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Everything posted by egoless

  1. I am scared that I will lose my humanity and become emotionless existence.... what if we are loosing our face? Does not matter that it may be an illusion it is still part of everything. What if being god is no better than being human with all it’s flaws, anxieties, vulnerability and fear of the death?
  2. @snowleopard you as a separate self is addicted to it
  3. @Nahm yet again you are here everyday thinking, meditating doing yogas trying desperately to become liberated...
  4. @Dodo see how we try to prove our perspectives to each other without any success. That alone could be a minor prompt to you that Truth is relative notion. What about absolute? Absolute is only infinite god=infinity of perspectives= no perspective. But you can’t label absolute as Truth. Truth is always relative. The word itself implies it to be relative. In absolute there is only oneness so you can’t really call the oneness the Truth because relative to what? Is there anything else which is false? Anyways good luck on your endeavors!
  5. @Dodo in order the perspective to be absolute your illusion- maya should completely disappear and you should become absolute infinity. Any other perspectives can’t be absolute. So I don’ Really understand why are you trying to fit words here. Where they are unnecessary imho. This is just a distraction for you is not it?
  6. I understand what you mean now but your first post was way too ambiguous. Your “issue” here is that you try to label something which can not be labeled. True and false are relative notions. There is no such thing as absolute Truth. There is just isness. Existence=non existence. when you say: “Here's what is an absolute perspective - a perspective that is always true” as soon as you shift the perspective that is no longer the Truth in that perspective... see? You must understand that Truth is relative notion. There coupd not be the absolute Truth. Truth only exists in relativity.
  7. I understand what you mean and to some extent that’s “true”. No statement can be true. But no perspective can be absolutely true as well. Even infinite god’s perspective can not be “absolutely True” in my opinion and let me explain why. It would imply that finite perspective is false which can not be true because ultimately finite=infinite. It is a strange loop.
  8. As I added: The closest you can get is Nothing=Absolute. Remember everything, how absolutely true it might not appear to you is relative. He won’t need to be aware that He is aware to write that. In “his reality” he is not awareness.. Contemplate what true non duality means. It means truth=false
  9. Even saying that they are true absolutely is perspective. They are not True absolutely. And I have my own arguments for that which may be very long topic. the closest you can get is Nothing=absolute
  10. Haha I understand what you mean. But still you are missing a point here. These what you mentioned can only be true for you. The other person who thinks he is the body - that will be the Truth for him. In your reality you don’t exist in his reality he exists... see?
  11. Than that’s another talk. Your first post was way too ambiguous. If you mean Enlightenment - knowing your true nature I still don’t consider it as a common ground because the most people won’t have this “perspective”... there is no common ground. Reality is entirely relative.
  12. @Dodo I’m done here. I can’t convince or make you understand what you refuse to see. Live a healthy life. That’s all I can wish to you. I’m out...
  13. @Dodo remember Enlightenment is not equal to absolute infinity. Tripping balls on 5 Meo is not equal to absolute infinity. There is a huge misconception here! Even Leo said in his video that most Enlightenment people still have some kind of perspectives! Sadhguru has one! Maybe you did not use word infinity but no perspective means infinity of perspectives. It means that you are aware of them all! Which is impossible in this life! Only infinite god is infinity of perspectives which you will never be until you die! Stop playing infinite god guys! You are just a “human version” of it! death is here now! As well! Think! That’s easyto understand!
  14. @Dodo you don’t understand... it’s not about combining or finding common place... no it’s fuckin death! Literally! No perspective means becoming infinite which is impossible to stay in your current body mind form afterwards. I am pretty sure Leo has never experienced absolute infinity even if he thinks he did. It is fuking impossible to come back after that. So you are after unicorn here. Or worse... you just want to die early. Which is foolish way of wasting your life... this is my perspective. Now swallow it! you need that one too to become absolute
  15. No perspective is death. You guys wanna die so much so early. What about leaving your life with a simple joy and love?! We all gonna die someday you know? It is absolutely opposite of wise to rush that moment. This is my perspective! Wubba lubba dub dub!
  16. Leo "this" world needs the man like you... Going "crazy" is the best case scenario here. And unfortunately I don't mean word crazy in the conventional way you are used to. I am afraid it is much worse... This topic is no joke guys, please be conscious of what is said here. Leo goes so deep into the infinite rabbit hole of "insanity" that sooner or later I suspect that he will surpass the point of no return. Unfortunately many of you don't see the real depth of where Leo is currently at. I think he is even much deeper than many so called Enlightened gurus! He literally fucks with his reality regularly. This is not a game. Human mind can not survive this type of ventures! Most of you only see him saying: Hey this is Leo! with the big smile on his face. However, what many of you don't notice this man goes through infinite amounts of mindfucks on at least weekly basis... I am sure some of these mindfucks may be so damn hardcore that it will bring ordinary guy and even some of the Enlightened ones to the asylum! Leo you are so damn serious about your death man! Why do you want so desperately to vanish from "this" reality?! There is no point of return man. There are infinite numbers of perspectives and it is impossible to explore them all and survive in this human mind form... Those who don't know I am referring to his last video on the blog (But not only, I am observing changes in him for a long time already): "It's heavy stuff! This is heavy stuff!..." - I see it in your eyes! Everything is a perspective. You being so damn serious about the Truth is also the perspective. You can't tell which perspective is right or wrong because none of them is! Who knows this better then you! then why are you so desperately trying to kill yourself with this "ultimate" perspective?! Do you want to end up in asylum? Do you want to die? Why are you doing this? Stop playing with the reality in such a dangerous way! Leo please stop! We need you! World needs you! I know that you know it better... But maybe, just maybe you will also consider my very limited perspective. Maybe there is no need to be so damn serious to reach the rabbit hole bottom! Maybe... just maybe sometimes it is the best to go and just watch a TV with your loved ones... Peace! I don't want the man like you to vanish from "this" reality!
  17. And I would add the function to search the top rated threads for the week month and year and since the beginning of the times. Smth like that...
  18. I think it is important to know which threads have high reputation. It increases the likelihood of spotting the better quality topics. Removing reputations from the users may be more beneficial. Everyone's perspective should be equal. I would change the reputation system and only suit it to the threads not the separate posts.
  19. How are you so sure about it. I doubt Leo is sure himself. The thing is this is not only about tripping for him anymore. I could imagine how the reality could vanish for him sometimes when he is even sober... It is not about only Enlightenment anymore. Enlightenment is just the beginning of the infinity... Leo is after the infinity which equals to the death - being blank paper.
  20. @Pallero Yes I am! I am! For myself... For Leo.. For you! I admit! Does it make me less of the "god"?! Why is it so much damn better to be the infinite rather than finite?!...
  21. @h inandout I am sorry that this topic turned into this
  22. If you guys truly understood what non duality means you would recognize that there is no difference between the free will and no free will... tada!
  23. It’s funny how the thread about apology and love turned into the thread of the great arguing! Congratulations guys!
  24. But that is dangerous one to tell to one who does not have the full realization yet. He might think that every unconscious action is “ok”. For example, someone may understand it as to go and steal everything because it is not his choice. However, with the full realization you recognize the inherent unconditional love in everything and from that love comes your actions. From the point of view (which is the only real point of view) of consciousness there is infinite degree of freedom. And from ego’s point of view the free will exists which is just a reflection of that freedom of consciousness.
  25. I agree with you. But at the same time I think we should always be aware of our ignorance. I’m speaking generally here not specifically about anyone (first of all about myself). In my opinion the most loving way to communicate is to consider view points of all the involved parties including yourself. As you yourself is inseparable part of the oneness. but your view point should be equally as important as others’.