Vitamine Water

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Everything posted by Vitamine Water

  1. Day 19: easy Easy again? Yes! Why? I have no clue. I have no idea when this thing is going to be difficult. Or IF it even gets difficult. It will, for sure. But there is a need to struggle because that's when I learn most. That's where real progress takes place in my experience. Things just have been so easy so far. Nothing much has happened. I know I'm just rambling thoughts right now that I don't even know make sense. Good job mind We're moving on. No expectations or overthinking. Be now.
  2. <3
  3. Day 18: easy Yesterday was a good day. So far it has been quite against my expectations, really. My last try before this one was just terrible. I was thinking about sex and porn the whole day and I was struggling way more than I do now. I really think the journaling helps a lot with that. I feel motivated to post something everyday and people are reading along. This night I dreamed that I relapsed and I could feel the disappointment of failing and having to start over again. Of course it felt very real in the moment but when I woke up I was so relieved.. And I'm only 18 days in!
  4. Day 17: easy I'm rolling. Body awareness is increasing more and more. I feel stronger, phisically, even though my body is still feeling a bit weak and I'm tired. Sometimes I look in the mirror acting like a Kong Fu monk. And the next moment I almost fall asleep at my desk. It's like the energy is trying to push through the sickness. I sleep 7+ hrs every night, I eat healthy, and I have a pretty good immune system so it will pass soon. I hope Happy New year!
  5. Day 16 : relatively easy Special day today, I reached my highest streak! 10 points for griffoendor! Nah just kidding. I don't really have anything to celebrate yet. But it feels good to pass this point, not knowing what to expect. That motivates me more to keep going. The unknowing, the unexpected. More and more pressure is building up down there (physical pressure). And I can feel some tingling sensations but I'm not feeling horny or aroused. It's like I have to pee every 60 minutes. Luckily It hasn't turned into a desire to rocket launch everything out yet. I'm keeping my cool still
  6. Thanks man! I've had that semen issue a few times too, in previous attempts at nofap. I don't know to what degree it influences the proces. But it surely is not nice while you're trying to keep the boat dry.
  7. Day 15: easy Yup. Today went easy. Nothing really much too add really. Feeling less tired in the evenings and in the mornings too so that's nice. I'm having way more boners than before tho, lol. And I have no control over it too. In the bus, on the couch, at the office. He does whatever and whenever he wants man... Oh well... Goodnight!
  8. Day 14: easy I've had a good weekend. I'm not feeling sick anymore and I'm ready for this week. It's going to be a busy one with interviews, calls, and so on so its good that I'm feeling better right now. No serious urge to fap today. Or any sexual thoughts really. But I'm slighty starting to feel more pressure down there. I think the time has come where he's starting to fight back...
  9. Best of luck my man! And stay 'cool'
  10. @Scholar Thanks A LOT for your story, it gave me a really useful perspective on nofap. It's the exact reason why I started nofap, because I want to use this new energy to boost parts of my life. Especially to find energy and motivation to meet new people, build new relationships. And I have almost zero experience with sexual energy. So thanks for pointing it out. I will definitely research sexual/energetic transmutation!
  11. That's good to hear man, hang in there! Did you set a goal for yourself? 30, 60, 90 days or so? And thanks for the tip. I'll try the shamanic breathing
  12. Day 13 easy This day went easier than yesterday, although I felt a slight urge to watch sexual content (ow yeah) . Because you know, I'm alone in my room, it's late, parents are asleep and im bored. Perfect time right?! Fuck no! Meditate! Drink thee! Play music! Focus on the long term effects. I don't have to beat my meat and feel good for a few minutes only to feel bad afterwards because I relapsed. Where's the good in that? The urge is very subtle tho. Even watching a girl in bikini on a laptop screen or whatever can trigger the loop. All I need to do is to not give energy to that thought. So far so good.
  13. @hikmatshiraliyev Hi, A few suggestions: - turn the lights on - sit with eyes open - close the curtains - breath deeply a few times - play music, or sing a song you really like (out loud, in your head) this is an advice by Terence Mckenna for when you're having a bad trip. - light up some incense sticks before your meditation In short, create positive vibes as much as you can. Whatever you do at home to feel at peace, try to recreate that in your other room. This helped me greatly!
  14. Day 12: relatively easy Today's morning and afternoon went fine, but in evening I started to feel an urge to watch porn. It got triggered by some random video on YouTube, in which two people talked about sex. Nothing serious but I was just more sensitive and closed the yt video to do something productive. Staying analog on this journey is very importanteee
  15. Day 11: easy What has changed in the last 11 days? - I'm feeling better about myself because I stick to a goal. And the fap cycle is a toxic cycle so it feels good that i don't buy into it anymore. - I'm more aware of my body posture. I notice myself walking up more straight, shoulders back, more confident. - Overall confidence level is still the same. - less energy and I'm more tired (but I think this is because I'm feeling sick. My dad isnst feeling well too)
  16. Day 10: easy Nothing special today, business as usual. Freelance work in the evening until around 23:00
  17. Day 9: easy Still no desire to watch porn or anything which is good! I used to masturbate maybe about 3/4 times a week. And my no pmo "record" is 16 days, which was kind of a shock to me. It proved that it was and is an addiction of mine. But ive learned from my mistakes and I'm doing better at observing instead of acting on a simple "fuck it let's go" thought. Bringing awareness back to the breath seems to be really effective for me. But so far there's no need to use this technique. I'm way more tired than I was yesterday. After 8 I had no energy and fell asleep in bed. The physical exercise has to do its work. I'm eating healthy so that can't be the cause for my low energy.
  18. Day 8: easy Hooray! I actually woke up earlier this morning to do Qi-Gong. Time for a party!! Today went easier than yesterday, I think mostly because my mind is focused on work. I'm also doing more short breathing excersises during the day to keep my awareness. There is still a lot of mind fog and it seems so be on auto pilot for most of the day (which can be good for doing work but bad for training awareness). So I'll be meditating in the morning too. But that's for the future. I first have to get a solid Qi-Gong morning routine. I need More focus on physical exercise atm
  19. Day 7: easy Good day. Although I can slowly feel the urge coming. I had a few of those moments and they got automatically blocked. Tomorrow morning I'm picking up my Qi-Gong exercise, hooray!! I'm feeling lazy and tired so this is a good start.
  20. Day 6 Okay let's add a grade of difficulty (is that how it's called?) for each day cuz why not I found this German picture on rock climbing on the web, which I'm gonna use as an analogy for my nofap proces (super genius) And this is my version/interpretation of the picture: Stage 1: easy Stage 2: relatively easy Stage 3: difficult Stage 4: very difficult Stage 5: Extremely difficult (GOD MODE) So for future posts I'll be using these stages. Goodnight!
  21. Day 5 It's the end of day 5. Time for meditation and sleep. So far so good. No real urge to fap today, even though I was home alone for the most part. Writing this journal makes me more motivated and dedicated to not relapse. Sex is barely on my mind (I don't have a girlfriend by the way). Normally a day like this is perfect for porn and fapping. Friday evening, home alone, you know the drill (haha). But like I said, the thought of fapping just didn't interest me. Instead I wrote music for the better part of the evening/night. Yay!
  22. Day 4 Nothing serious today. Work and school mostly. Watched a lot of TV this evening, something I rarely do actually. I didn't have the motivation to do something creative like drawing or music. So I ended up watching TV like a zombie lol. It's weird. Some evenings I have so much energy, and others are such lazy evenings. It's really not consistent and I don't like it. But I know what I have to do. I only need the motivation to do it.
  23. Day 3 Forgot to post something before going to sleep. Was really tired the whole day. This morning I feel much better. Yesterday went well with no fap. I had some pretty intense eye contact with a lady while I was omw back to home from work. Normally I'm the guy who doesn't know how to react, but I kept my cool. I do feel I'm getting more experienced with girls, especially this year. I just feel more comfortable with communicating. The hardest part for me would be to initiate a conversation with a stranger, or someone that I like. I just don't want things to get awkward and so I avoid starting a conversation. And I also don't know what to talk about and force some boring topic. Small talk is just not my kinda thing I guess. I'm more interested in the deeper topics you know. That's where I get my enthusiasm and energy from. Its something that I still want to learn. How to approach women and start a conversation.
  24. Day 2 Nothing serious today. The start is always the easiest part in my experience. On to the next day.
  25. Day 1 Relapsed.. Just kidding. Today went fine, no sexual urge or anything. I'm currently doing an internship at a design agency in Rotterdam. So most of my day is focused on work and school projects. It's fun, but it takes a lot of energy. I always take a nap as soon as I get home (around 6 or 7 PM). After that, I have dinner. In the evenings, when I have spare time, I make music , drawings, illustrations. 30-60 minutes meditation before I go to bed. Sometimes porn knocks on the door as soon as I try to close my eyes for a good night sleep. Damn you! I also live with my parents at the moment. So the urge to masturbate often comes when they're not at home.