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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Arkandeus Depends on what you call ego. I call ego an identification with separate self. The form of attachment. There is nothing to love there as it is just an illusion. Attachment is an illusion.
  2. You just need to disolve all ideas and attachments of separate self. Also let go of all ideas and concepts about Enlightenment. Investigate your sincere experience. Where it feels that you are located. Then become conscious of that thing and notice that your source can not be coming from “there”. You just need more self enquiry at this point.
  3. @Timothy relationships with people are more loving and compassionate. You are not affected by social pressures that much anymore. Of course that’s all relative. But as time goes it’s getting better and better. You should understand that after Awakening you still have relative perspective, but you have absolute as well. You still need food, drink, sex or whatever... but you have more consciousness and neuroses can not control you anymore. You may be the same person but not attached to separate elements. You just take everything as it is and then you can consciously decide what to change.
  4. post awakening sadhana is just a conceptual term which means that after awakening you are slowly but surely embodying your realization in all aspects of your life - it is inevitable once you are fully conscious. The questions you ask can only be answered from the relative perspective. One must awaken to the oneness of relative and absolute to know that there is no difference and you have both perspectives.
  5. I mean infinite consciousness which creates all. In my experience universe has been “communicating” with me with various signs and it is miracle. I have seen miracles on my path! To me the universe is perfectly alive and has collective intelligence. It has design for everything and everything is perfectly designed as it should be.
  6. It all was happening on itself when I started surrendering and letting go of attachments. I fully let go of control. Now it went full circle and I am in the full control and fully conscious.
  7. No it's just part of experience. it's the scene in the movie.
  8. Neither love nor hate. They just arise and disappear without me attaching to them. And yes, not really angry but frustrated depends on situation. But it happens rarely and usually goes away quickly. I used to get angry very easily in the past. I could become furious. This never happens now.
  9. Sometimes. But they don’t overtake as they used to. They just pass. But they are getting less and less. It’s like watching the movie consciously knowing that it is a movie. You still get emotions from it.
  10. It was a gradual process. It seems like it took infinite but in reality only about 1 year. and moreover it now seems to me as if I have been living infinitely. There is no time or past or future for me anymore. There is not even the moment now. It’s just continues flowing of presence. What techniques did I use? As I said combination. I did not attach to any. I was an explorer who did not believe to anyone. When I listened to Rupert spira, Eckhart tolle, Leo and Mooji I simply could get into the experience of my true nature directly. Upon meditation I could instantly go into very deep states of presence and being. I don’t know why but it really did not take lot of hard work from me. I just surrendered and burned all the attachements to identity easily ever after. Some times I was waking up not knowing who I was anymore... @Leo Gura provided the best direct theoretical and conceptual knowledge of what reality is and definitely best explanation of tripping. Rupert Spira and Eckhart were amazingly good at taking me to the direct experience of my true nature. And I have been watching Mooji recently and he is very advanced as well. He knows the true nature of the source. Thanks to everyone involved in my journey both in distance or directly. It seems like almost every interaction over the last two years has been teaching me smth. It seemes like the whole Universe wanted me to wake up. That is what I call true synchronicity. It was inevitable! P.S. forgot to mention I have travelled to different places over the last year and it definitely played a huge role in my growth and shift of perspectives!
  11. I can’t really. Words can’t explain. And it won’t be any helpful to you. Fear of death? No 0.
  12. “Don’t just blindly believe quotes you see on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln
  13. @Leo Gura but the coolest part is that it doesn’t change absolutely anything other than you know it daaamn you understand the profoundity of going full circle when it goes in that regard....
  14. @Faceless even in the midst of what you call noise I can “find” the perfect stillness.
  15. and create myself now consciously That's what I am doing. Consciousness is the bridge between the reality and unmanifested absolute. This is the holy trinity...
  16. “Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins