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Everything posted by egoless

  1. of course you may question everything. Including that the sun will rise tomorrow. the closest explanation would be inner body. but it does not really have a "place". It feels like the source is infinitely deep within your whole experience. It permeates everything. @phoenix666 I naturally questioned the existence and reality my whole life. even when I was little kid. I used to study the nature and insects with great curiosity when I was little.
  2. You have complete control over your life but only after you become conscious. In fact you create your reality. But while you are unconscious you are like a robot.
  3. Tripping was only good on initial stages. I only tripped several times on truffles/shrooms only (moderate doses) I don’t know why but all of them were very very profound ones. I experienced what other people experience on 5 meo DMT... Once I got the lessons I completely dropped tripping. And in my experience dropping it was great choice. There is a trap to become dependent on the experiences of tripping. Maybe you also start to conceptualize those experiences when you are sober and cling to them. Chase them, trying to achieve... the only answer is complete letting go of any attachment. Complete relaxation of the self...
  4. I am feeling it constantly now. And it comes from within.
  5. It’s not straightforward as that. However, I feel almost constant bliss and peace - connection with the source within. However there still appear thoughts and emotions - sometimes negative ones but they can’t drag me anymore how they used to. My depression which I never could get rid of is completely gone.
  6. @iamme thoughts and emotions will never stop. They just loose power to drag you. @phoenix666 both. I had several radical shifts in consciousness and also gradual amd persistent ones. As I surrender more and more I was seeing signs everywhere from the universe. It was amazing. I felt universe guiding me. Signs everywhere literally! Even the random words on the walls in the block. Everything was perfectly well synchronized. It felt like the whole Universe was waking up with me...
  7. I am more aware of my character - my emotions, thoughts and etc... It is also me. I don't feel like it is other. In fact the word me lost it's traditional meaning to me.
  8. I devised the new approach for me. I call the purpose of life more general statement which broadly defines what I want my life to be about. And I call mission the more specific phase of my life. Let’s say if I start business or smth like that
  9. Love it! What’s your impact to the world? Even mosquitoes?
  10. @dude experience I share with them. I will turn my life in adventurous journey with constant novelty and tell people what I learned on the path.
  11. LP especially the specific and specialized one such as chef, writer, CEO etc. is a form of attachement. While Enlightenment is the letting go of all attachements and identities... The biddha once said: “attachment is the root of all suffering.” LP becomes your new identity. You are ready to defend those ideas like it’s your true nature... that’s why I am fond of freedom and don’t like labels. Isn’t LP form of labeling and attachment?
  12. Some good definitions here. Maybe someone wants to mention the people who are wisest in his opinion? And why?
  13. I think so too. But again, there are unconventional people who simply get inspired by many different subjects like me we can’t be placed in a box...
  14. @aurum but why do you think the purpose should be necessarily aimed at helping and not creating and developing?
  15. I don't mean external freedom when I say it. But rather I mean the inner freedom - from any attachment and identification. You can't really control what happens externally. But you can remain free internally at any times.
  16. I need suggestions. Let's say you are Entrepreneur with your heart and soul. But you don't have specific business yet. You have an idea in what ways you would like to affect people. What would your domain of mastery, perfect medium and LP statement would be like?
  17. I would not be corporate businessman at least I don't imagine myself as one at this point. I prefer small and interesting startups. I prefer quality over quantity. I would not be leader of huge organization but I would be strong leader of small and effective team or even be solo entrepreneur. I love exploring and learning new things and then connecting everything together. I would even say that is what I enjoy the most. I hate routine and repetitiveness.
  18. this is actually all I ever wanted. Freedom and emotional mastery, tranquility. I hate limiting and labeling myself. But can simply freedom be LP? it seems way too vague and general. How would you affect world with your freedom
  19. @Nahm @RichardY Actually that sounds a lot like me haha but shouldn't LP statement include how would you impact and benefit people?
  20. Does Youtube calculate your earnings based on which country do you leave in and where do you upload the videos from? Let's say someone from Asia who makes content in English will only be shown to Asian viewers? Do you have the same access and reach with american viewers if you live in Asia?