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Everything posted by egoless

  1. So at this point I have created my LP statement. But everyday I look at it and want to change. Basically I am not sure whether I want to pursue Enlightenment and dedicate my life to Enlightening people in the process. Or I want to pursue entrepreneurship and helping people in that domain. The thing is I don’t believe anymore that Enlightenment is the only right way. I think it is not for everyone and promoting it blindly to everyone just does not resonate with me anymore. How should you become sure what’s your LP? I am still shaking and not sure... however, I am sure what my 10 values (freedom being top) are and what my zone of genius is (big-picture thinking)... I just struggle to stick with one LP statement. There is inner conflict within me everytime...
  2. You can't save person from cancer if you are not a master surgeon... See almost every successful person who has ever lived and achieved something great was committed to something and was master of his work... Point to anyone who has done otherwise and was successful in his life...
  3. But whole purpose of LP is that you are 100% committed to it. If you dabble and jump around everyday you won't become world class in what you are doing. And in a sense I agree with that. persistence is the key to success. World only gives you back if you have mastered something and contribute in your own unique way...
  4. I want to start this topic where everyone will have an opportunity to make honest confessions in the relatively safe and supporting environment. This is intended to promote authenticity and correct the misalignment with our higher self. Sometimes we deeply burrow our characteristics or desires which does not serve our perfectionist image. We pretend to be flawless and .faultless and never confess of our flaws even to ourselves. Let's destroy our insecurities and reveal our authentic self. I strongly believe this will help many of us on the path and make us more aware of self deceptions. Count this as the digital version of shadow work and self awareness. Also you can serve as the adviser to others and help them to deal with their confessions and insecurities. But ideally before you do that confess yourself first. I will start and give you the example of what I mean: I am a heavy introvert and I hate it. I would trade all my knowledge and insights I have acquired for so many years for just to become the extrovert and change my personality type. I am an INTP and I hate it! I hate to be my mind's prisoner. I hate that I am not people's person. I am always stuck in abstract thinking and theories. I am so bad at being practical. I hate dealing with practical issues and prefer to always theorize, daydream and strategize... I strongly believe that the world is just better suited for extroverts. They win every time in the social situations and communications.
  5. Then what are you waiting for man?! Complete the course. You will find the answers most likely...
  6. So I am doing LP course finally! and I already did values and strengths assessments. My top values came up as freedom, purpose and wisdom. My top strength is judgement. I don't really like the word judgement I would prefer to call it wisdom and perspective. So my gut feeling tells me my top strength is wisdom, love of learning new things, big-picture understanding - also I am creative in that way. Since I am INTP it also seems very obvious. Any recommendations towards that? There seems to be so few formal career where these could be applied. Consultancy seems an obvious choice at this point. I always felt like that is where I belong. However, now I need to specify which kind of counseling should I go for...
  7. You will have to figure it out how to turn it into impact. I suggest you to get the course. It is worth every penny and even more...
  8. I think I have found my purpose! I will share it when I feel ready. But my zone of genius is almost the same as yours. Just little bit different wording. However impact I want to make is different. My zone of genius is collecting knowledge and obtaining big picture understanding. However, now my mind starts to impose different fears onto me. Like: it is just a dream, you are not ready to help others, you will have to become public figure, if you fail people will criticize you etc... Like I swear biggest obstacle my mind imposes on me is the fear of publicity. Because I am thinking that for my purpose youtube will be great platform... I am very strong 1v1 conversationalist though. I have power to influence in that case. Any suggestions on that? P.S. this course is amazing! You have done great job as always!
  9. @Leo Gura Do you think Yoga become more relevant after you have lived through your LP? Like you. You first decided to follow your LP and then slowly switched to hardcore spirituality.
  10. Yeah that's true but I did not mean it in that way. For example, is not there a possibility that dream is "less real" than this domain? Since this has more consistency to it? I don't mean in material paradigm. I just mean in regards to consistency of the layer.
  11. Leo I am getting closer and closer! I almost have gone through whole course in 3 days! This is addictive! However, there is some inner battle going within me. To one part of myself it seems like contribution and impact does not really resonate with me much - Or TO BE MORE AUTHENTIC IT SEEMS LIKE THIS PART OF ME IS SCARED OF MAKING BIG IMPACTS AND PUBLICITY. Have you ever had this moment? However, the biggest hint for me right now was the visualization of the challenges I had to overcome. How to help others not to experience the struggles I went through. This is the second part for me. And yes you are right regular careers are lame! Especially for me because Freedom is my number 1 priority! I am also thinking how to connect freedom and wisdom with my LP.
  12. @Leo Gura How are you sure what's real? How are you sure there are not layers of realities. where each layer is more real than another one.
  13. @Noah You are lucky man! However, if that money is not a very big deal for you currently I would suggest you to still buy it. Since it has so much valuable content and theories aside from LP...
  14. @Leo Gura Leo this is great! Even if it takes 2 weeks dude! have been waiting for it sooo long!
  15. I want to raise the collective awareness about the path of Enlightenment. What is the culmination of this path really? What do yogi's do? What do they keep in secret from us? I suspect @Leo Gura knows much more then he is willing to share atm(I don't criticize). There could be some very dark sides to the path of Enlightenment which won't be so marketable. But Leo... isn't it time for a honest talk? I mean not through the youtube channel but at least with our community on this forum who followed you since the first days. What is the ultimate ending of this path which you keep repeating "You can't even imagine how deep it goes". Share with us the whole story even if it is the nightmare. Time to open the secrets... We have right to know the truth... Then we make a right decision. I was very concerned about the last topic opened by someone where he was talking about ending his life. He was extremely deluded and someone must stop him! I don't like where this all is going to. We need to raise awareness till it's too late. When to stop and how to stop... What are the dangers of this path??? Why nobody talks about the dark sides...! Why nobody talks about major pitfalls and fatal delusions? What is Mahāsamādhi? According to wikipedia: "Mahāsamādhi (the great and final samādhi) is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one's body.[1][2] A realized yogi (male) or yogini (female) who has attained the state of nirvikalpa samādhi, will, at an appropriate time, consciously exit from their body. This is known as mahāsamādhi. This is not the same as the physical death that occurs for an unenlightened person. Enlightened yogis take their mahāsamādhi during their final practice of samādhi: and they expire during this final sādhanā practice. Therefore, mahāsamādhi occurs only once in a lifetime, when the yogi finally casts off their mortal frame and their karma is extinguished upon death. An enlightened or realized yogi is one who has attained the nondual state of nirvikalpa samadhi where duality of subject and object are resolved and the yogi becomes permanently established in the unity of full enlightenment (Videha mukti). Each realized yogi enters and prepares for mahāsamādhi in a unique fashion." Why gurus and spiritual teachers don't talk about it? Maybe because then Enlightenment becomes not too marketable?! But we all deserve to know the Truth... How does Enlightenment change your life really? What does true kundalini awakening impose on you?
  16. @Leo Gura I think you are Enlightened as fuck you sneaky aren’t you?
  17. @tsuki ahaha keep it up bro! Very honest confessions pthers should take example @tsuki @molosku you guys are at least INTJs which is much better than INTP haha... you at least don’t get carried away by abstract thinking everytime. We INTPs are so indecisive. Me myself can overthink for one hour whether I want to buy orange juice or pineapple juice for example. I lack practicality you guys are very practical
  18. @Paul EMD Indeed this book is explaining Lahiri Mahasaya's Kriya Yoga techniques which I guess Leo was talking about in his video. And it is free! Thanks for sharing. Good that I haven't yet ordered the book from Leo's list @Shanmugam We need your insights on this book. Don't forget to share your ideas if you decide to look into it. I suppose this book will serve as the great value for the advancement of our community into the yoga word... And damn it is so accessible. FREE! That's true spirituality...
  19. @cirkussmile thank you! I just noticed that when you are authentic to yourself you are naturally in the present moment and there is not much space left for ego. only when you start resisting and lying to yourself ego drags you out of the present moment and you begin to escape whether in the future or in the past with your uncontrollable thoughts. you become unconscious... @cirkussmile @Ether good start. you can open up even more if you want of course.
  20. That clarified a lot actually. Based on what I have read about Mahasamadhi it just appeared to me as a version of suicide when someone just does not care about his human experience anymore. However, based on your definition it appears to be something else. So you are telling me that this decision is made in the very old age when body is suffering. Then it could be right decision for some enlightened people indeed. The definitions also made confusion because based on what I've read I thought Mahasamadhi was the main goal of enlightenment path. Sort of final boss... But as you explained it. this is just practical decision in the end. So after your Enlightenment you don't have any desires to leave your body right? I thought Enlightenment could awaken in you the desire to leave the body mind. I hope it does not and you simply enjoy the rest of your being in this human experience.... P.S. I will read that book after I am finished with the exams.
  21. It is not fear. It is understanding that you create your reality. Whatever you believe becomes the true for you. If you identify with ego it becomes true for you. If you identify with no self it becomes true for you. If you truly know that unicorns exist they will exist in your reality... Reality has no boundaries. Consciousness is the creator of experience. Only truth you know is you are consciousness. The rest is belief. and whatever you truly believe you know it and therefore it becomes true for you... Hence the end of the search.
  22. There is definitely absolute infinity source of which is nothing. And existencially we are all it. But I don’t have any needs or desire to loose my human experience. Those yogis performing god knows what. I don’t believe in that. I suspect it is all delusion. Why should someone Choose to leave the body forever. Why could there be even need for it....
  23. I was thinking to do that long time ago. This is infinity. Why should we chase it. Knowing who I am is totally enough for me... and yeah... Rupert Spira is great teacher. However, I haven’t seen anyone else who provides as much information on various topics as Leo does on YouTube. That’s his super power I guess And he is doing the great job at what he does...
  24. I am talking about Mahāsamādhi... not norvikalpa. Why should one pursue Enlightenment if in the end there is a risk you will willingly decide to leave the body? Experience is the point of existence. Why do they demonize manifestation and human perspective. It is amazing that we actually exist and have gift to experience all this....
  25. You should at least know your destination. Otherwise it is stupidity and ignorance. You can't jump off the cliff just because. Why nobody does that without the reasons? Because it's stupid. There is nothing courageous about suicide with no reasons... You should know the landing conditions...