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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Let us make the mega list of the most conscious companies and businesses all around the world. By providing all the necessary information why do we think so and all the possible references. Firstly, it is useful because it will increase our big picture awareness of the global businesses. Which companies to support, which products to buy and what does truly conscious business and marketing mean?!
  2. it's way easier than most people think. It's all about letting go. forget about other stuff. complete surrender to the moment. complete trust in the reality. completely letting go of attention from the objects. just live like this and you will see what happens.
  3. @Joseph Maynor I definitely agree to shanmu's point. Enlightenment happens one time. What you are refering to is what he said "But it is a beginning of a new life which deepens forever". Rupert Spira refers to it as post awakening sadhana. I really encourage you to follow Rupert when you feel stuck.
  4. You don’t even need them anymore... That’s maybe good when starting but I think you are at the point when you just need to figure it out yourself... it happens when you drop trying and completely let go when you trust reality 100% miracles start to happen...
  5. @Joseph Maynor you don’t need any guru! You already know what to do. Stop wasting your time away on this forum and on useless contemplations. If you are stuck just watch Rupert Spira. He has the clearest guidance out of all in my experience.
  6. @Joseph Maynor I was offline for quite some time. I don’t know why they criticized you in the thread I’ve created. It was intended to show that you got valuable insights lately...
  7. I mean the last video. @Joseph Maynor Leo is talking about how self honesty, acceptance and 100% authenticity is the core of all personal development. All the topics you were constantly buzzing about last few months. Did you guys trip together or smth?
  8. I really hope in the video he was not on psychedelics... Because it is highly likely that there was no Enlightenment at all in that case. My limited speculation: This video was recorded on the same day after very powerful psychedelic trip. But at the time he was recording he was probably already sober. In that case that could be real Enlightenment. However, let's wait for his second video and we'll see.
  9. @Leo Gura so based on your case. Enlightenment happens with sudden strike and not gradually over long period of time?
  10. Yeah I mean... I guess it's something which should be kept to yourself. Nobody will understand your momentum. Leo can confirm. I was yelling at him I got it! I fucking got it finally! roughly 2 weeks ago.
  11. Actually watching the video. I had huge satori experience. I was in similar emotional states. I was watching stars and I completely became one with them. There was no distance to stars. It was very powerful however with time just stayed as profound knowledge. I even messaged at that time to Leo. Since than lots have changed but I don't even feel like talking about it
  12. Sunday?! he does not care anymore lol! He is completely free like a wind....
  13. We fuckin love you and you know it! Congratulations on getting legs! All our debating remember? Now you see how you were debating with yourself hahaha
  14. How would you attitude towards life and yourself change if you knew that you have only your current life vs you are experiencing all lives infinitely? In first scenario after you die that's it. you disappear and you don't exist anymore. You current life is all you have. how would you live your life in this case? In the second scenario you never disappear, you are infinite consciousness experiencing dreams called "life" infinitely. You experience infinite perspective, infinite lives, infinite adventure. How would you live your current live with that knowledge? Give concrete answers like how wold you attitude towards work, people, emotions, risk and etc. change and why? which scenario do you prefer to be true and why?
  15. How many percent have you seen?
  16. @erik8lrl shrooms only show you what you are ready for. They also showed me absolute infinity for the first time I’ve tried them. And it was beautiful. however, I got the same answers as you. It is our design to live in this ilussion. Therefore the only purpose of life is to explore this ilussion and create conscously. About Enlightenment- it is your inherent desire to become liberated. Something in you “remembers” your true nature and all throughout your life it is trying to fill this gap. The only way to fill it forever is to become Enlightened. It is your choice really... I got very clear answers that there are no true or false ways to live this life. Because this ilussion was designed by you, for you, forever! The only reason for it is exploration and creation and this is fuckin A! Live your life as you authenticly desire it’s all the matter of infinite perspectives...
  17. Watch this video carefully and express your perspectives on it. In my current experience and realization that is absolutely how it is!
  18. I did not mean belief. There is huge difference between beliefs and knowing.
  19. @Dodo It will never work with your current attitude
  20. These words are dimond! Balance is the key... I totally agree with what you’ve said now
  21. @Leo Gura agree! Since the source is one and infinite every mind should have infinite potential as well! Hence the power of loa... you can create absolutely everything if you know that you can!
  22. Yeah! My man! We need new video on loa Leo. The one you have is kinda outdated. How do you explain Loa with your current understanding of Truth?
  23. I will end all of your arguing with one simple insight. law of attraction should exist - because every possibility exists! You people should start to understand that it’s all about perspectives... End of story