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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Dodo That's the point! There is no Enlightenment. It's the word devised for beginners. There is only being the loving human! That is the true "Enlightenment"... "I became" the god, "I killed" the god in me and I became the human again. I am in the peace now.
  2. With the great respect to you Leo, I know what I saw and what universe told me very precisely. There is no true or false way. The only truth we have as humans is this life. Universe clearly made me understand to stop chasing the infinity. Universe also clearly made the point that being human is as divine as being of the god! There is divinity in everything and god tries to become the human through you! P.S. in case you wonder - it was not a bad trip. It was the most profound and the only true trip I ever needed...
  3. Rupert is the greatest! I resonate with him the most. He has utterly down to earth and clear explanations. This man is a genius! Here is another one very important:
  4. Yeah but imagine they have done double slit experiment on you being there instead of that black board. And instead of electrons there would be heavy object.
  5. Than what do you think about that one. You have your eyes perfectly closed, you have ear plugs and your hearing is perfectly sealed as well ... and etc. your all perception channels are perfectly sealed. Then huge truck with an auto pilot run over you. What would happen? Nobody watches this experiment imagine it happens in the closed environment and then the scientists walk in after everything is done.
  6. I see the possibility that those are the byproducts of the Truth however they are not my main priority. However peace and calmness is the best state you could ever achieve...
  7. I don't care about peace and being calm ultimately the only thing I care on this regard is the Truth with the capital letter!
  8. @AlwaysBeNice These evidences more imply that we live in a simulated reality. Could be also by outside world like in the thirteenth floor movie. Have you seen it? What makes you believe that we are the creator and creation rather than we are just inside the simulated reality?
  9. That question becomes irrelevant if you know even the conceptual meaning of Enlightenment. Which is pure knowing of the experience. You don't identify with the experience anymore you realize yourself as pure knowing. There is no material self to become Enlightened... Sadhguru is not Enlightened in that regard. No person as we conventionally think about person can be Enlightened...
  10. @SOUL If I wanted the way of belief I would follow the religion.
  11. @Echoes Then why couldn't be the same be said about the Enlightenment? Why not the other way around? That it is such a convincing circular belief that it completely brings you the liberation from the self???
  12. @AleksM I'm not saying that you did not see the ghost. In fact I don't know that. But the materialistic answer would be that various changes in the brain could contribute to the hallucinations and different perceptions. We don't know when the brain is completely shut down so NDEs could be explained by this. About paranormal activities I have never experienced those so I can't tell anything. Therefore, they are non-existent in my experience. P.S. I'm not implying on anything I am just offering the possible explanations.
  13. @Shin I'll paste again what I've already told to Nahm: "I tried man. I tried really hardcore. I’ve read and listened to the immense amount of info, self inquired daily and meditated for hours, tripped but this is the final conclusion I have arrived right now. It suddenly stroke me. And do you know when this happened? After huge, the biggest non-dual glimpse I’ve had. I was like wait a moment this in itself could be a circular belief. And you know what happened then? The non-dual experience vanished totally... I clearly saw the possibility that whole Enlightenment notion could be just another very profound circular brainwash you could do to yourself after years of practice..."
  14. @AleksM So my main concern and unanswered question is - what is the proof that brain does not generate the consciousness? How do you know that consciousness is the energy and not the connection of brain neurons made out of matter?
  15. Exactly and the only thing I know is that experience we call living. And searching for the answers in the rabbit holes may be just a waste of this experience.... When you dig dig dig in the end you could dig out the grave for yourself. and the whole your life would be wasted in the digging of the grave!
  16. I tried man. I tried really hardcore. I’ve read and listened to the immense amount of info, self inquired daily and meditated for hours, tripped but this is the final conclusion I have arrived right now. It suddenly stroke me. And do you know when this happened? After huge, the biggest non-dual glimpse I’ve had. I was like wait a moment this in itself could be a circular belief. And you know what happened then? The non-dual experience vanished totally... I clearly saw the possibility that whole Enlightenment notion could be just another very profound circular brainwash you could do to yourself after years of practice...
  17. Basically there are two equal possibilities of reality for me right now. None of them have solid proofs and both of them can lead to circular belief. 1) Reality is infinite matter. And some of this matter generates the consciousness. Therefore there are many consciousness ... The reality is like rick and morty. After death of certain brain the consciousness generated by it ceases to exist. 2) Your reality. There is only infinite being consciousness - the pure knowing which generates matter and everything else. and by generating brain and mind it generates the finite world. None of those have the initial proof and in order to get on either path you need initial belief of the possibility of it being the Truth.... This belief will lead to circular belief systems - "Enlightenment" or materialistic paradigm. So what's the conclusion? We don't know anyyyyyyyything!!!!!!!! So start living in the moment and just experience your life at the fullest. That's the only fkin thing you could ever do really..........
  18. During my self inquiry I have discovered that I am the consciousness - the Knowledge - the experience. But it all can be generated by the brain. I could find nothing against that in my self inquiry... I could really be the brain... damn it!
  19. Maybe I don't talk much about my "glimpses" on this forum but I have had much as well. But I also realize that it just may be circular mistake. You start to believe in your glimpses because you constantly meditate and follow the teachings of non duality. You assume that your consciousness is not generated by your brain and based on that you begin to sel inquiry daily for years. What would happen if somebody was nagging over your ears that you are ugly daily for 10 years.... You would fking go insane and believe that you are....
  20. 1) Now that's your belief. You have no proof of that. 2) Maybe. But this is the belief based on your perception and your experience. Which is the best you could ever have... 3) What if there are no any. What if you are only your current consciousness in your current brain and after the death you cease to exist? The past lives is also belief because you don't know that.
  21. @Nahm If the consciousness is not dependent on the brain how do you explain: 1) Someone can wake you up from the deep sleep. 2) You can't survive the extraction of the brain from your head. You become unconscious - Dead after your brain is severely damaged. Yes you have never experienced the death but at least you might have seen it first person with your own experience/perception. 3) Why don't your remember your earliest life when you were infant? There was some brain already but consciousness was not developed fully yet.... Moreover! the belief that consciousness is prior to matter and brain is necessary to the practice of self-inquiry and self-realization? If so then the whole thing is invalid; it is circular reasoning. Without this belief you would not even start practicing the self-inquiry.............................. @Leo Gura
  22. @Nahm Why brain can't generate consciousness???? Oh wait a second... It can... Because nothing - fkin nothing opposes to that possibility... There are no proofs....
  23. @Nahm Then why should I even try to listen to the illusion who supposed is trying to show the path to the Truth? You can't answer why the brain can't generate the consciousness. And if it does why brain can't be located in the infinite physical universe. Why infinite physical universe can't be the strange loop. So it does not matter in what we believe in the end maybe. There is a choice whether you believe in the consciousness-brain model or brain-consciousness.