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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Leo Gura @Shanmugam @Nahm any opinions on that guys?
  2. Because that’s what I am good at. And have the most proficiency. I also have interest in it. I just dislike the corporate environment in finance in the most organizations
  3. @Edvard it can be up to intuition. However, my question is not why. My question is where it “all” comes from? What is the source of consciousness...
  4. @Mercurio3 how do you know it? Are you speaking from direct experience? If not then it is not telling anything. If yes then how did you got there. God comes from god which comes from god to infinity...
  5. @Nahm that’s true. And I only rely on my direct experiences. However as you said some people sharing theirs could act as the pointers.
  6. @Nahm imho psychadelics may be useful for some people in the beginning to shake their materialistic paradigms and show how unreal everything is including their separate identity. However, I still think that there is a huge trap in psychadelics. If you see Leos video psychadelics can create very powerful enlightened states but as you, me and Leo know state is not Enlightenment. Leo may have enough wisdom to realise this deception in the end but majority of people may become deluded or false enlightened. I can’t agree on relying on the psychadelics as the best boosters for Enlightenment (only initially). I believe they have better use in personal development.
  7. This tells me that you might not have the precise idea what Enlightenment is. You don’t eliminate any of those you mentioned. On the contrary you become one with everything and realise that all of these you mentioned are made out of you - the pure awareness. Why do you make this assumption? Why can’t there be nothingness without awareness or consciousness? Try not to take anything for granted when exploring for the Truth.
  8. Here you infer that you still exist. What if no you and nothing at all exists? You are trying to explain it with circular reasoning... Again why do you take it as granted that smth should be experienced at all. Why? Why do you infer that there should be time in any form? What if there is nothing at all. No consciousness, no time, no manifestation, no you, no onnes, no god. Absolute zero - absolute nothingness.
  9. Yes that’s very true what you said. But my question exactly implies wether it is possible or not to find out an answer on it. In my experience even after realization of the true nature the answer on this question is open. So that’s why I am asking to find out wether there is anybody on this forum who found the answer in his direct experience. But seems like there is none.
  10. @Truth Addict don’t think through it. Are you aware? This is simple question which doesn’t require concepts and thinking. If you have monkey mind go meditate then. That will help you.
  11. I see what you mean. Psychadelics can open new insights and boost your understanding I’m not saying they don’t. However, I think several few sessions with proper intentions and dose is enough to show you the way. Psychadelics can be overdone. You can unconsciously start to rely on them to get Enlightened. It will induce delusional expectations of Enlightenment being something powerful. When in reality the realization of your true nature is very simple and subtle understanding. However whole your existence is reborn with it.
  12. Exactly and I do agree with that. All the benefits of psychadelics come with consequences. And being delusional is one of them. That’s my opinion.
  13. Yes I think I know what you mean. Maybe shrooms are not as absolute as you experience it on 5Meo but yeah. So can that what you experience on 5Meo and still can not believe experienced without any psychadelics completely sober? If yes then how do you think one could achieve it?
  14. @Leo Gura I mean to “see” the absolute infinity. The way you do on psychadelics.
  15. @Truth Addict It is as simple as: Are you aware? What happened to your attention when you answered this question? where did you go?
  16. @Faceless my understanding of the true nature did not imply that there is absolute infinity tbh. Yes psychadelics (shrooms) make you glance the infinity but still it’s kind of not the absolute infinity what you are “seeing” there. Idk I’ve never tried 5Meo but according to Leo it is possible to become the absolute infinity.
  17. @Nahm yeah! I can now stay as the awareness in many situations. Whole Experience is united and made out of my awareness. Thank you for kind words. Btw it is just the beginning. It should now “infect” all of my experience. Emotions, thinking and attitude. Understanding of my nature is there and it is irreversible.
  18. @Leo Gura @Nahm boys in my experience all these what you are seeing in front of you shouldn’t even exist. Not even in this form.... I am puzzled. @Leo Gura Do you think it is possible to go the deepest without psychadelics? @Monkey-man both. I already know my existential nature. It’s nothing extraordinary. It’s just a beginning. But it does not provide all the answers. It’s infinitely deeper. And I suspect no amount of lifetimes will be enough to answer them all... In order to complete the big picture I see the only way left to intuitively complete the missing puzzle parts.
  19. @Leo Gura I have glampsed it and it just was. There was no answer why or where did it come from. It just is.
  20. What is the origin of absolute infinity? Are you saying that absolute zero equals to absolute infinity?
  21. In your direct experience do you have this knowledge? Theories are useless here. Why does consciousness exist in whatever form it exists. Why there is even manifestation (hallucination) happening in it? Where did consciousness come from? Is not there a similar question with the “where did god come from”?
  22. I found no answers there. And I doubt there is one on this question.
  23. But this is theory. How do you check it in your own experience? Otherwise it becomes the belief... yes In my experience I am pure awareness which does not have limitations of the body/mind. But answering where did consciousness come from is beyond what I can check in my experience...
  24. That’s very true and I an aware of that. I rather meant how? Or why not? You clearly know what you are talking about. That’s very precise answer actually. So do you mean that consciousness is a “by product” of empty void? For emptiness void to exist it should be aware of its emptiness. Do I speak your understanding? Emptiness void can not exist without “it” being aware of all the absolute infinity it is not. That is my understanding.
  25. @snowleopard I don’t like your reasoning. Same could be said about the god then (any god in any form)