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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Are boiled potatoes and sardines daily healthy?
  2. @erik8lrl then it's not so impressive : / I mean it's still great but I thought for a moment that patterns were infinite variety
  3. @Leo Gura You sneaky.....
  4. ANyone knows how can I get into this career without any experience in it?
  5. I only use awareness. Cause it directly moves me to the experience
  6. This is fucking awesome! However, won't the locations repeat over time? Since they are scripted. Or will you face infinitely new and unique locations?
  7. @Ether have you ever experimented with psychadelics?
  8. @Ether what makes senses in your dream different than in “reality”?
  9. Recently I got really high and decided to watch my favorite movie - the matrix. I had so many insights that I decided to write them down in the note. Below I am presenting the small part of what I have written - without editing: "Choi: "You are my private Jesus" - follow the white rabbit scene - when Neo gives the CD. Choi: "you don't exist" Morpheus offering Neo the pills (psychadelics) - the choice. Ego death - beginning of the trip is always hard- hard trip start warped reality, cold. Neo after taking red pill. Matrix can not be told- it can only be seen. Machine world - infinite Human farm field - infinite mind vortexes within the consciousness Neo after jumping program - real blood, hurt - Morpheus: everything is real what is conscious. Morpheus explains matrix- agent is ego which is fighting and afraid to wake up Cypher with smith - happiness is in blindness. (Another path of not knowing) Boy at pifia - looks like buddha - symbols from both religions - fundamental truth of christianity and buddhism. pifia - free will vs determinism - would you break the vase if I did not mention? - love is the one -trinity is unity! Trinity is love! being one equals being in love. you have a gift but it seems like you are waiting for smth. - expectation. You already are it! what? maybe the next life to become enlightened - becoming enlightened is inevatable on the path of infinite life cycle don't believe in bullshit like fatum - you are the master of your life - pifia. Neo never uses gun to fight the agents(ego) gun may be metaphor for the mind - mind can not defeat the ego because it is the weapon of ego." IDK why I am posting this. Just felt like sharing
  10. If you notice smith and neo are the one. They are the two sides of the same coin. Smith is ego. Me, me me! In fact without smith liberation would be impossible. First separation should have happened. Neo leaves matrix. Witnesing meditation. I am not my body mind. And finally Neo merges with smith and becomes the whole matrix. @Nahm yeah I have written much more but some other texts are very ambiguous and need grammar check. Must have been too high at that point haha Neo is oneness. Architecht is god’s perspective. Infinity. Morpheus is the waking up, shift in the perspectives, the change. Morpheus - “Classical Mythology.a son of Hypnos and the god of dreams.”
  11. Honestly. I have no idea. But the movie was clearly designed with great knowledge and attention to details.
  12. this is exactly my choice right now. do both. Do conscious marketing to promote your ideas.
  13. @Leo Gura while studying theory so heavily isn’t there trap that it would make you biased and deluded to see what you know from theory? Like it happens with some religious people who see the Truth in their beliefs when they trip. how do you make sure you remain totally unbiased and you experience absolute infinity because it is ultimate Truth and not because theoretically you know that some buddist monks have written about it. How do you become sure in your experiences?
  14. My short term goal is to get into job field ASAP. I need to stay here. I want job contract. What do you recommend me to do in that case?
  15. I am just starting out. I have lots of experience in finance and how business works though. Plus I have MBA. My end goal is to freelance and travel while building my own blogs and websites.
  16. @Ether But beware. That does not mean that you should watch pornhub 24/7. You will end up being unproductive and unconscious. Yes in the nutshell there are not such activities if you are always aware of your consciousness, however some activities greatly complicate this. For example video gaming, watching movies or porn.
  17. @Source_Mystic good idea! I will try to listen to it several times as well. Good luck with your experiment and keep us updates! You might also like this video. This guy seem to understand the book very precisely and outlines the summary:
  18. I would say depends on body type
  19. Ralph and koi are great to get a positivity charge! Leo is great to get deep insights and advanced analysis! Rupert spira is the best non dual teacher!
  20. The thing is you should also use logic and reasoning. But only after you had experiencial awakening moments and glimpses. Then you can whether follow your intuition or fortify your understanding with logical connections. With time you will develop big picture understanding and your intuition will sky rocket...
  21. @Leo Gura Now that you know why everything exists what does it really change? Existence of nothingness "feels' exactly the same as existence of everything - absolute infinity. I had this theory even back when I was teenager at school. It turned out to be the case most likely. I just could not prove it to myself back then. But ultimately it tells me that this knowledge changes absolutely nothing. It is just end of seeking, logging and desire to get answers. You are not getting anywhere... You will still experience everything as it is destined for you as to a piece of infinite puzzle. Now I start to think that knowing that truth is not by any means better then just living normal life. It does not get you anywhere ultimately. There is no escape from Matrix. All there is - Is Matrix itself. That is the only reality you have... Plus, based on that realization you would also realize that any possibility of gods are now possible for you. So after your "Death" you could end up in christian heaven or hell. Or maybe see another god from greek mythology. Because why not? Absolute involves every possibility! Now you see? Your no perspectives perspective is not any more superior then the perspective of the believer person. Your answers lead you back where you started! This is ultimate going full circle. You now realize that your reality is everything that there is. And you gotta live it like every other normal conscious being on this planet.