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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Shanmugam ok as you have told me you have been on his satsangs so you definitely know him better. based on your experience do you think Enlightenment can possibly cause death in someone? What could be the main issue very fast heartbeat?
  2. @Shanmugam than maybe sadhguru also uses the method of contradiction? I can’t imagine someone dying from Enlightenment. It is just knowledge. In my experience of satori there are two possible dimensions to Enlightenment. 1) awareness becomes aware of its infinite nature. 2) body mind follows after that realization with understanding on the mind level.
  3. Here recommend guided meditations. These could be in video or mp3 format. I will start with Rupert Spira's truly magical speech And Leos very powerful guided meditation
  4. @Shanmugam How could someone die from Enlightenment? Is that even possible? And if yes how and why?
  5. Hand or a foot? Because Leo only has legs in dreams...
  6. Who has the free will? what is the future? what does infinity of possibilities imply? contemplate these questions and answer on other one will come effortlessly
  7. @Buba Enlightenment is permanent. If it is temporary it is most likely a satori glimpse...
  8. I understand him now damn it! Wtf! I thought he was crazy...
  9. When you have satori you will understand that on the experiencial level... it’s more like there is no separate self so who has the free will. And you will also know that there is no Future at all..
  10. It seems to me that those two videos conflict with each other. But... at the same time they don't - because they explain the different depths of understanding. While I understand what Leo wanted to say in both it seems like the marketing video is more surface based "problem". In reality there is no such thing as a problem at all. As the second video about criticism explains the more deep level of understanding. Of course that is what the true non-duality means. How can there be a problem when the only thing that exists is infinite one? Additionally, in the depth of understanding one recognizes his true nature while also understanding the fatality of reality. There is no choice on the surface level really... only infinite freedom of fundamental consciousness! So what's the solution really? Should we surrender to the reality exactly the way it is? Or should we face it as the enemy sometimes and wage wars against the "unconscious marketing"? What is your opinion on that guys? How can we synergize the surface level issues with the absolute understanding of oneness.
  11. Existence is so interesting damn it! I just realized it fully how interesting it is... the “scenario” has truly no limits of how it could be developed. There is truly the infinity in creativity and creation. There are no boundries dude wtf P.S. Turquoise just only seems like the beginning... and even not that
  12. @Nahm Here is where my contemplation led me to. Life is playing a game and develops itself like a little kid. It is playing with primitive "toys" at first then slowly moves to more complex and interesting ones. That could be compared to human evolution. Look at the history. We started in the stage beige and evolved up to stage orange/green/yellow. So what my current standpoint is that this is inevitable. Evolution can not be stopped. The humanity is moving up and up day by day. Everyone has his own place in the circle of life and the circle is always expanding. It is like infinity moving to infinity. There will be times when the humanity will evolve beyond stage turquoise. Of course these colors are just concepts and names but you understand my point.
  13. I totally agree with what’s said here...
  14. Congrats! Eggs, veggies, oatmeal and buckwheat is also very good imo
  15. @Colin that’s how Leo is my friend also. heeey this is Leo!
  16. @Jamie Universe It's just a word pointing nowhere to someone who has never had glimpse of one's true nature. If you are completely "new" I recommend you to start with neti neti method:
  17. I agree. He must be very emotionally sensitive after his lsd trip. @Joseph Maynor
  18. I totally agree with you. I suspect that is why it takes so many years for many them for the full realization. Maybe that’s because they supress way too much. They follow one perspective and traditions. I’m not saying that is smth negative I just see some correlation here. But that’s only my belief because I don’t know for sure how these people live in reality...
  19. You can close the thread but the Truth of this perspective will remain. I offer you the seekers one little experiment. Try to stop thinking and practicing anything you do connected with Enlightenment. Observe how long can you last without getting back to it if you last at least the month than the experiment failed. But if you can’t then the addiction is real. This addiction is the most dangerous one. One which is addicted to the liberation. Addiction of the “peace seeker”. Addicted to be infinite rather than finite. being finite is so scary. Scary to die, scary to be hurt. Addicted to run away from all the negative. It is no different than other addictions. It just seems the infinite solution. Does this perspective has a right to exist? Why not?!
  20. Anywhere in Europe will do for me!
  21. @Girzo I’m not bashing anyone here. I am criticizing myself first of all.
  22. @Joseph Maynor don’t separate those “two”. Reality is the perspectives. You are not one who looks through the lenses... you are the lenses
  23. I am sure there is the manifestation for that also “somewhere, sometime”
  24. What if the dreamer does not “want” to be waken up as dreaming is the whole purpose of existence?