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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Agree. Search and self inquiry is over. But post awakening sadhana is inevitable anyways.
  2. @Bodhidharma the life has the only purpose - creation...
  3. If you mean the source - unmanifested. I see that end constantly now. I literally see through the reality and “see” unmanifested in any thing. But my point is, trying to spread it directly to others who haven’t experienced it may lead to more beliefs, misunderstandings and attachments...
  4. Simplicity is the key. Don’t make assumptions. Be playful.
  5. I did a lot. I am very skeptical. Combination, not having defined path or teacher, not getting attached to theories and concepts of Enlightenment, neither states, critical thinking, meditation, lots of inquiry and contemplation, reading, researching techniques, letting go and surrendering to the universe. Intention. Prioritizing the truth.
  6. There is no substantial difference between mind, thought and stone per say. The question about location arises because you perceive universe as matter existing somewhere in the space. There is no difference between the empty space and the world. Where is the world in your dream located? Spoiler alert: in consciousness!
  7. Ego is just a concept. There is literally no difference between the so called ego and the rock. Your mind makes distinctions. And it is the illusion of the mind. Like there would not be any substantial difference between the rock and your character in the dream. Both would be existing in and made out of your consciousness. Nothing changes when you “wake up” from that dream. I am not fairy taling here I am telling you what I am directly aware of.
  8. All the search is over. I know the unmanifested, limitlessness, in every thing.
  9. No I know my true nature my friend. I have no separate sense of self anymore. But yet again those awakening experiences are different in almost everyone. But foundation is similar.
  10. Spreading your Truth to others directly and wanting them to believe is not really helpful I think. Plus you never know what is waiting for you in the corner. Maybe you haven’t grasped it all yet? I invite you to be open to this possibility It is more helpful to speak how exactly have you awaken. With which technique precisely. It seems to me that you are afraid to mention all of your techniques...
  11. first step. Now start post awakening sadhana. If you claim that you are awakened and due to that you feel calmness...
  12. @Faceless I was not expecting to see your face
  13. You always have a choice when you are conscious. You loose your choice when you become unconscious and subconscious is controlling you through old patterns. Ego is the same as subconscious.
  14. @okulele great suggestions thank you!
  15. @Malelekakis you are free to do whatever the hell you want to do. You can take one main value in life - the love for example and it will guide you
  16. Did anyone here attempt to do that comprehensively? I mean historical sources as well as other christian scriptures. Is there any reliable source which explains what is known as the "lost years"? I am looking forward to see the episode about Christianity from Leo as he did on Islam.
  17. Some people misunderstand your saying I guess. I guess you mean death of all attachments.
  18. Greatest teacher of all human beings. Universe/god is the greatest teacher itself.
  19. Define it in your own words interesting to see how different people perceive the concept of wisdom. bring examples of your top 5 wisemen.
  20. @Malelekakis haha no need to do anything - killing means you are killing the sense of separate self attached to thing - basically you are killing all the attachment. Afterwards You will go full circle. I am enjoying life. I am enjoying time with my girlfriend and last night's burger after clubbing.
  21. let's play forever