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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @h inandout happy new year! If you are speaking about me, I don’t even remember if you spoke anything ignorant towards me. I don’t hold any grudges because they are non-existant concepts in our minds which only waste our energies. I honestly don’t remember anything negative from you so no need for apologies. If you meant me.
  2. @Leo Gura this man is my discovery of 2018. It seems to me that he has a very deep understanding of non duality and explains everything very precisely. If you have time take a look.
  3. Wake up neo! Follow the white rabbit! I think it might be just stress and lack of sleep.
  4. @snowleopard Do you know any specific video where he actually explains how to do oneness yoga meditation? That would save my time to search them all manually.
  5. @pluto it’s too much hustle to do... what about nesquik with milk?
  6. @Joseph Maynor this is not ideology this is visualization yoga practice to collapse experience with knowing element. This is the final step of understanding. Many people are getting stuck at the realization that they are witnessing awareness. Witnessing awareness is still dualistic understanding and sometimes is referred to “Enlightened dualism”. But in order to achieve full liberation awareness must become one with the experience...
  7. everything is the food of the god because everything is the creation within the consciousness. The other thing is what is healthy for your body and mind. Can you mention what was the recipe for that elixirs you took?
  8. I want this topic to be short and informative. We all know the popular self-inquiry question: 'Who am I?" But see, the "problem" with this question is that it is way too ambiguous for the beginner who still identifies with his body or thoughts. In response to that "confusing" question their mind starts to wonder in all directions like: I am the brain - no wait - I am the thought - no wait - I am my inner voice- no wait - I am nothingness (while imagining nothingness ) ........... But in my opinion there is "better" - the most direct question to ask yourself in order for you to directly become aware of your true self. That is : "Am I aware?". Observe, where does your awareness "go" to answer this question? It is impossible to get confused while answering this question. Our awareness directly goes to our true nature - to pure awareness. Awareness becomes self aware and it collapses back to its source. No need to believe me just test it for yourself. It does not require any time or energy just simple question and simple answer. When you understand the power of this method then the trick is to stay aware of being aware the most of the time. That is the highest meditation. Meditation no longer requires to be sited in lotus position or cross legged. You just "practice" being aware of being aware. That's it! With time you will see that there is unconditional peace in it and most likely you will fully recognize your true nature by it over time. This is Rupert Spira's favorite method of self inquiry. It helped me the most to overcome the confusion and directly access my true nature!
  9. Sure Enlightenment does not mean the end of life if you mean that. You still have to live yours even after full realization. But your attitude changes. You can no longer be hurt or affected by the contents of reality. You recognize yourself as the ever present knowing consciousness. You are free to explore or study whatever the hell you want afterwards. Enlightenment does not mean that you know all the contents. You still does not know anything new in the contents of reality other than your true nature.
  10. maybe you guys are right who knows
  11. Remember, everything said here is my opinion. So you desperately search for LP right? You are infinitely confused and looking for answers. I know that feeling. Some people are lucky with their passion and know since the early ages that they want to be policemen, doctors etc. Sure having the strong LP and passion has numerous advantages. But at the same time it is more likely that you become way too serious about your life... When you are so tightly tied with your LP it becomes harder and harder to maintain free spirit! LP can become your prison. You announce the boundaries for yourself... You channel the most of your energy into it and you have not much left to explore the other side of the life. But,,, You and me are different. We see the world as infinite opportunities, infinite experience and infinite degree of freedom. That is not the fault in us. We are just different. We are explorers, we are adventurous, we are flexible! Freedom is our life purpose. No definite LP could be your LP! Being flexible to explore everything and experience the most you can! How you achieve this degree of freedom is yet another topic! You need to figure it out yourself. Be flexible, Be free!
  12. Yes that’s right. Rationality is only one limited way to look at it. But to really “find” yourself you will have to adopt more holistic view point.
  13. Study all the stages precisely and hang out with the people who you consider in are in the next stage of yours.
  14. @Joseph Maynor the more you “study” these stuff the more infinitely confused you will get. All you need to know is three stages of realization. The first the neti neti method. This is for beginners to disidentify with the body, fellings and thoughts and see on direct experience that you are none of those. Then the highest form of meditation that you become aware that you are aware. You are awareness, observer, consciousness. And finally after enough practice you merge with entirety of “your” observed experience and you become the God’s knowing of this finite human experience. Forget that word Enlightenment exists. The only thing that you know exist is you. This is the finding of yourself. The source of your being. That is all you need to know really. After your liberation you decide what is more relevant to you.
  15. @Dodo But don’t forget... it is infinite rabbit hole. You can easily get lost in it and fuk yourself up. You will never know infinity. That is BS! All you know in your current form is your finite experience. God is becoming human. Be human! After you know the Truth then you won’t need anymore to mentally masturbate about these stuff. It will become irrelevant to you. You will be free! I hate the word but... that is true “Enlightenment”!
  16. Forget bentinho, forget Enlightenment, forget teachings. The only thing you know is you exist right now. You are definitely not locatedin the body. You are observer, knower, awareness, consciousness. The highest form of meditation is being aware that you are aware. Just do it every time you can. That is all you need for the freedom. Forget other sht...
  17. @WaterfallMachine Remember everything is a lie and nothing is true until you experience it yourself without any language or constructed conceptions. However everything is the possibility at the same time! You are the groundless ground of the Truth.
  18. Here is the plot twist are you sure you are real?
  19. @WaterfallMachine It feels lonely to you because it is all yet another story for you. You just believe in it and you don't know it. The fact is right now you are not alone. There are billions of other humans in this world. The fact that you are all one is just another story for you at this point. When time comes and you learn the Truth in your experience it won't feel lonely anymore. Because that who feels loneliness won't be you. You will be that who knows the experience but can't be "touched" by it. Now just go and practice the highest form of meditation and stop mental masturbation. The more you think about it conceptually the worse and more depressed you will get. Trust me. Once I was in your shoes. Stop trying to get Enlightened! Stop trying to escape the humanness! That is the main reason you are not Enlightened!
  20. I learned my most profound lesson. From now on I am going to live sober. I already got everything I needed to know! God's absolute infinity hit me right in the face. It was the most unforgiving lesson. It completely destroyed me. I learned very hard way to stop trying to become the god. We are humans. we are not god... God's infinity will completely destroy the human. Stop chasing infinity friends! I thought my journey as the human was to become the god but it is actually the opposite! God is becoming the human through us! Become the human! stay the human! This is what I wrote in the heart of the trip: "You wanted to see the god? Now look into his eyes! Oh now you want to get out boy?! Too late! There is no way out! You got what you asked for now look! Look until you get destroyed by its infinity!" Infinity is so overwhelming - thank god every day that you are just finite human. If you are chasing infinity stop it. Answer lies in being the human and living your life consciously exactly the way you are. Thank god everyday that your life is exactly how it is. See god's being in everything. Love is the god's footprint in humans. Follow that footprint, follow the love. There is no journey other than living your life as it is. Stop chasing anything. Just live, be free, love! Love your closed ones. Not only. Love all humans. Not only. Love all animals. Not only. Love every object. Because there is god's infinite love in everything. I don't want Enlightenment. I learned my most profound lesson. From now on, I am living my life. Thank you god for that I am human and I have the greatest gift to know the life as human. I was bursting into tears when I came back to being human. I never want to be the god again! Good luck everyone! Stay human!