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Everything posted by Marina

  1. Not yucky at all, it's all part of life so it's fine, thanks for sharing the knowledge Yes, I've heard that so many times before.. And I've also heard that it may be due to too much fiber.. I don't have any issues with lightly cooked veggies or with kale marinated in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, for example. Fruit is alright, it depends on the fruit and the quantity too, for me. Could it be that raw veggies are just way too fibrous for me to digest easily..? Also, I had my gull bladder removed when I was 19; maybe that's part of it too?
  2. Wow, that sounds absolutely amazing!! Thanks for all the details, I should try out some of that! And I gotta say that the fact that you've been doing this for 4 months is so inspiring.. Do you do that on weekends as well?
  3. Yes, absolutely! Don't know if I'm ready for the 2 hour sit yet..Later on, I will be increasing the time to 1 hr 15 mins, then 1 hr 30 mins, etc. But then again, you never really know what you can do until you push yourself. I've started meditating for 1 hour from the "beginning" of my meditation path (just because Leo said "Try to sit and not move for 1 hour" in the video where he talks about the marathon monks). I was like, "I want to see if I can do it". And I could, maybe because I wasn't thinking in success/fail categories in that moment. It always strikes me after the meditation is over though.. It seems as if I was outside of time. Like, yes my mind understands that it has been 1 hour, but it feels like it's been just a moment. Well thanks for mentioning the 2 hours sit, that's super inspiring! Oh Leo, I tried that multiple times when I was vegan for about 6-8 months.. Yet I don't know what the issue is, but raw veggies/fruit in their regular or even liquid form in large quantities used to make me SO bloated. I would have a veggie + fruit smoothie in the morning and it would make me bloated for hours. It's is something I've had since I was like 12. I recently got Dr. Blum's book since you mentioned bloating in your audio review for it. Will see how that works. And thanks!
  4. Thanks for the response! I cannot agree more on that. I've been meditating for 1 hour every day using two of the techniques Leo has shared (strong determination sit + do nothing) and I witness my mental clarity improving more and more. Like, there's less and less of the "brain fog". I'll try out reading in the morning - that would be really new to me. I always read in the afternoon/evening. Will be interesting to see how the switch works Thanks for sharing!