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Everything posted by egoless

  1. The ultimate insight you could have is awakening to unreality of reality.
  2. Grab popcorn and enjoy watching it all I can say...
  3. That tells me that you don’t know your true nature. If you explore more one day you will wake up and realise that what you said is not true... see for yourself... the Truth is nothing exists and you are existence of this nothingness... that’s the closest I can get to articulating
  4. Who should stop then? dude there is more simple way to articulate what you are trying to say: just grab a fuckin popcorn and enjoy the movie called life!
  5. Correct! But as you said it is all about balance. Self actualization should be balanced and aimed towards what and how you want to experience this dream. After all there is no self to actualized
  6. Dream is not created it does not even exist. It just is however it is. You can’t explain it by creation. It is absolutely meaningless like your last night’s nightmare. However what kind of meaning you make out of it is totally up to you! I never said life is about only having fun or hedonism! I said there is nothing wrong if somebody thinks like that. I never said my purpose is just fun because fun is not the most fun for me For me the most fun is exploring this dream fullest possible and experiencing different perspectives - the beauty of existence. Acquiring the deepest knowledge! But for you or someone else if it is to be a chef at mcdonalds what is wrong with it?
  7. @Preetom I’m not trying to define life purpose to anyone here on the contrary! You did not understand the deeper meaning of my post. I’m saying that if you want to be donald trump be it but be ready for consequences... there is no ultimate right or wrong. It’s all about what do you want to dream about?! Remember the Leo’s video about marketing? It was more directed to that. I see nothing wrong in working at mcdonalds as a chef. If that chef enjoys his job thinks that he is giving people tasty fast food and enjoys his experience of the dream what’s wrong with his dream than? There is no ultimate right or wtong! That’s all I’m saying... just let it go get popcorn and watch your dream....
  8. Yes and everything is inevitable, everything is already happening now. And nobody is in control. So enjoy your dream as it is. My message here is to let go being so damn serious about life just experience it however you want it. That’s the whole life purpose for you
  9. Do you realise what is absolute infinity? There is nobody in control... it is all inevitable. It is all you. Absolutely everything is happening right now in this moment. Stop trying to moralizing absolute infinity of existence
  10. I always wanted to respond to your dream post
  11. @Monkey-man People like you need to wake up and realise that lucid dreaming itself has no purpose at all. Charachters are dreaming their own purposes! So if you know that you would know thst there is nothing wrong or right in creating an exciting life for yourself. If you could dream everything you wanted while being aware of it what would you dream when you go to bed?! It’s all about what kind of life you want to experience in this dream. You have infinite time, infinite chances! Stop being so damn serious about this small part of your dream. now tell me what is wrong with being a CEO at Mcdonalds while traveling around the world and experiencing everything you want. Your company makes not so healthy food but tasty for some and they enjoy the experience of that tasty big mac. You offer a choice for people in a dream to experience tasty fast food but not so healthy? It is all dream. Contemplate what does health in the dream mean? Now contemplate what does the experience in the dream mean?
  12. So clearly I see some major shifts in my understanding after I started to investigate the Truth for myself. However, to avoid deluding myself and double check my understanding I am trying to investigate contrary perspectives to mine. For example, I am trying to research what science has found out, what religions communicate on this topic, what various philosophers and critical thinkers have proposed. I want to investigate as many different viewpoints as possible. Being deluded is extremely tricky place to be. Because while trapped inside you will have hard time recognizing you are deluded! I want to ask all of you. Are you also investigating contrary arguments and perspectives to yours? Are we really sure we don’t fall into delusions? Who do you listen to, who’s perspectives are you double checking with yours?! Who’s investigations seem the second most truthfull after yours? Begin your investigation from there! here are some:
  13. @Joseph Maynor be careful with judging and labeling people you absolutely have no idea on my current standpoint
  14. It's getting better now. Yeah that's why I am asking if vaping is dangerous for health because if it is not major risk like cigarettes then I don't see any problems with vaping myself. I don't have an addictive personality. P.S. I think my tank if faulty I am getting dry hits sometimes because tank creates vacuum do you know any solutions?
  15. I like vaping and tricks not too heavy maybe 20-40 hits a day
  16. I did not smoke much. I was never addicted to nicotine. Therefore I got liquid with no nicotine.
  17. Yeah I am also more concerned with the heating element. After vaping for one week my throat seems irritated and I get some headaches after heavy vaping. Is that normal? I'm just starting out.
  18. Thank you for the information. However I meant smoking liquid vapor in that case not cannabis.
  19. also I experience coughing after vaping for 2 days. I am just starting out. does it happen like that at the beginning?
  20. @Timotheus Do you know if it is safe to charge vapor with usb on laptop?
  21. What is the source of consciousness? People usually ask where did god come from? Why same question is not applicable to consciousness? Yes we can know our nature as consciousness. Yes maybe everything is appearing in it. But since consciousness can be considered as the god where did it come from then? Is not it more logical that even consciousness would not exist? Why anything even exists? Don't tell me the consciousness is nothing. It is definitely something since we are all here...
  22. @Truth Addict but you are missing the possibility that you might be it yourself.
  23. But the thing is the t=0 is false idea. Because T itself does not exist