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Everything posted by egoless

  1. I know at least something about it. How do we know it is the final stop in the physics?
  2. I don't hold any paradigms anymore. I am open minded. I am listening. What is your proof.
  3. @Nahm can you give the solid proof without fluffy and “beautiful” metaphors why the brain is not prior to consciousness? Why are you so sure that consciousness “generates” the brain and not viseversa?
  4. This is the deciding battle between the Truth and the False. Based on what we are sure that consciousness is prior to brain and not viseversa? In other words what is the proof that consciousness is prior to “matter”? @Leo Gura Right now after very long contemplation these two possibilities seem equally possible to me. Can you put the final nail in the materialistic possibility? The thing that materialistic world needs a beginning is not sufficient answer because we can say the same about consciousness as well. And if we take as an axiom that the consciousness is the infinite without the beginning or ending why the same can not be asumed about the materialistic world? In your video about why brain does not exist. You didn’t really anawer this question directly. In other words you did not present the clear proof.
  5. The basic question of self inquiry is "who am I". Initially mind asks this questions. It refines it's knowledge and understanding of what it is fundamentally. But in the end when the realization happens does it happen through mind? Is it the huge AHA! moment which goes through and beyond the mind? P.S. my preferred question is "Am I aware?" because it is directly taking you to the experience of the pure awareness - which you fundamentally are...
  6. @Nahm Don't understand everything so directly my friend
  7. @Shin Labels Labels Labels. Everyone has his own way of figuring it out. You will never understand me as I won't you.
  8. @brovakhiin TBH I don't really resonate with what's he saying. But at the most I can resonate with the mind level. I don't really follow him much because for me his directions are a bit ambiguous.
  9. @AleksM I know that mate. I'm just saying that for me to experience the being the question which directly brings my awareness to the awareness is the most effective so far. If I am successful at doing this daily most of the times I think I am closing the "gap" very fast.
  10. Do you make a possibility that you may become silent after your full realization? Is it possible that you no longer want to be mediator of the Truth?
  11. I understand your preference to be silent on this matter. But let me ask you one and final question on this. Have you transcend the brain already? If you say yes I have no longer questions for you and I prefer you to be silent on this topic.
  12. @Shanmugam I found Rupert Spira's explanation the most helpful so far. He is so direct in his explanations. I think I resonate with Rupert the most out of Enlightened teachers. What is your opinion on that?
  13. @Shanmugam Yes you told, but I want to be sure that I found the exact same videos you are referring to. There is so much information overload on the internet I don't want to get lost in it. I found this about meditation by osho
  14. Ok. Can you recommend specific video or source of the most direct method you consider for Enlightenment? With detailed explanation of how to do it?
  15. @Shanmugam Is Osho the only guru you follow? What do you think about this video?
  16. Is kriya yoga the most effective for Enlightenment purpose? I have been long wanted to get started in yoga. But, I am not sure where to start and if possible I would like to practice it myself through online videos. @Shanmugam
  17. Can MMA be considered as the form of meditation or can it boost your meditation practice? I consider MMA as the most useful practice in needs of self defense or unexpected fights. So I am looking for double benefits - meditation and practicality
  18. Martial art may be very powerful technique to enhance your meditation yields. It helps you to master your body and movements as well as stay present. Becoming in touch with the natural flow of energy within your body. In this topic I want to discuss which martial arts do you consider as the best complementary to meditation practices. I would assume that the choice will mainly be between Tai Chi and Shaolin Kung Fu. Also we should discuss practical matter connected with learning those martial arts and implementing them to boost our meditation results. How do you get started, which YouTube channels to follow and etc.
  19. Will law of attraction and visualization technique work for Enlightenment? Let’s say if I visualize my change after Enlightenment and I visualize how powerful my meditation and profound understanding is. I visualize what will it change in my life. Etc.
  20. Depends on person. But mostly the music is guiding you through the trip. I think music is godlike.
  21. I understand Leo perfectly well in his new video about marketing. However, @Leo Gura I think you are still dependant on the system. You can’t escape the system even if you are an entrepreneur. What if youtube goes down tomorrow. What if government decides to block your channel. See? You are still playing the game by their rules. We are still very dependent on the system. What if the answer lies to become the system yourself and change it from the inside. Money rules the game today. So money is the system. Money is the power. As you said, marketing your ideas and information requires vast amounts of resources. Your channel exists until system gets threatened by it. Maybe these times will come - Hopefully no. Secondly, to experience the life fully you need money, you need freedom, you need materialism in certain degree. Going on vacations and traveling, tasting quality wine with rich flavors, tasting food from around the world, meeting new and interesting people. This is the experience. This is what life is about. Money rules the game Leo. System is also part of you.
  22. I had my ego death experience on that. So I think it's all about intention really. Music is the sound of universe. Good Luck! Enjoy
  23. @RichardY It's not about loving the money as a piece of useless paper. You love the possibilities it opens up for you. You love the freedom it gives to you. That is fundamentally why you love the money. I mean there could be much better system on the Earth instead of money. Like everyone creating the value for everyone and sharing it with others who need it. But.. This is way too idealistic to be true right now.