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Everything posted by egoless

  1. What do you think guys? Do you consider one to be superior than the other? Is there the most effective way to live your life? Where does being radical bring you and where does the balance lead you to... Even buddha after being on radical path realized that the balance is the key. Should we be radically concentrated on consciousness while neglecting and denouncing the mind and ego as ultimate evil? Or... maybe the key is to find the perfect equilibrium, the synergy between those two?!
  2. So @Leo Gura yes I understand what that means. Infinite god infinitely deceiving himself to become infinite numbers of finite versions of himself. But here arises the two main questions: 1) Since it was your decision as the god to become finite in order to experience the world why are we all striving to stop this deception? It was our choice, the deception is the only reason we experience the diversity of the reality - the only reason we experience all these! 2) on the deep down level there still arises the question of why the creator exists? where did the consciousness come from? why did it manifest into reality? Why does not pure nothing exist without even manifestations and infinity? The answer: it is paradoxical and you will never know it - how is that answer any better from the answer the religion gives you??? 3) Does the infinite version of the god have personality to him? Since it is non-dual it should have and at the same time shouldn't have...
  3. Noone with coaching experience here?
  4. @Source_Mystic I did not offer to choose one. I also offered the equilibrium and synergy between those two in the end In fact to achieve this equilibrium you would have to experience radicality both ways. The balance is the end product between you being radical in both ways in all the areas of reality. when you achieve the true balance and equilibrium in everything you could say you are truly non-dual... Lol I just read your post once again and I think we are talking about the same
  5. You sound like you need to work a lot on your personal development. I wouldn’t go with psychedelics if I were you at this point. As you state you are deeply depressed and have lots of practical issues. See maslow’s hierarchy. You need to tide up the basics first. Don’t imagine that 5meo is a magic pill which will solve all your problems Neither will Enlightenment... I suggest you to switch to PD heavily and watch tonny robbins or Leo’s self help videos. you need to cultivate and practice positivity in your life. Become addicted to positivity! Watch everything positive and simple. Interact with positive people etc.. Remember! You create your reality! You give the meaning to everything! The only reason you are depressed because you want it! You became comfortable with your loneliness and misery! Wake up neo! Reality is waiting for you! Stop living under the blanket! Fuel yourself with the purpose and curiosity! Life is so interesting! @Nahm tell him word or two mate - the guy needs our support
  6. It is like that! Leos way is not any more right than yours... that’s what I keep repeating
  7. @Source_Mystic thanks for sharing that insight! I completely agree with you. Many people here try to demonize ego and denounce it as if it was ultimate evil. No! everything is one! As you said more beneficial is to train and develop it so it can help you to manifest your own reality! We need to stop being so radical! Remember buddha! What did radicalism bring? He realized in the end that the balance is the key. I want to have the balanced life. Someone may call me delusional here but that’s his problem. What if he is deludedhimself with the radicalism?! @Nahm nicely said! I agree with you. Reality is relative and as the one source we all have the ability to create and manifest our own reality.
  8. @Leo Gura What kind of practical implications does the path you have chosen recently has? I mean you are going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. What is the ultimate intention here? And also why it seems like you are hating on mind and ego lately, as if they were evil and bad. Is not that judging? Why can’t we just find the synergy and balance in everything. I am offering - maybe, just maybe you are deluding yourself. You went in the rabbit hole much deeper than me so I can’t really judge from my perspective what are you experiencing there. But are you fully aware of your possible delusions and addictions to go infinite?
  9. So you proclaim that you know more about PD that tonny robbins? P.S. he demonstrates the simple practical example to see for yourself that LOA works...
  10. I did not criticize him in particular I said in general that Leo already provides great amount of info for free and it is unfair to complain about moderately low price and very high value course. I've noticed some people complaining about price in other comments and on youtube comments sometimes.
  11. Moreover this is my theory. I don’t have any solid argumentations for this but I consider INTP types as rge most “gifted” out of all to seek and become Enlightened. The desire for Truth is inherent in us.
  12. Guys as an INTP I have one precious recommendation for the fellow INTPs: Travel as much as you can! And read books! It will grow you the most! It will broaden your big picture understanding.
  13. That’s right Leo. You really make great contributions for free. You are providing so much useful information for free on the Youtube! Thank you! We appreciate it very much! Nobody should complain about your LP course pricing! What courses are you going to release in the nearest future if it is not a secret?
  14. Very nice explanation! I agree with what you have said. So you are saying that more conscious you become LOA becomes the knowledge for you - certainity not a belief. And when you visualize your success and intentions in the NOW (as if you already have them) it has no other “choice” than manifest itself.
  15. But I’m saying that LoA requires you to imprint yourself with belief for it to manifest in reality. I know that LOA works because everything is informed by the same consciousness...
  16. Can’t agree on that. Law of attraction and visualization both work very profoundly. I see them as the way to tap into your true unlimited nature and shape your own reality. It certainly works in my experience. Seems like you are not experienced with this topic. Check tony robbins videos on it. I just wanted to clearify wether all beliefs are obstacles.
  17. I see. Now it sounds more “logical” but as you and me know these are just words right?
  18. @Leo Gura but when you are being so dismissive of the logic isn’t there a trap of duality there? You denounce it as something bad and evil. Isn’t logic handy when dealing with content-bodymind/matter rather than substance-consciousness? tbh I found out that connecting and synergizing logic with intuition is the most beneficial
  19. I know that you were very logically oriented person in the past. What is your current conscious view about logic vs intuition. Do you see them as equally valuable in your discoveries or do you scew towards one more?
  20. Leo I always wondered how and why are you so sure about sadhgurus experiences? Is not that a belief? Did you see him doing all these?
  21. Very nice insight! But as you have said I am so distant from my authentic self that I don't even remember anymore. I was always interested in the nature and existence and the Truth. That was always my main inquiry even when I was very little kid. Thanks for suggestion. I have not read that book fully but I know it. But the thing is for example Leo is proponent of finding your LP first and then becoming good at it. The thing is the career (finance) I am in right now does not resonate with me. I don't find it interesting and fulfilling. So I doubt even If I master it will change much.
  22. @Angelo John Gage Thanks for sharing friend!
  23. TBH lately I have been observing you becoming addicted to this forum. You open new topics several times a day.I am not criticizing you, I also went through this. I am just offering you to self reflect. At some point you need to just stop discussing and theorizing about your life and switch to action. One of my new years resolution was to cut down theories in my life and increase the practice.
  24. @Leo Gura who is the one who you criticize the most?
  25. Why it seems like more and more people are trying to make god out of Leo? guys stop seriously and just continue contemplating.