Ferdi Le
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Everything posted by Ferdi Le
I bet some of you know him. I actually liked him. He was one of the "teachers" how introduced me to Self-Help. He actually has some pretty amazing videos on Morning Rituals etc. Nevertheless, his content is shallow often times, he suggests get-rich quick schemes (like kindle publishing where you hire some 3rd writers for 1 dollar per page), hangs out with Dan Lock, makes 20 minute (!) videos about Spiral Dynamics etc. So a very typical orange "success-guru" who gets rich by selling courses on how to get rich. BUT, it does not end here. He his businesses are actually kinda criminal (at least they would be here in Germany). EXAMPLE: http://www.fastchickenpoxcure.com/ He selled a course with medical adive and said he was a experienced medical researcher (merely used a fake picture and fake name). So he exploits despereate people who are sick with fake credentials and bullshit adive (he basically lists some superfoods) and then makes online courses in which he teaches other people to do the same (kindle money mastery). MY QUESTION: How can he not show any remorse? Or make a video apologizing? I mean he knows about Spiral Dynamics, he took Psychedelics. That shoudl give you at least some self-awareness?
I hear what you are saying, but I guess for a lot of girls those situations can serve as entrance points to develop themselves more. Being attached to a random attractive guy makes the girl about as sophisticated as a dog.
"Science is not a didactic, dogmatic religion" -Rudy Giuliani https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwifvJONoKHsAhVl8OAKHR2ADDQQtwIwA3oECAUQAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDy6bow3Itf8&usg=AOvVaw3mMQHxpqzRzbXD7ayrgtAh
RSD Max with some german Fake Guru. The title says: "How to become omnipresent in your market with the Baulig method and make ice-cold contacts to enthusiastic customers."
Wrong thread needs to be moved to stage red of course....
There is a woman on wallstreet who is almost infamous for her stage red behavior. She seems to recruite desperate grads for her company without paying them anything! She also threatens employees into writing good reviews on Glassdoor. You can check out the wall street people on a stage orange forum talking about her. Its interesting to see red demonized by orange this way: https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/a-warning-on-tobin-co https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/is-it-true-that-tobin-company-doesnt-pay-their-analysts
Hey Guys, I am in the process of analyzing some reasons why I dont achieve my goals. My intention is to gather awareness and 'intel' on my typically patterns, so that I can develope strategies to increase my success rate consistently. One of the most frequent reason for me not achieving goals, and I guess for most of you as well, is Sloth, Laziness and Complacency. Or as Leo put it in one of his videos, stuffing yourself in disney land while not realizing that there is a 'hurricane' coming. My Questions is: Do you have any pictures, paintings that illustrate sloth for you? That really captures this 'sin' and immediately connectes you to its 'risks'? If yes, then I would greatly appreciate you sharing it. If you dont see why one would do that? As I said, I am in the process of analyzing and writing a note for my commonplace book. For me persoanlly, it is crucial to have kind of 'fancy' notes, with pictures, quotes etc. that really capture what I mean and feel in a way that is not possible with text only. When I like my notes more, I review them more, when I review them more, I get more value from them Some pictures I like:
John Maynard Keynes captured this very well in one quote when when he criticized his fellow economists for being "unmoved by the lack of correspondence between the results of their theory and the facts of observation". I think Keynes is quite frankly a good example. He was a self-described capitalist but saw the necessity of state intervention in times of crises. But by many libertarians, he is viewed as the worst devil who is responsible for all evil in the world. But it is also noteworthy how quickly libertarian economic-thinking is vanishing. I mean the US basically gave out free money with the stimulus check (and that by a Republican Administration, with (I guess) very little pushback and even plans for more. It doesnt get much worse than that according to libertarians I guess.....
The is beyond beautiful. The entire construct he builds just shows infinite deception. How he abuses everything to deduce his beliefs. Its beyond him.
@GodDesireOnlyLove Be careful of labeling books, written by people who studied their subject for decades, as nonsense. To your point: I dont see the underlying mating strategies of men/ women changing anytime soon. At least my behavior and preferences (as a man) are perfectly congruent with the theory.
Quick Copy&Paste from my notes on "The Red Queen" "For a man casual sex with a stranger carried only a small risk—infection, discovery by the wife—and a potentially enormous reward: a cheap addition of an extra child to his genetic legacy" Women are likely to be different: Having sex with a stranger not only encumbered a Pleistocene woman with a possible pregnancy before she had won the man ' s commitment to help rear the child, but it also exposed her to probable revenge from her husband if she had one and to possible spinsterhood if she did not. These enormous risks were offset by no great reward. Her chances of conceiving were just as great if she remained faithful to one partner, and her chances of losing the child without a husband ' s help were greater. Therefore, women who accepted casual sex left fewer rather than more descendants, and modern women are likely to be equipped with suspicion of casual sex
My current understainding is this: Ego = Highly biased consciousness The more you grow, the less biased "your" consciousness becomes. So why did Leo, even in his 5-MeO induced God-Consciousness state, still jerk off to hot women and not guys or old women? If you are still biased in those artificial peak states, how far can you really get?
@Leo Gura Thanks for the response! What do you think about using Rimonabant for Growth purposes? It is a medication that was used against obesity. It blocking the Reward Circuitry was supposed to prevent overeating. Unfortuantely, people became severely depressed because they had no desire to survive anymore, because reward was taken away. Isnt that Ego Death in a pill? Isnt that the perfect reference experience for your video "Understainding Meaning Purpose and Value" ? And also a Litmus Test for Personal Growth: How happy am I really beyond just sensitizing my reward system to be excited by more and more subtle things?
Assets are pretty much by definition protected from inflation. Not bonds, but stocks are a good protection from inflation.
Ferdi Le replied to Annoynymous's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura Could you maybe share your opinion on what Warrens agenda is? Is it ego? Does she want to play kingmaker during the convention? I am really curious because it is obvious that her not dropping out prevented Bernie from winning Massachusetts, Maine, and probably Texas. Winning those would completely changed the night because than the narrative would merely be that Biden dominates the South. But even losing Maine is a hit Bernie will probably not recover from (of course not from a delegate perspective, but more from not being able to mobilize his base in key areas). But then again, the primaries rely heavily on momentum, and if Biden has to debate Bernie 1-1, and Bernie hammers him down on the issues, things might turn again -
Hey, isnt this the (currently) best source of quick political news? I think both of them are really passionate about what they are doing, have pretty smart analysis and its a multi perspective approach since Krystal & Saagar are (more progressive & conservative). What do you think?
Hey guys, so whats constitutes good nutirition is pretty clear to me and I dont really get why people are so confused about it. https://www.actualized.org/blueprint/eat-healthy It is alsop undeniable why eating healthy is crucial. My question is: Do you always (!) eat healthy, or do you have some wiggle room? I eat healthy most of the time but am still attached to some form of reward from more unhealthy food. Right now, I still crave some pasta with cheese 1x per week. I can imagine reducing it to 1x for every two weeks. But I still struggle with the idea of cutting it out completely. Of course eating pizza at a resturant is not extremely nutritious, but the experience can be very rewarding. Has cutting it out completey really such a high marginal utility? @Leo Gura I really love your recipie that you shared on yt in 2014 and your soup and your smoothie. I am totally on board with eating that 95% of the time. But did you cut out things like pasta completely??
Love it. You should have mentioned the quote in Wage Slavery video
This is perfect!!