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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Being and Enlightenment are the same notions if you understand the word Enlightenment correctly Enlightenment is simply being how it is without any layers of identity.
  2. It's easier than most of you guys think. The problem is we have conceptual ideas of Enlightenment. I will give you the simplest formula. Become fully aware of the present moment and there you go. You are Enlightened. The trick is to learn how to expand that consciousness and limit control over you of your subconscious (you may call it ego if you want).
  3. It already did. And it went full circle. I am fully aware who I am. I am the presence I am the consciousness but only in the now. Now is the doorway to the god. And now I have total freedom to create my reality.
  4. No it's not pointless because it sets the intention if your intention is right it will be "heard". Universe is infinitely intelligent and it 'knows" how to lead you on your path. That happens only if you become conscious. Otherwise you will live in a dream like a robot unconsciously whole your life.
  5. limited mind which is part of the god's infinite being.
  6. guys stop saying you are gods... this is funny. You are god's being in the limited perspective. You will never become united with the holistic god until you are alive.
  7. Then I was destined to know the truth. micro dose of shroom is enough for me to see what you are seeing on dmt...
  8. I already did and the answer was yes! Your turn ...
  9. Why it seems that sometimes something bad happens for the greater good ahead? Does god have plan on "us"? It seems like Universe has planned everything so beautifully. Is there a holistic intelligence behind the scene?
  10. So do you think you are god? Or do you think you are part of god? Like you are the finger on the hand. Does god have intelligence and can it communicate with you? tell me in your experience how it is.
  11. what if everything is boring. No room for something else
  12. @Leo Gura Was the video of your enlightenment experience 30?
  13. @Leo Gura but what’s the point in the long run if after Leo physically dies the new mind will “arise” in the consciousness and it won’t remember Leo’s experience of Enlightenment...
  14. Then tell us is your perception fully non dualistic after your awakening to that Truth? I mean when you are sober.
  15. Maybe I haven’t all of it but I understand what you mean... The problem imo is you are clinging to that experience which holds you back. Otherwise you would be completely non dual. But you know that your perceptions are still dualistic when you are sober. What do you think why is that? Maybe initially it served you well for major paradigm shift but now it seems to me that you are holding on them to get you Enlightened. Desire to get Enlightened is your greatest enemy...
  16. @Leo Gura I am sure I’ve “seen” much of what you have but still I am skeptical to those experiences.... I’ve discovered much more during my strongest meditation and contemplation experiences... yes your source is unmanifested infinity but way you are conceptualizing it theough dmt just holds you back...
  17. I don't give a fk if you think I can't. I have made a decision! I want to master skills in digital marketing. Tell me whatever you know about it! give me all the useful links and resources. I will devour everything within the weeks. I will fuckin destroy it! Tell me which skills are the most demanded in the future. What are the viable career paths in this domain? Is SEO useful skill in the future or is it really dying? How to get started in digital marketing, any tips and tricks from gurus? I want to completely master digital marketing to be able to reach people all over the globe! My life purpose is to become valuable information transmitter for the people!
  18. @Leo Gura I am on your side... I am not fighting you why don’t you understand. I want you to collapse the duality once and forever. If you had the biggest realization possible on 5 Meo as you say then why is your experience and perception still dualistic? I am only trying to tell you to be more skeptical towards those drugs... Openmindedness is good but there are lines. You don’t know what side effects these drugs could have on you in a long run. I just want you to be healthy and you take my wake up calls as an assault... I am on your side man! @kieranperez It’s not about what I like. You never know the side effects of the drugs in the long run. Especially such a powerful one as 5 Meo... It may drive you insane. Who studied them long run... there is so little known. And Leo uses psychadelics heavily as far as I know. I just want him to be more skeptical and careful not to hurt himself... Moreover sharing what he sees on drugs on youtube is dangerous imho. Because people who never experienced themselves can just turn it into a belief system which may lead to nihilism. There were some posts about suicide lately. I’m not saying it’s because of Leo... We don’t know what caused delusions... but everyone should be more careful when sharing perspectives... There is a reason why most Enlightened people don’t talk about Truth directly!!!
  19. Leo lately I can't recognize you. I always knew you as extremely healthy skeptic. Yet you are so sure about your Truth... Which only you know... You are sure you are not deluded. Out of all only you reached that understanding... On shortcut called 5 - Meo -Dmt .... Like seriously what is wrong with you??? Where is old Leo. What has 5 Meo done to you.... Become more skeptic of your experiences on drugs whatever the hell they are.... You are claiming that you reached absolute top of understanding in 1 year with drugs when fully committed zen monks don't experience what you do in decades... That is the reason you are going further and further away from True non-duality.... You are clinging to your experiences on drug...
  20. Consciousness is not a thing - it is undefined. You may better understand it as the being - consciousness=being=presence. Unmanifested = infinite is the source of every "thing".
  21. Unfortunately I have observed a lot of nihilistic vibe here lately. The reason for it is the false beliefs in unexperienced conceptual “Truth”... What’s the good in preaching the so called “Truth” if it pushes people in nihilism?! Even if it is the absolute Truth... however, in my experience Truth is and can only be experiencial and is relative. Conceptualizing Truth and marketing it to unprepared mind without warnings can lead to drastic outcomes. This is exactly how Zen devils and nihilists are born... People here should stop pushing their beliefs onto others without actually experiencing themselves. I am sure many of you will understand what I am referring to. “Truth” preachers maybe it’s time to get more responsibility and act more carefully... The depth of understanding the reality is not a child’s game! Time to wake up for real! More beliefs just put you in a deeper sleep and deeper mess you up! P.S. @Leo Gura in his new video starts the conversation by warning you to not just believe in his words. Think for yourself and be skeptic when necessary he says. That's a good warning and good job on that Leo. People should stop taking your words for granted and start thinking for themselves! Leo's words are just pointers. Stop seeing him as authority figure...
  22. @Haumea Don’t you think some Enlightened people would benefit from NLP too? I think NLP is much more powerful and spiritualy advanced than CBT. CBT is only surface...
  23. What's the main difference between CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)? And which one is more effective?
  24. I am proposing to this community to become more authentic and more curious about what we truly know and communicate. So many people here linger through the topics like self-proclaimed gurus - repeating what they heard from other teachers blindly. What is happening to us? Is this place turning into cult or new religion? No! I refuse to agree to that scenario. Time to wake up for real... Whatever you keep repeating to yourself you become it. I am restarting everything and starting from 0. I don't know anything for sure. Now I will study everything one by one. Say no to Groupthink bias! If you agree make a decision to speak only from our current experience and knowledge! This is the only helpful way to communicate if we are true scientists and seekers... No matter if the Enlightenment will turn out to be BS for you just say that! Time to use critical thinking... Don't follow conceptual teachings... Study only methods, techniques and information. Then see for yourself... Start from scratch and see where it goes...
  25. Do you guys think it is possible for introverts to better extroverts in that domain? Which INTP had the best charisma out of all? Extroverts are so lucky in that case... Any tips for INTPs to master charisma? I mean look at this guy...