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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Then why does it not know the subconscious mind? I mean you are never aware of your subconscious mind yet it is always "there"... You are not aware of your whole memory but it is always "there"... @Leo Gura any idea on that?
  2. @Joseph Maynor There is no point in arguing and that’s what I am trying to tell you all this time. You and many others here are trying to spread your experience or your “truth” to others. It’s not gonna work. What is true for you is not true for other. Then how do you know that you have the absolute Truth when there are other perspectives where it is not true... what I’m saying is easy to understand you just don’t want to... because you already feel comfortable in your paradigm... any debate with you on the topic is futile. There could be Absolute. But there can’t be such notion as Absolute Truth. Truth is relative notion...
  3. There is no such thing as Truth... Truth is relative notion. Doesn’t matter you get Enlightened or not. That will be only true to you...
  4. I have strong feeling that many people need to revisit this! This summary was written by @Juan Cruz Giusto: "“If you cannot weep with a person who is crying, there is no Kensho”. Zen Deviltry is something that is happening in the West when we just take the techniques of the Easter traditions and don’t take any philosophy and cultural baggage. In a sense is good because some of the philosophies are outdated and unnecessary but, it can lead to problems. In Mount Hiei, the monks were fighting each other because they built different sects. Notice that, even they were enlightened, they were behaving like animals! People nowadays are thinking enlightenment as a simple thing as though it is just one insight and as soon as you have that insight, it is the end of seeking, illusion, personal development. They think that after enlightenment, there is no more need to improve yourself, learn and live life. They believe that after enlightenment there are no more values, principles, pursue of mastery, no more goals, no more purpose, no more career, no more business, relationships, pursue of excellence, education, hard work, thinking, planning, strategizing and no more caring. But this is a very simplistic notion of Enlightenment. Notice that if it was that simple, there would not be many spiritual schools. In reality, there are TONS of schools, teachings, teachers and so on. The various masters have: - Strong values and principles - High Passion - Commitment to mastery - Commitment to excellence - Very hard working - Make plans and goals - They are not lazy - They conduct business - They engage in the world - They care about society - They care about ecology - They care about relationships - They are very caring individuals - They are very educated and read a lot ENLIGHTENMENT SHOULD MAKE YOU MORE CARING, NOT LESS! If it’s not this way, you are making it in a Zen Devil way. The solution to this is to be face to face with a great master. Nonduality is not learned, IS EMBODIED. It is not about sitting in your cushion and having a brilliant insight, it is a lot more than just that. There is distinction: Small Nonduality vs Big Nonduality. People get cocky when they know about Nonduality and compare it with duality. But this creates a high level duality! REAL ENLIGHTEMENT IS A FULL INTEGRATION BETWEEN THE DUAL AND THE NONDUAL! Big Nonduality is humble. It understands and integrates duality and Nonduality both. Big Nonduality is so nondual that even the mundane stuff is embraced. He sees that, even though the good and the evil are not existentially true, they exist and they are part of the world. It is also generous. They don’t criticize. They see a place for therapy, working on your career, working on your relationships, on the bad habits. Small Nonduality will say that everything is illusion and you should go straight forward for Enlightenment. But you must realize that not all people are ready for Enlightenment and it may take them a decade to work themselves up to that. BIG NONDUALITY IS INCLUSIVE! Zen Devil: One who has the experience of Satori but has done no scholar study of literature. It is the one who sits and meditate all day but doesn’t expand his knowledge of the world. Wild Fox Zen: It is one who only reads the books and knows the theory of Enlightenment but doesn’t have any insights. You want a Middle Way. If you want to master Enlightenment, you will need to invest more than 10.000 hours to really master and embody it. If not, how do you explain the hard-core training and disciplines of the different traditions. There is a lot more than just an Enlightenment experience: - There are different depth of Enlightenment and there is a whole spectrum and variety of enlightenment experiences - Develop love and compassion - Emotional Mastery - Cultivation of Unconditional Love - Relationships: You need to learn how to have enlightenment relationships with people - Eliminating bad habits - Education: There is a lot to learn about the world - Being a good citizen and contributing to society - Having an ethical career that is contributing to raising its levels of consciousness - Transcending your culture - Taking care of your physical body - Develop good character - Concern for the environment - You can develop spiritual powers - Understanding (relating your insights with business, relationships, the environment, society, evolution, physics, biology, physiology). “Post-enlightenment practice meant finally ceasing to be preoccupied with your own personal condition and attainment and the devote yourself and your practice to helping and teaching others. Finally, you realize that Enlightenment is a matter of endless practice and compassionate functioning and not something that occurs one and for all in one great moment on the cushion”. Emotional traumas and self-development is not accomplished by enlightenment only. Being a good person is separate from enlightenment. A COMMITMENT TO NONDUALITY IS TO EMBODY IT. Reason is a function of the mind and existence is beyond that. The fact is that there are not reasons but VALUES AND PRINCIPLES STILL MATTER (this is the paradox of self-development). Existentially, there are no reasons but DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE PRACTICAL LEVEL where it does matter how you act, think and behave. True goodness comes spontaneously. The true question is how you are going to decide how to play the game, and karma still exist (your actions have consequences). YOU ARE NOT TRULY ENLIGHTENMENT UNTIL YOU CAN HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE SUFFERING OF OTHER. You may not suffer anymore but there are many people that are going to still suffer (how about your mom, that is going to still be suffering because she isn’t enlightened, or the guy in the street that is dying because have nothing to eat). THE THING IS THAT OTHERS ARE YOU! IT IS ALL YOU!!! You should work a lot while you are working towards enlightenment. The psychological work that you are doing right now (taking care of your finances, your relationships, career and life purpose, rearranging your values) are going to do be really useful when you get enlightenment. EVEN MORE, ENLIGHTENMENT CAN TAKE THIS TO THE NEXT LEVEL."
  5. What methods do you know? What web sources do you know? Maybe well done summaries or quotes? How can you boost your book reading at maximum?
  6. People need to revisit this...
  7. Ty... Bro I'm telling you I don't like where all this is going to. I see some people here becoming zen devils and destructive. Because they acquired false induced beliefs which are not yet true for them... Then they start to conceptualize and making up shit in their heads and spread that shit to others...
  8. Can someone who has experience recommend me best pickup community and forum out there? I don’t want fake ones that just “hunt” for girls. I want to know how to master how to attract girls authentically and how to find loved one. Good healthy and helpful community please - no ignorant desperate teenagers.
  9. But there is nothing negative about it you know there are no rights and wrongs. Ego is just a concept. What we call Ego is just memory and beliefs. Where do you see problem if we replace the negative beliefs with empowering beliefs while being aware that it is still a belief? I doubt true spirituality comes with DMT states. True spirituality comes in the presence, in the being when you consciously begin to design your character. What if you are getting too carried away by this Truth and missing the most important point? Are you open to that idea? Because absolute Truth what you are calling might not even exist and that would be even deeper mindfuck for you. You are spreading the word that life is dream and it does not exist to some people who have never even meditated. That could be more harmful than beneficial for them. I am just saying that maybe it's wise to keep those straightforward videos only for advanced people on this path. But again how would you separate them on youtube? How do you know that what is Truth for you will be the same for other? And if you are already Enlightened and are aware in your direct experience that there is no other and there is only you - then what's the point of preaching the Truth anyways? Notice the paradox.
  10. @Leo Gura I perfectly understand what you mean and yes map is not the territory. But you know that NLP works. of course subconscious mind is just a phrase and concept but it definitely points to our real experience is not it? I mean sometimes empowering ourselves with positive beliefs is wise thing to do. I'll be honest with you once again and tell you that some of your later videos lack positivity. Don't you think the purpose of life is to simply live the fulfilling life? Know Truth if it is knowable only if it helps you to live fulfilling life. But saying life is a dream could be understood in such a negative way by so many people on Youtube. Some of us may be ready to hear such things but you should take into consideration other people who may be watching your videos first time. Why it seems to me that you are lately trying to push away positivity and lean more towards nihilistic vibe? Is there a reason behind that?
  11. I proved the opposite in my direct experience. I control everything when I am conscious...
  12. Call it whatever you want - that's your label. I am trying to raise awareness to not fall victims to blind assumptions and biases... I see this problem in many well established forums. Groupthinking...
  13. I know it. But it does not make the ultimate Truth... Whatever you believe in becomes the true for you. That's the foundation. Fundamental truth is that there is infinite freedom of creation. What you create out of it is totally up to you. It does not fuckin matter. That's what I'm saying. It does not matter if you are materialist scientist or Leo believing whatever he believes in. I just got one thing that we should not teach others no matter how sure we are in the Truth. @Leo Gura this is where I disagree lately with where the is going. I really appreciate your informative videos and you know it. And I respect you and your intelligence. But lately you are trying to push on your beliefs way too hard. Like in the videos "Life is a dream" or "comprehending the magnitude of reality". This is my honest opinion that these kind of videos are not really helpful. You are trying to preach what is True for you without other people experiencing it themselves. You know that I am straightforward guy and honest. That's why I am telling you. And we are all here kind of friends and want to help each other improve. Unfortunately I observe how this path also becomes the religion for many.
  14. I don't know if you are happy or you make yourself believe it subconsciously and deluded. However, you don't know whether there are other way to be happy or not. Have you tried them all? Or you just believe this is the only way? Have you ever truly loved a woman? Do you have children? Maybe that's what happiness is? How do you know if you did not try? I'm just saying generally here... I am trying to tell you guys to not get stuck in this "Truth" paradigm...
  15. I don’t know if you have seen my last post when I was very concerned. I had very hard times lately with consciousness work and all these stuff. I advanced in it very quickly and I was not ready. It hit me back really hard. The problem was I did not settle my material life issues before stepping to that journey. I was very hardcore and It made me very depressed and lonely lately. Plus I had huge realization that nobody has the Truth. It is impossible. It is absolutely relative. You are no more right than person who thinks is body because it’s true for him... there is not such thing as absolute Truth because there is no such person as absolute person see?
  16. This is very good finding you stumbled upon. This is exactly how I mean “ego” atm. ego is nothing more than what science calls subconscious mind. It controls you unconsciously. But you always have a choice to become conscious in the present moment and change it. @Leo Gura this is what I found. Clearly programming your subconscious works. Subconscious is the ego... Collective past and memory is the ego. Your true self is always in present being.
  17. Yet we are controlled by it 95%... Come on Leo it sometimes seems to me that you repeat what it is said in Enlightenment teachings... But yet in our experience it's not the case. Is not it time to drop all these concepts and judge by ourselves? Why the heck does NLP work then? I just fkin realized that all these teachings were beliefs. Whatever the heck your believe in this reality it becomes the Truth for you. That's the only Truth there is. If you belief enough and expand your consciousness enough - what is called "Enlightenment" will happen to you. But that is nothing other than believing in materialism. Both are perspectives...
  18. @abrakamowse I am not following this shit conceptual talk anymore dude... We on this forum never speak from our experience that's the problem! That's why most of people here are stuck in conceptions and deceptions. In my direct experience I am telling you yes I may be an extension of god's consciousness but I can never call myself god. I think calling yourself god is delusional. You are god's eyes? Yes. More likely but defo not whole god... If you were you would be aware of everything unlimited. So people fkin stop pretending you are gods... Stop just repeating what you hear. Follow your experience! In my experience I the consciousness - the presence - the being make decisions when I am aware...
  19. @abrakamowse I don't care about listening to these videos anymore. I found out that I only should follow my direct experience. And it tells me that I also have subconscious mind which is strange. Our subconscious mind controls us 95% however rest 5% when we are conscious we can make conscious decisions. That's where the change comes from.... You have infinite freedom
  20. @Simon Zackrisson what is rsd who in particular?
  21. @SFRL thanks! I’ll check this guy. I am 26 and haven’t had much dating experience and it is hitting me back heavily now. Need to improve on that... I hope it’s not too late
  22. Nah... you consciosness through each mind filter create your reality... having a choice and not having a choice is up to you. Fundamentally there is no difference between those two. Depends on which lens are you “wearing”