Vitamine Water

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Everything posted by Vitamine Water

  1. You know, mental masturbation is nice when you're on a no-fap streak
  2. Thanks, this is great and very practical. I'd love to investigate these "portals" more. Do you have any sources/books on this? Thanks.
  3. @Ether Try adding 5 minutes every 1/2 weeks untill you reach a level where the amount of time you sit doesn't matter anymore. And it's not about time, it's about the quality of your meditation. A 35 minute session could be better then 2 hours of sloppy meditation.
  4. Not to be rude or disrespectful, but take some pshychedelics to find the evidence. And someone to guide you. I sense that you have a lot of worries about yourself, others and the world. Your whole reality and belief system need to be turned upside down to find your answers. Just a couple of opinions won't really shake your way of thinking. This goes way deeper. You need a huge MINDBLOW my friend! You don't even fucking excist! And yes, it will be hard. Facing your fears head-on is your best solution. <3
  5. It feels like the right thing to do. For no specific reason actually. I let the meditation do it's magic.
  6. This! @Ilya also, positive affirmations do very well too.
  7. Those moments between thoughts are KEY, as @Leo Gura mentioned. You become the observer, you become aware(ness). You basically "wake up" for a sec. With practice, you'll have more of these moments and the stilness and relaxation expands. When you have this "aha I was totally lost" moments, try not to judge yourself. Just notice the experience of being aware. When you get more familiar with this feeling, you can explore it more deeply: what is this feeling of being aware? What does this silence mean? Who is observing my thoughts? But then again, this is called self enquiry, not "do nothing" There are many great techniques to expand your awareness. I used to put my focus on breath during meditation. Now I focus on the experience of being aware (or silence) as much as I can. Mindfulness meditation is also nice, I highly recommend this one: Happy sitting!
  8. Love your signature, dude. Will it be delivered by mail?
  9. @Eonn The goal of this technique is to let go of control. Don't try to be as aware or present as you can, that's a different meditation technique in itself. Let your mind get absorbed in thought, that's perfectly fine. Moments when you realize "hey, I was just in a thought!" are very good to have. Then you became aware. It's also normal to feel useless and pointless after this type of meditation. But that's the whole point: do nothing. The mind loves to "do" things. Focus on this, focus on that, be this, be that. Now your letting this control go and as a result, you're silencing your mind. Tip: Keep at it. You're already making more progress than you think.
  10. Drop it. No one demands anything from you. You're perfect. It's perfectly fine to be in multiple stages. But don't worry too much about them. It will pass. Accept that you're a rainbow
  11. An ongoing search for something that isn't there.
  12. @egoless You serve your name well now, my friend
  13. @Charlotte Sounds like a solid plan. I myself try to focus on my breath as much as I can. And I find myself judging myself too when it doesn't work out. But that's fine. We're monkeys and still learning. You just have to trust yourself that it will work out eventually. Let monkey mind question whatever it wants in the meantime. Stick to the practice, It's a long term proces
  14. @MiracleMan I personally like to jump from teaching to teaching, so that I see the similarities between them. Sometimes I resonate more with, for example, Mooji and sometimes more with Adyashanti. I think it's helpful to hear different perspectives and views and see the similarities between them. It helps to broaden your own perspective and understanding.
  15. Everything is connected. Look at the trees outside. They look like our brains, same structure and both providing life and oxygen. Look at all the rivers and lakes. It's all just a streaming substance, like blood in our veins floating wherever it goes. Look at groups of little flies at night, how are they different from starclusters or galaxies? Big or small, it doesn't matter. It's all One. We can infinitely zoom in and infinitely zoom out. It doesn't matter. There is no end, in both ways. Where are you in this infinite thing we call universe?
  16. @Pure Imagination look in your direct experience now. Sit and wait untill a thought comes up. Where does this "thought" come from? Where does it go? Don't answer with mind, answer yourself with direct experience. Don't fool yourself for thinking you know. You'll know eventually. It becomes absolutely clear.
  17. @ShivaAnd now i'm right behind you, watch out!
  18. How can you miss me if i'm everywhere too mate?
  19. Feel free to bring those mugs with you. I like to drink tea straight from the teapot.
  20. @Nahm You, I like you hahahaha Knew it Let's bake a cake together mate
  21. @Deep Because absolutely speeking, "they" are you and you are them. You are part of God, and so is the fucking plant next to you. Its all just different expressions of it. Violent people are therefore an evil expression of God, conceptually speaking. How can the infinite not include war and violence? It has to, otherwise its not infinite and God would not be God. If you look at it from the lower self perspective, you fight, you rage, you defend and so on. You basically get sucked in delusion and duality. As jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"
  22. Nice. I started with the truffels and 2cb, slowly building up to LSD and mushrooms. Imo truffels is a good one to explore psychedelics, mild, and you are still "in control". It really opened me up to life and nature. And you'll laugh your ass off for sure. But for deeper insights and personal development, I'd suggest LSD and Mushrooms. Start slow of course. Respect the drug. Steadily increase the dosage each time. And there a so many other psychedelics, like AL-lad, DMT, 5meo, Ayahuasca. These are the big boys (for me at least). I'll take those when the universe decides i'm ready Ow and by the way, Google is your best friend in this one. Know the drug before you take the drug (yes, mom...) Hope this helped, happy tripping!
  23. @Afonso tnx for sharing! I still remember my first...I sat for 5 minutes, with complete chaos inside my head. After the sit I remember being really annoyed by the fact that it didn't instantly changed my behaviour. "How can I still be angry, I thought I meditated this morning?? This hippy shit is useless!" Lol, I knew nothing back then. And I still don't.
  24. @LaucherJunge Sure, you can use it as a concentration practice, or try to listen to the music while you're centered in awareness, so that you don't get "absorbed" by the sounds. But I would personally not use it as a replacement for traditional meditation, bacause it has proven to have the most benefit. Rather, use it as an additional practice to train your awareness.