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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Saumaya Describe the moment of actual realization. How did it "hit" you?
  2. @Saumaya How do you know you are done? what happens when you are threatened to death for example?
  3. It takes exact same amount of time as you would step towards yourself
  4. Anyone who has deep knowledge in this field. Please recommend me the accurate astrologist who does the real job. Are there any online accurate websites which worth checking? How to identify authentic astrologists?
  5. So what? Ta-da! Lucid dreaming still going on do you have pop corn to share? Seems like a nice movie!
  6. what do you guys think is the future of careers with AI advancements?
  7. Your reality is shaped by your beliefs - And this in fact also proves the unity of existence. Everything is indeed informed by the same source. whether it is void, consciousness, god, field of energy or whatever else you want to believe may turn out to be just a belief. The ultimate self honesty would be to admit the things you don't know. That is why I think it is important to find the golden ratio between agnosticism and your direct experience. Yes it is possible to experience yourself as the consciousness which does not have objective qualities (I have done it) but that does not answer everything. Some of you here think that it gives you all the answers but in reality it is just the beginning. It would be best if you bite the bullet and admit that even beyond consciousness could be "something" - god. It would be also honest to admit that there is a possibility of never knowing the grounding truth. For example if there is anything beyond the consciousness. Moreover you should also be self honest about the possibility that there might not even exist grounding Truth at all! And it could be infinitely open... There is always a possibility that we never know the god himself! There could be infinite numbers of layers which could be never revealed. Hence I see the validity in fully surrendering to the reality of existence in whatever the form it leads you.
  8. Enlightenment does not mean eradicating your personality. On the contrary it unfolds your true authentic personality as it no longer needs to run away from the present moment. If you want even deeper answer person himself is not Enlightened. That’s why it is said that Enlightenment transcends the body mind. However whole body mind becomes afterwards aligned with that experience of understanding one’s true nature.
  9. On the deepest level what is reality other than you? Source is one. Law of attraction is absolutely true if you believe in it. Ghosts become real if you believe in it. You become the separate self - if you believe in it! However on the deepest level it is not joseph maynor who believes. It is just reality unfolding itself through that scenario. But through your perspective you are the one who makes a choice. Choice maker is yet another thought created by reality - aka you.
  10. Leo's Recent video about healthy eating and shopping tips. What do you think about that guys? In my honest opinion it all boils down to your body type and genetics. I think you can not generalize healthy diet for everyone. @Leo Gura why do you recommend everyone to cut off wheat and dairy products? Do you think it is useful for everyone? What if we don't have any allergies to them. How do we know if we actually have allergies on these food types. In addition such a restrictive diet you are mentioning is almost impossible to sustain. And I don't mean by willpower or expenses. It's just social thing. Unless you live mostly alone and don't go out. When you have colleagues, friends and are active in the social circles or traveling frequently you will have to go out very often. You will have to eat in the restaurants unless you wanna starve yourself. What are your suggestions on that? 21 century life - you know how it is. Not everyone is self employed like you - or not yet!
  11. @Monkey-man With that post you are enlightened as fk my friend Only the most advanced on the path will understand your deep meaning in this post.
  12. All that you are doing - all those meditations, self inquiry, psychedelics and etc... all for one and only "final destination" to become 100% authentic. total self acceptance is the pure awakening. Total letting go is the ultimate power of NOW. If you are able to embrace your darkest side and sit with it like with your best friend you are awakened. You will miraculously observe how all the "evil" inside you will vanish nowhere as it "appeared" out of nowhere! The true ultimate peacefulness lies beyond wanting, trying or seeking. It lies within the total authenticity! Stop resisting and fully surrender! When you experience your being without resistance you will never go back again! You will never lie to yourself again! You, with your entirety of emotions and characteristics are the only true nature of the existence. Accept yourself fully, accept your reality fully and you will awaken to your true nature! Whatever the "shit" you may think you are. Stop resisting! Trust universe and embrace yourself! Peace! Good luck! I'm out!
  13. So basically I am investigating the issues connected with unconscious marketing. Remember Leo's video "the deep problem with marketing"? Do you also think that criticizing Mcdonalds for example is connected with consciousness? I don't think so and let me explain why. So basically if you know or at least have glimpsed the non dual nature of existence you would know that ultimately there is nothing to criticize. However, of course we can not escape the illusion and hence we need to address everything accordingly. Every legal business has to pay taxes and contribute to the local and maybe even global economy. Businesses and corporations create the employment, infrastructure, entertainment or many other useful stuff. Economies and systems are not ultimately the bad both are necessities. We cannot function and advance without systems, corporations and businesses. All these are part of the game called life. Sure you can criticize Mcdonalds for not creating the healthiest food but that is also part of the game. I am not trying to defend Mcdonalds and neither do I love their products. We just need to adopt more yellow and turquoise type of thinking and not get stuck in the green stage. Sure it would be much better if we had more healthy fast food restaurants but at the end of the day there is demand for any kind of product. Maybe somebody is willing to trade a bit of health risk for the cheaper price and taste? Is criticizing 9-5 jobs and corporations really a conscious thing to do? After all our whole civilization is built upon those systems and our technological and scientific advancement is happening through them. After all maybe life is just a dream and a game. So what is wrong with those systems if they enable humanity to develop more rapidly and efficiently? Contemplate how our advancement would slow down if there were no more large corporations and strong economies and if everyone just became "healthy" entrepreneurs...
  14. Any idea or recommendations on how to develop your career in Finance consciosly while contributing to the humanity?
  15. Function? Yes. Like in prehistoric eras. Advance and be efficient? Not likely... See maybe you don’t have background in business and economics but I know how those systems work. Competition is necessary for development and adVancement. It is also necessary for becoming efficient and more productive. In other case you are talking about perfectionism where everyone becomes fully aware and conscious of existence which not gonna happen anytime soon and I doubt it will happen. The nature of existence is diversity and I doubt that everyone would adopt same perspective.... You are making conditioning. It is not right or wrong to contribute or not contribute. Everyone is contributing by experiencing and living. To what extent that’s another question. The purpose of this game and dream called life is to experience and explore... It is as general as that. However in what ways you want to explore and experience is totally up to you. But stop moralizing life. There are infinite numbers of perspectives and your way of moralizing and contributing totally may differ from others. There is nothing wrong with mcdonalds if we are talking about the United nature of existence but if we are talking in human domain than sure they produce unhealthy food and it’s not really good for your health.... but once again when you start to understand the true nature of existence the new question arises : “what is the health really in the dream?”
  16. You know that I have worked on that a lot. And my current viewpoint is that it also exists. The fact that this is a substanceless dream does not change a lot other than realizing that there is no death - in other words there can’t be the experience of no experience. Ultimately this is why we are all here ultimately that’s why there can not be experience of void, blackness, non existence... We are eternal my friend.
  17. What is the purpose of waking up out of the dream called life other than realising the life is the infinite dream and there is nothing beyond it... So what is the purpose of the dream? To be happy, to have fun, to explore and dream whatever the fk you want!.... You are not going anywhere from reality even after you “wake up” you still continue dreaming but life becomes the lucid dream. So in the end if it is all dream does it really matters what kind of marketing are you doing? What kind of career you are doing? If you like it and if you are enjoying your life. Sure it feels better to be contributing at the global scale but what is wrong with working as CEO at mcdonalds @Leo Gura? This is all dream and in a dream you feel how tasty that juicy big mac is and you thank Ceo of Mcdonalds... See? There is a paradox - yes it may not be so healthy but in the end what is health in a dream? You eat that juicy big mac and you experience the taste. After all the whole purpose of this never ending dream is experiencing and exploration... Do you really go somewhere else after waking up? No! There is no way out of reality because it is everything! Just wake up in the dream and enjoy your lucid fucking dreaming!
  18. Are you sure you have listened to him? He has the clearest explanations and the most direct ones. It is impossible to stay ignorant when listening to his teachings... plus he is so humble, intelligent and kind hearted person
  19. @Preetom he is the best! Out of all Enlightened people I have encountered his understanding is the most absolute! And way he explains is so simple and effective...
  20. The ilussion and separation is only contained in a thought. In reality separate self is just a thought. Therefore ultimately there is noone to wake up consciousness always knows itself. It’s just shift in the thought patterns of what appeared to be a separate self
  21. You missed the main point. There are no other dreamers... there is only one which is pure, unlimited, unseparated consciousness itself...
  22. @The Monk On the contrary in my opinion based on careful research free range eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the earth!
  23. There is a way to experience that Truth yourself... good luck the choice is yours