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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Joseph Maynor so basically you want to become psycho therapist? Or psychologist?
  2. I never watched his other videos I don’t even know what that guy is up to. It just what he says in the video resembles with my experience.
  3. Big picture and strategical planning and action. Also I would like to master patience.
  4. @Dodo you are missing some of the critical points in your reasoning. 1) there is no time, therefore everything is already “there”. Infinity exists now. 2) If you have experienced the nonduality of existence you would know that essentially and existentially there is no distinction between forms of manifestation. Word human is artificially created word of distinction. 3) there is absolutely no choice. There is only the illusion of choice. Which ultimately comes from one source. So if you really understand the non dual nature of existence you would stop arguing about anything. Because ultimately no choice and choice are the same. It’s all about perspectives...
  5. @Dodo who makes the action. You? Think again. and yes there is infinite freedom but you don’t exist and you don’t have free will. It just seems to you so. Ilussion. Nice ilussion though...
  6. You guys are trying to grasp infinity here which is impossible. Yes you can become everpresent infinite awareness aka Enlightenment.... but you can never grasp it intellectualy. And I doubt any human being even Enlightened ones know what exactly happens after the death of the form. Leo does not know either... because there are literally infinite possibilities of what could happen after. So this is mental masturbation. Enjoy it if you like it idc
  7. @AleksM ascended masters and angels? I think it is much more complicated than that haha. Reality is absolutely infinite which means it involves every possibility. It is the possibility field in the consciousness.
  8. @exhale I have too much different interests. I am generalist. I love self study and acquiring random knowledge about the fields of my interest. I tried my career in Finance but did not enjoy it much even though I am very good at it (not boasting).
  9. I want to research this. Please provide the links to the best certificatations worldwide. Those who are certified- can you describe how the study processes are going? What are the opportunities after certification and what kind of specializations could be taken within the coaching? What kind of information do we need before deciding to get into this career? what are the requirements to become a successful life coach? Will someone who is bad at public speaking still succeed in that career? @Leo Gura in his video about life coaching is recommending iPEC. Are they still good? Which is the best option for EU?
  10. This is inevitable. I crossed the point of no return. I chose the Truth versus me. It is killing me. I see how my reality is falling down like the house of cards. I am losing touch with everyone and everything... I see in front of my eyes in the crowded places how people walk chaotically like ants. I see flashing lights and distortions. All the perceptions blending into one single experience. I can’t locate me anymore. I have no past no future - I only remember now. I am dissolving in the empty space! I love everything. I go home - I scream at myself in the mirror. I hate everything. I feel bliss I feel rage. I am noone I am losing myself. There is no point of return anymore. For those who are just starting! Be sure that you want the Truth! After you get there there is no return... hell and heaven is the same!
  11. I want to see the big picture analysis here. So basically for the consciousness work we are encouraged to burn our beliefs away. Beliefs need to go away like the layers of the onion to discover your core true nature. But what about law of attraction. According to it you need to strongly believe in manifestation, envision your success and goals. How do those two tie together. I want to fully tap into the potential of law of attraction. Soneone who has seen the profound benefits of loa can shine some insights on this? So is the belief a good thing or a barrier to self realization?!
  12. Guys after very long search I still struggle to define the LP. I wanted to buy Leo's LP course but right now I am student and short on money as well as time. I fully realize that it’s a great course and I am going to buy it as soon as I am finished with my studies. I feel very unmotivated and left without the goal other then self inquiry and meditation. I need to find my practical LP. I need strong vision to get up in the morning, to eat healthy and become the best version of myself. I feel that if I won't change something right NOW my life will deteriorate with no return. Recommend me questions or techniques you know which may help me to peel the surface layers to connect with my true Life Purpose!
  13. @ajasatya master of personal development does not count?
  14. Hello, you could expect something like that. stay safe...
  15. No you misunderstood the point here. Nothing is No-thing which means that your separate self needs to vanish. You also misunderstood the drama part. There is no drama there is only the reality unfolding itself. Reality guides me and shows the signs. Because there is no point of return anymore for me. Who is hurt? Ego is hurt which creates the illusion of the separation... you are so attached to that feeling of separation and identity that it feels to you that you are literally dying. However ultimately you understand that that is an ilussion also - but it still is very very painful, emotional and hard... With all that said I also want to clearify that nor ego, nor maya - illusion is bad or evil as some people call them. Both are the inseparable part of existence. Some people are just predestined to be awaken. That’s my point of view on that I literally sense how reality guides me and does not give me the option to go back... and that’s ultimately and deeply was always what I wanted - the Truth about existence. Hold on boy the movie has the unbelievable ending! - reality whispers to me...
  16. @student the thing is I was always knowledge seeker. I was always interested in the big picture knowledge not just specialities. My main issues come from social anxiety and fear of publicity and public speaking. I would love to revolve my LP around sharing my useful knowledge with people but I am lack people skills. It’s hard for me to communicate precisely what I want to share with others. However I think that I have lots to share with people.
  17. I see. I mentioned iPEC. I agree that from your point of view it seems lazy but right now I have very busy exam schedule. I wanted to prepare some initial ground before I start serious research on the topic. Is it possible to succeed only with 1on1 coaching? Because i think that’s where my main strengths are. I am very profound 1on1 conversationalist.
  18. I literally described what it is.............. ultimate self-deception
  19. @Parki he literally means that god/consciousness is deceiving itself so that this manifestation can happen. And he can experience the finite world.
  20. God will never fully undeceive himself! That’s how consciousness “designed” the reality. Fully liberating from deception would mean that maya aka the whole world/perspective would disappear. It is impossible without the death. All in all it was god’s decision to experience this world and it was possible only through the deception of himself. I understand what Leo means. Enlightenment is not the full liberation from the deception. You still live in this world therefore you are still deceiving yourself. However Enlightenment gives you experiential truth of who you are that’s it..