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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Telepresent But people say CBT acts only on surface level and works with your consciousness. But NLP programs your subconscious which is more powerful and effective long run...
  2. @Joseph Maynor you are missing one point buddy... you create your reality. Whatever is true in your reality is not in mine. Hope one day you will awaken to that... Peace!
  3. Joseph you always proclaim to be awaken and dropped all beliefs yet you superimpose your ideas about me be awaken or not. This guy...
  4. Where do you see cult here? To you Sadhguru is better teacher but that's your viewpoint. It is nothing has to do with the cults...
  5. @Leo Gura But I certainly know people who are very happy and relaxed all the time who don't even know about Enlightenment... Sure you may say but you don't know their struggles but so don't you know the struggles of Enlightened people right?
  6. great saying.... But why are you trying to go beyond Enlightenment? You are going too deep sometimes don't you think so? Why it seems like you want to get lost in the rabbit hole?
  7. His direct method of inquiry helped me the most to grasp the True nature of existence. He just simply has the most direct teaching out of all I have ever listened to. And of course you should not idolize anyone... that's not what I am doing here.
  8. I absolutely agree on that. Rupert is the greatest spiritual teacher alive! And he is such a humble and kind person.
  9. But there is a question arising what is the implication of this deepest level of Truth on this surface level really? Does it make your life better or worse? I mean yes you may choose to seek the Truth just for the sake of it but that's you. Some people may not want to do that. Right? So ultimately there are no rights and wrongs here. You knowing the deepest Truth does not make u any more advanced than people (Even more you realize that there is no you who can be advanced..) who have materialistic paradigm. It's just different perspective. It's your choice which lens you want to wear. I mean I know people who are perfectly happy and living the fullest life with materialistic paradigm. In the end nobody knows which is better...
  10. I don't know from which guru you got this idea but I really don't agree with you on that. Mathematician is not the same as Enlightenment. Rape is act of horrible egoism and dis-functionality. Enlightenment dissolves all the ego and egoistic desires... You are contradicting yourself...
  11. I think I started this journey way too psychologically unprepared. I advanced way too quickly over the last year I had some very major shifts in consciousness. The ones even very advanced people haven't had yet. The problem is I did not settle my materialistic issues before I decided to follow this path and that was the mistake. Now my ego and materialistic problems are hitting me back way too hush... I have very destructive inner battle atm. For those people who had powerful glimpses and have seen so much... Is there a still way for them to go back to normal life and take a break for some time? I mean the spiritual path is so addictive but at the same time is so lonely and unforgiving. Other people just don't understand you anymore. They have different interests, they talk about other things, you are outsider... You lose the touch with other people and become alienated more and more. It becomes almost impossible to physically survive because you can’t integrate with society anymore. Is there a way to forget the Enlightenment and every step taken on this journey for some time and go back to "Matrix" until you are more prepared?
  12. Because if something happens with you you never know what is waiting you after physical death. Yes consciousness may be eternal and infinite but you never know what kind of horrible experience might be waiting for you in the next manifestation. There is still the fear of unknown... Even after you become Enlightened.
  13. @Leo Gura Leo I think the "problem" is that sometimes you go way too deep than it is bearable for even some of the spiritually advanced people. With your search you go beyond the Enlightenment and that shit is scary... On the deepest level there is complete meaningless void so what do you expect from people? I would admit that sometimes your videos seem very dark but I hope I know your true intentions because I know you for a long time already. But people who don't know your personality and most of your content may miss the big picture. It's very easy to get depressed by some of your videos if you don't hold the biggest picture. We gotta admit that. Don't you think so?
  14. But that's me also... It matters and does not matter at the same time. Feeling of pain is still there yes you can dis-identify from it but you will still have to go through it.
  15. @Leo Gura I already know my true nature. Thing is when I get into emotional situation or very complicated experience my true nature becomes overshadowed by it and temporarily I identify with the experience or emotion again. So I can't really tell whether I am Enlightened or not yet. But I definitely became conscious of my true nature in the past - Entirely. So I don't really think it is set in stone whether Enlightenment happens once and for all or whether it is gradual process.
  16. This is why I sometimes get skeptical about all this process... What if you become more and more deluded and what if Enlightenment does not exist? What if we are all wrong? What if some people are just using this concept to mislead people and get material gains. I am not speaking about OSHO since I don't know much about him. I am just wondering in general... And yes I have had very powerful glimpses and samadhi moments but still... what if we are missing something.
  17. Or it could be even worse than that. You may end up in the hell... Because hell is also possibility. Everything is possible within the infinite consciousness... So we better make good use of this gift called life as human being...
  18. That’s the problem for me though... Truth is so addictive to me that I can’t forget or take a break from search... I am addicted to contemplating and etc.... And it is hurting me atm. because I need to work on my everyday issues...
  19. @Reflection you made up that story. That’s your belief. How do you know what happens after death?
  20. So English is not my first language. I was thinking is it ok to make my LP statement and ME sheet in English or should I translate in my native language? Also when doing affirmations and programming sub conscious is it better to do it in English or native language? @Leo Gura Leo any recommendation on that?
  21. You are wrong. There is nothing beyond the Matrix but rather than be mr. Anderson in the Matrix you become Neo=One with the Matrix. People don't understand this. Even if you die you can't escape anywhere else you will just manifest in another being. There is no such thing as true Enlightenment. Enlightenment is just realization of infinite being. You seem very young and confused TBH. I recommend you to seek therapist.
  22. So atm do you experience yourself as god or as human being Leo?
  23. I know - that's what I mean by advancement in that case. Enlightenment is nothing more than collapsing all your false beliefs leaving only pure being. I rushed it way too quickly that's the problem. I did not settle my other problems first.
  24. @Kisame Yes maybe it was way too early for me to begin this journey. When I was starting I had many issues to still settle and improve. But I just rushed all this spiritual advancement on me. I advanced way too quickly in way too short period of time. I think it is hitting me hard atm. I had to first settle my other materialistic issues. That's why direct path is so dangerous. That's why some eastern traditions first train you to prepare your for the journey...
  25. Of course and I am aware of that. I am aware that my ego is trying to survive and that inner conflict is caused by battle between ego and infinity. However, it is very painful and depressing. And I have no idea how much more time it will take to get fully liberated. That's what I (ego) am concerned about.