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Everything posted by momo

  1. @Leo Gura that's not the point, assuming you don't have health issues, what's you opinion in participating in a war that threatens the existence of you country. Let's say you're not american, say you're a russian (although you are) in WWII when that nazi attacked your country.
  2. @Leo Gura I'm just wondering, if the USA enters a serious war when it needs many men to join, would you join the army. We assume here that it is a real war that threatens america's existence not some american bullshit like iraq war. I'm interested to hear other forum members' opinions too.
  3. The cause is bullshit, but once it begins you don't have much choices
  4. @Leo Gura I'm convinced that the best path for enlightenement is psychedelics, hower 99% of people in my country and many other 3rd world countries never even heard about them (they only know weed and other hard drugs). I'm not talking about all 3rd world countries but the majority of them espacially muslim countries. There is no access to these stuff what so ever. So basically if you're in a third world country you're destined to not be awake and all what you can do is meditate which has no significant effect against psychedelics ? What do you think ?
  5. A glimpse of what psychedelics can make you, megalomaniac ! I love Leo very much but he's SURELY not the only one who understands AWAKENING (and I'm obviously not talking about myself or any one in this forum). I know that he has seen some real real REAL shit through his trips, but surely his not the only one who has experienced that. Don't know, maybe he says he's the only one meaning in the solipsist way meaning he's the only one to exist ..
  6. Bro stop kidding me, I've never seen someone who preaches that psychedelics are the shortest and strongest (and not exagerating to also say the only) path for god realisation like @Leo Gura does, he even said one time that if Ramana Maharashi tried psychedelics he will shit his pants. And by enlightenement I mean god realisation so don't say to me leo doesn't believe in enlightenement just because you think I'm talking about mainstream buddhist enlightenement of the west !
  7. I had read many topics in this forum, every time we speak someone thinking that he's enligthened, @Leo Gura says that this person is not fully enlightened and doesn't grasp full nature of god (examples : Mouhamed, buddha, jesus, eckhart tolle, rupert spira, ramana -not sure about Ramana-). Can you give us some examples of people in history or in present that you think that they are fully enlightened ?
  8. @Leo Gura You always seem to say that this person or that person is not enlightened and you say it with 100% confidence. There are for sure people who are obviously highly enlightened and everyone knows that, Ramana is one of them for example (although I think that you're not 100% convinced of this). Also Rumi etc ..
  9. It has nothing to do with my spiritual path, it just pure curiosity. Plus it is important to know the true enlightened people to learn from their teachings like I do from your teachings ! Anyways ..
  10. Leo has always said that science can't explain the nature of reality .. But in his last video about QM he said that quantum physics(which is a science) can explain the nature of reality !! isn't quantum physics just another science who's job is just to explain INSIDE the dream that we live in ? How a science can explain the nature of reality ?
  11. if the brain is not the source of consciousness , why any changement in the chemistry of the brain like getting drunk changes our awarness and consciousness ? Isn't that a proof that the brain is the source of consciousness ?
  12. @Leo Gura what do you think about idealism ?
  13. how to deal with existential crisis ? why i'm doing what i'm doing if i'm gonna die anyway ? what's the fucking point ?!!!!!!!!
  14. is it necessary to practice self inquiry for enlightenment , or meditation alone is enough ? I mean can enlightenment occur just by meditating without self inquiry ?
  15. if infinite awareness is capable of everything why humans didn't came without evolution , I mean why need evolution when infinite awareness can just make every creature come on its own without needing his ancestor to evolve ?
  16. If the consciousness is not produced by the brain , why any chemical imbalance or damage in the brain alters our awarness ?
  17. Why ? Why perception and experience have a relationship with the brain ? The brain is a concept !
  18. Is there any one here who have suffered from ocd and recovered from it by following the spiritual path ? If yes,can you tell me about your story in brief