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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Leo Gura but what if you belong to conspiracy yourself? I believe that’s what they want to ask indirectly
  2. Everyone is discussing this or that... people the talanted young guy has just died. Show some sorrow.
  3. no exits though. our friend circle is lifetime commitment!
  4. Among of all the awakened ones. Both past and modern enlightened masters. Who do you think has reached the highest forms of realization and why do you think so? For me it's Jesus. I don't know Gautama's life that well to assume anything.
  5. @lmfao @Joseph Maynor You guys wanna join our friend circle?
  6. @Source_Mystic @Faceless @Leo Gura Chill guys! let's be friends! No? Ok P.S. good luck mystic on your path!
  7. damn I am so sorry about AVICII he was a genius!!!
  8. it is so unfortunate. I love Avicii music so much... R.I.P.
  9. @Leo Gura are you going to release new episode this week?
  10. After long months of self search I finally found - I am nowhere to be found. Not in any thing. But I know the source in every perception. I completely collapsed my sense of separate self. I washed away every corner of my experience where it seemed to be hiding. I was nowhere to be found. Most importantly the urge for seeking is over. I am grounded in the presence. I have no desires to look into the future or the past. As I surrendered more and more I was seeing signs everywhere from the universe. I felt as if universe was guiding me. Signs everywhere literally! Even the random words on the walls in the block. Everything was perfectly well synchronized. It felt like the whole Universe was waking up with me... Apart from this I've had several other big realizations - in some ways no less and even more profound than collapsing of the separate self. I was contemplating whether to post this or not but in the end it does not matter. I don't call myself Enlightened I don't find any value in this word. Neither I claim I attained some kind of deep understanding - it is what it is. Main "effects": I feel a lot calmer, happier in the moment, even if I get frustrated usually it goes away soon, I don't cling to anything anymore, I radiate love and compassion more easily, I recognize falsehood and illusions more easily, I am more self-aware as consciousness. I appreciate the beauty of the nature much more. I can see the beauty of existence in almost everything if I am conscious enough. I feel constant connection with the source within. I feel inner peace and stillness. Sense of time is lost. Life is happening only in the moment. Meditation feels very profound and pleasant. It feels that I am connected with universal intelligence. Other than that I feel like I need more integration of this in my life. It happens slowly but surely. I still sometimes get absorbed in emotions but it is nowhere close to its strength as it used to be in the past. My character is changing and reshaping. All I have left to do is to observe and consciously take part into this process.
  11. @MarkusSweden forget names and concepts. It’s all about knowing yourself as the source - unmanifested - infinite nothingness - formlesness. You consciosness are the door between manifested and unmanifested yet you are one with both.
  12. @D-tron there is not such thing as present moment or moment at all. There is only infinite, eternal, neverchanging nothing
  13. @MarkusSweden some call it karma or energy accumulated throughout “past” lifes but whatever you call it it’s still the content. Even if the soul or any other layers exist it does not change the fact that reality has non dual nature. You are speaking about content still not substance. If you had experienced full ego death there wouldn’t be feeling of personality left. It would be just empty thing less consciousness. If you want to know your true nature you must “dig” deeper than the soul or past lives or whatever. You must study the one who is unchanging and always “there”.
  14. When you practice love it is becoming stronger and stronger “infecting” whole your existence. Change does not occur over the day.
  15. It does. You just aren’t conscious of this “happening”.
  16. True mysticism can not be - simply because it is not mental. True mystical experience transcends thoughts and perceptions. You must become directly conscious of non dual nature of the reality to understand how non existence=existence.
  17. You should understand that whole notion of traditional existence is just a concept. There is no such occurrence as existence. It is just what it is - we call it names and even worse completely misunderstand it. Existence is exactly what non existence is.
  18. It does in its current state as you see it but in reality it does not. It is impossible to understand conceptually. You are doing mental masturbation. Non existence permiates all things.
  19. Leo is continuing walking on the circles. He has already awakened but what he calls infinite awakening is just going on the same circles. And he is right you can awaken to infinite truths but all of them are ONE! It is the addictive side of this search for the Truth. He already has truth but he can find new and new ones but at the same time all of them will be the same truths - that's the paradox of reality... He is in the circle going full circle infinitely. And he is aware of that. Only he can get himself outside this infinite loop. It's a choice really. you can word it infinitely differently but the truth is that there is not such thing as existence or truth or any thing. But real trick here is to continue living after this realization and not get stuck in the infinite loop. If I was Leo I would end the search, get wife and kids and life happily.
  20. No because true love never comes from the identification standpoint. Attachment can not be the true love.