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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Can you mention some of the most notable scriptures on this topic? Which are written by very advanced masters as you say. It would be great to read those.
  2. @Leo Gura If you accept the idea of infinite layers and consecutive lives. What is your opinion on karma and reincarnation then? If there are layers of souls within your body is there a possibility that your "current" life will determine what "you" as the deeper layer (soul) will experience in the next life?
  3. But your realization of yourself as absolute infinity does not change anything in that regard. You will still experience everything. But not you as Leo, but you as infinity. After Leo disappears all his understanding and insights will disappear with him. And in next dream when he is a monkey in the jungle he will eat bananas. But what about possibility of layers? What if after death you become a soul and end up in the hell or heaven? Infinity should also include this possibility. There should be infinite layers. So moral of the story - why don't you live your current life and fully enjoy it. You are not getting anywhere. There is no escape from the Matrix. I think that's the ultimate realization one could have. I think most Enlightened gurus don't go there.
  4. I am not sure I understand your point here. Infinity will experience itself nonetheless whether Leo is identified with it or not. In fact that is not Leo who is identified with infinity. It is infinity itself who is identified with leo and egoless and etc. And when awakening happens infinity knows itself as infinity - in fact it always does because it is self aware. It must include everything even the consciousness. Consciousness is by product of absolute infinity
  5. But Leo will disappear. Leo will not experience it. Moreover one part especially caught my attention when you are mentioning - that there is not even consciousness and awareness it's only absolute infinity. I agree this is the ultimate insight. Groundless ground is not consciousness. It is nothingness which equals to infinity. 0 can not exist without other numbers. 0 means the non existence of other numbers. So after you become awakened to that groundless ground there even arises many questions what could happen to your consciousness after physical death. After Leo disappears.
  6. You should post that video where you explain absolute infinity on the paper on your main channel. Very few people have seen it on your blog and I fell like it is very important one.
  7. @Leo Gura What can you tell us about free will based on your last awakening experience? Do you make decisions or do you just observe decisions being made? @Joseph Maynor
  8. Some people while lucid dreaming can control and alter their dream experience. How do you explain this? Don't get wrapped up in the belief that you don't have control over anything. You are playing a dangerous game here. Until you fully become non dual the belief that you don't control anything is just a belief which interferes with another belief of separation. Maybe you heard that there is no free will from someone but let me tell you it might not be what you are thinking.
  9. "yes" you realize reality is what it is. And you go back to living your life with no more discontent and seeking
  10. @DocHoliday There are no Whys for the ultimate truth. There is only how. And in my experience it is same as Leo realized. However, I would communicate it in a different way. So the question is How the reality came into existence. And not - Why it came to existence... The latter can never be answered. Because why question does not apply there. There is no entity behind the reality who would assign the reason to the creation.
  11. @MarkusSweden I would guess that Leo meant HOW rather then WHY. Indeed there are no answers to the WHY question because as Rupert explains it is the question devised by our limited mind. Our minds seek to find cause in everything. Why entails that there is a reason and the result. When in reality there is just being. What Leo explained is answer on the question HOW rather than why. Nothingness equals to absolute infinity and that is HOW our reality exists.
  12. As I've said. It is infinite field of possibilities. And therefore infinite perspectives. There is no true or wrong.
  13. @Joseph Maynor To me Enlightenment is the realization that you are the field of infinite possibilities manifesting itself in your current experience. Therefore in this experience you also have free will because that is part of the field of infinite possibilities. Therefore you create your reality. Whatever you believe (consciously not intellectually), you manifest it. That's the closest I can get by communicating my experience.
  14. Yes, in this case it does not matter. Word Enlightenment can only point you. Any definition of it can not be it. When you say it is end of suffering it is not true. Because it is definition. Nice try would be to call it knowing - but not intellectual one - so even nicer would be to call it just being. period! But hey even those are just trying
  15. You clearly can not know what "results" I have or what I know. We humans tend to judge way too quickly. Don't you think so?
  16. Why are you linking me the definition of the word ? Enlightenment is just a word. Go beyond it if you really want to know what it is
  17. @Ether Enlightenment is not the end of suffering. It is your belief that it is end of suffering. You still feel emotions after Enlightenment. You just tend to lesser and lesser resist them. Because realization is there that you are not separate being. You are the whole experience. Don't seek Enlightenment for the end of suffering. It won't miraculously cure your addictions, fears, anxieties. But sure it will make better with time.
  18. Stop being dead serious I am not seeking anymore. I know that this is my only reality. I already got the experiential answers I was seeking. P.S. I want to warn everyone that it is possible to do Enlightenment completely wrong. It is possible to false induce yourself another belief system of Enlightenment. It is likely way to go insane. Be aware of that possibility and make decisions for yourself! Video to watch (I am not judging it in anyway, you decide for yourself the context of this video) :
  19. Nah it does not even bring you happiness. You will live your piece of puzzle however it is meant to live. Happiness comes from not resisting. Leo said everything still happens as before. His emotions, fears, anger, triggering. But he is now just more aware of the fact that everything is inevitable. So happiness in the nutshell is just the habit of not resisting!
  20. it's very easy. Absolute infinity is easy thing to understand intuitively. But you can never grasp it with your logic or thinking. Yes it is precisely what you intuitively understand what it is. every possibility - even the most impossible ones from your perspective. Nothingness is the "Space" for every possibility.