Vitamine Water

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Everything posted by Vitamine Water

  1. Day 11: 1/10
  2. Thanks bruv! ?
  3. Day 10: 2/10 The sexual thoughts are there, but no arousal or anything. Seems like the mind isn't done with fapping, but the body is? By the way, I just graduated so this means I can restructure my life again. And I got big plans! It's time to boost my spiritual practices and creativity.
  4. Day 9: 2/10
  5. Day 8: 1/10
  6. Day 7: 4/10 I was alone for the whole day, but managed to keep my eyes on the work. Tomorrow is my final graduation presentation so then I'll know If I graduated
  7. Yes, don't force it on them. Inspire them, show them ideas, examples. Trying to convince them works counter productive. Be the example yourself and they'll become naturally more interested. Or not.
  8. Day 6: 2/10
  9. Day 5: 1/10
  10. Thanks for sharing everyone, this thread makes me happy There are so many great experienced I wish to share. I think the biggest one was the realisation that I could literally take off all my clothes and run around naked in the streets and not give a flying f*uck. There was no ego for a moment. Mind you, this was during a peak LSD experience I've never felt so free in my life. I seemed to last for ages, for infinity. Untill the peak was over QQ And also music. When your connect very deeply with a song. Man. @NoSelfSelf I second this!
  11. Appreciate it man, tnx! ❤️
  12. Day 4: 1/10
  13. @rounder @EvilAngel It does! Spiral dynamics is very useful for me too. I think the important message here is to not turn these models into an ideology or absolute truth.
  14. I know. I realised this when I was on a peak LSD trip. A profound insight. I tried to explain it to my friends, but they thought I was wack. Welcome to the cosmic giggle my friend
  15. Day 3: 2/10
  16. Day 2: 2/10 Relapsed on Tuesday
  17. Day 1&2 I'm gonna swith to a 1/10 scale and notify when something interesting happens . There is a long journey ahead and writing sometimes takes too much effort for me. Credits to @youngshinzen
  18. Day 16 & 17: relapse Relapsed on day 17. It took me a while to gave into the gravings because they were just too much and meditation didn't quite calm it down. No hard feelings afterwards. It's just happened. For next time when things get rough, I have to do something 'active'. Everytime I relapse it's either because I'm bored or I have a lazy day. And so the sexual thoughts and fantasies take over. So for next time I'm going to take a walk outside. I'll have to get out of my home setting. Here is a picture of a dougnut:
  19. Day 15 Minor thoughts and fantasies today. Right now I'm just really tired and need to get back too sleep Tomorrow and the day after that I'm fully recharged so I can start making art and music again. Right now I feel like snorlax but that's fine. February 5th is my final presentation so then I'll know I if I graduate. Hype hype!!
  20. @Shinlet me first reach enough strength to reach 90, then we'll talk, ahaha
  21. Day 13&14: Not much going on.
  22. Day 11 & 12 Man, I'm losing track of time lol. Today I finished my thesis so it's time to sleep. I got bags under my eyes the size of Antarctica. Right now I have to be aware that I don't relapse. Its a common theme for me to give into ego backlash after something 'big' has happened. But atleast I'm aware of it now so that's a start.
  23. Day 10 Last night I had pretty intense sexual fantasies. Again, it's that ego-reward system. I worked long hours that day so something inside me wanted a to have a reward. I felt tired but couldn't sleep. It's that adrenaline-focus thing where you have too much coffee but at the same time you're tired asf. Normally a perfect time to soften the edges with a nice fap and then fall asleep. I did a guided meditation by Mooji. This made me more aware of the observer-me which gave my thoughts some rest. Fell asleep after that.
  24. Maybe pick a different time slot. In the evening, morning or afternoon. Have you tried this?