of existence since I was kid. I have discovered the word Enlightenment through Leo’s videos about 1-2 years ago. The thing is I am studying abroad and being alone with myself speeds the process up very much. That’s why I suggest every student to study abroad. As time passes I refine my understanding of Enlightenment. At this point I understand it as the realization of the true self. That you are infinite and eternal. That you are nothing and experience itself. It hits you with whole your body and you wake up and can never go back to sleep. It is the ultimate knowledge and what you do with it is completely up to you. This may even happened to me and I just did not call it Enlightenment. The reasons I suspect that: 1) I was huge overthinker - now the day may pass without me thinking and just being in presence. 2) I was depressed and always worried - now I feel calm and rarely worry. Depression also seems to vanish. 3) I can’t locate myself anymore. Seems like I am the experience itself. Life almost goes on autopilot when I’m alone. The reasons why I am not Enlightened: 1) I feel the unity but I still struggle to be aware of everyone’s perspective. And it seems like my perspective is right. 2) I don’t feel the unconditional love for everyone.
  8. @Nahm can you be more specific? Day vs night and maybe you can recommend some viseo to watch
  9. @Shanmugam But do you still love your closed ones the same? Or you become more cold.
  10. @Shanmugam But the real question is - would you remain so calm and unshakable if you are homeless and hungry? Also the thing that you tend to love everyone equally is great and at the same time “scarry”. Because you love your family members and closed ones the most. You wouldn’t want to change that.
  11. @Shanmugam Did it negatively affect your attitude and responsibility towards your family and loved ones? I mean when you realize the unity with everything you tend to love everything equally?
  12. @Shanmugam If you could. Would you “go back”? What’s the greatest drawback of Enlightenment?
  13. @Shanmugam I did it. I died. I’m not even sure if I am “Enlightened” or no tbh. I dropped the desire for it. Because after some gradual destruction of false self I amfeeling non duality. I have no more depression, no worroies I have never been so calm in my life. I control my emotions unbelievably well. So I don’t know yet what fully happened to me at this point.
  14. @Shanmugam I see Enlightenment as huge aha moment that’s it. Am I right? Like it suddenly strikes you. You realize your existence as absolute. I’ve had those glimpses many times. Like it doesn’t change anything in you other than you know it. What you do with that knowledge is up to you then.
  15. Since majority of you here agree that the reality is very paradoxical and mystical. Do you agree that astrology and fortune telling may be legit in some cases? Do you have any experiences? How to tell charlatanes from the real ones?
  16. @Joseph Maynor That's the point. This is useless diary for you
  17. I create my own reality. Truth is unachiavable. Rabbit hole goes infinitely deep. Once I understand that I start to live again. I come back to reality. This is the only thing what’s real. No sence in wondering in the infinite rabbit hole. No need to become god as it is already the case. There is a need to become a human again. I create my own reality... I am always alone. I am never alone.
  18. It’s not about becoming the monk. It’s about growing up for you at first . You haven’t seen enough of the world I would guess to say if you truly found yourself in being the monk.
  19. Maybe, but shouldn’t you also leave it once you are out of green stage? Yellow and turquoise are free from all kinds of “isms”.
  20. I do not fully resonate with liberalism. Do you think it is necessary to become liberal to be Enlightened? For example I do not agree with some ideas of liberalism.
  21. @Joseph Maynor joseph, I don’t know what got you so upset but I did not mean to hurt you in any ways. I did not mean that all liberals are like that either. If you read my comment more carefully you will see that. Regarding the homosexuality as I already mentioned I don’t have anything against them. Moreover I think every human being should have the equal rights. Stop coming up with your stupid examples. I don't know what you were butthurt about but watch your words now!
  22. So basically at this point I need to contemplate and self reflect on different aspects of my life. First of all, I need to connect with my LP and define my future vision. I also need to open up more and be more expressive towards people. More caring and more compassionate. I struggle on this very much and lately I’ve been very closed. And ofcorse I need to advance in my spirituality and supercharge my meditations by experiencing ego death and unity with reality. How can I set the proper intentions for the trip to achieve all of those. Is it productive to concentrate on all of these aspects simultaneously in one trip. Or it’s better to spread those intentions over several trips? Advanced psychonauts welcome for advice
  23. The most of you here are practicing only this work here. I suppose at least major portion of you were atheists before like Leo. My question is - if you impose radical open mindedness shouldn’t you also try to practice all the other Religions? How do you know that you are not missing something. If the reality is paradoxical in many ways how are you so sure that the world was not created indeed as mentioned in various religious teachings? @Leo Gura I’ve seen some religious people who are more sure in their truth then you, sadhguru and Eckhart tolle are probably. How do you know what that person experiences on their empirical evidence of the god?