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About Lubomir

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  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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  1. It was a roller coaster. Sometimes I felt like she is the most loving person towards me and sometimes it was straight up torture and manipulation. Well, to racionalize it. My ex treat most people like that, at least after some time. So this friend of her realize, that her friendship is worth nothing for my ex (which is true, my ex sometimes spoke about it and about others). My ex never really had stable friendship, that was the one thing I was trying to get her focus on - to find friends! Because you need them. She from time to time found some, but never give it the effort needed for a long-term one. I guess the same goes for relationships in her case. But coming to that friend - yeah it's a red flag if she is willing to do that and that is why I'm not planning anything more with her then maybe have some fun. Yeah, that is what I was thinking. I had sex only with 2 women and something close to that with another one, so I really lack this experience. It took me a lot of time to build my confidence and one of the reasons I did it was my ex. I found her "perfect" at that time, so when she showed me her interest in me, it was a clear go to for me. I never had casual sex, never felt like it, but now the time changed. I just turned 30 which I believe is one of the reasons that made me to reconsider my whole life and get back on the path I want. @Buck Edwards Really good psychoanalytic dive from you! Thank you
  2. So... I have been in my first long-term relationship for 7 years. There was some struggles, some of those I even discussed here on the forum at the beggining of our relationship. Long story short, she wasn't ready for a commitment with long history of meeting other men, especialy her Ex-partners. During our relationship she told me twice that there is someone else that she have feelings for and wants to spend some time with him talking, but that I don't have to worry, because she love me and want to spend her life with me etc... even though I was against it, she was always able to convince me that I don't undertand Love. That Love should be spread unconditionaly and I'm only trying to restrict it to one person. I trusted her and kinda blame myself for not being manly enough to know that I can't be bothered by other mens attention towards my woman - after all, she's with me, not with them. I broke up with her when I found out through her phone, that she is going on a weekend with one guy that she met in her work and was meeting him for about a year. I was told by her, that she is going to her grandmother... When I encountered her with it, she told me calmly that if she told me about it I would make a scene and that she loves him (also) and wants to help him (that guy had a wife and kid and wasn't happy in his relationship). When I asked how can I trust her when she is lying to me, she told me that she wasn't decided yet if she tell me the truth or not. Bullshit, she was manipulating me. I went through so much shit with her just to get to the point where I have broken leg at home for 2 months unable to go elsewhere and she is going for a weekend in SPA with her lover, lying to me. I told her, that if she wants it, she can go. She went with the words "You don't understand it, He needs me". I felt like a piece of shit. The day she went away with him I started to deconstruct my life. She occasionaly texted me "I love you, your'e such a brave man" etc... But I was decided to end this pain. Even though I tried to reply to her in a positive way, she knew something is not right and asked me on her way home through chat. Jesus, I even gave her another option to stay if she cut off him and all of the other bullshit she's having. She told me that she wasn't decided, but now she is. That I obviously can't handle her behaviour and it will be better for both of us, that we are not compatible since she don't want to stop because of LOVE IS EVERYTHING AND CANNOT BE RESTRICTED. I struggled with my self-confidence while growing up, was bullied, almost no real experience with girl and so on... so these things didn't really prepared me for a relationship with a narcissist who seeks attention from men because of her own self-confidence problems and problems with her father. Because that is really the truth, but everytime I tried to motivate her to do something about it, it felt like pushing a rock on top of the mountain and when I'm not paying attention it just fell off again. She did some steps, but never really progress. I'm not sure if she ever physically cheated on me (she keeps telling me NO), but she definitely cheated on me mentally and that is even worse. Prior to our brake-up she didn't want to have sex with me for about 5-6 moths but kept telling me it's because of the stress in her work. Again I believed her, but deep down felt it's really not only the work. I moved away as quickly as I could even with the broken leg with help of my family and friends. She was crying a lot and it was obvious that she wasn't expecting me to move on so quickly. To make it short again and finally ask you for your insights, I'm right now seeing her from time to time at mine or her place, we usually have sex (which is SO MUCH better then it was last 2 years), but not every time. We do not text each other, I'm just trying to get her to finish all the paper work regarding electricity, gas and so on... in which she is so bad. I was always the one dealing with these things for us. In some way I still enjoy to spend some time with her as we met at university and have been friends before we started dating, so we have some common ground. But I feel that I have much more power now since I don't have to do anything for her if I truly don't want to. And that is the first thing, should I cut her completely? I do feel like it's fading away from my side, since I don't even have the urge to text her about anything in my life. But I confes that the occasional sex with her give me joy. Should I take this part of my life as a chance to enjoy myself? Since the brake up I went on few dates, have one friend come over, but never really felt like having something more with those girls, even though they would. But there is one girl which used to be friend of my ex, used to be really sweet girl before she met my ex. Now she is "exploring her sexuality" as she put it by herself. And yeah, she's into me, has been the whole time, but I never did any action towards her as I was in a relationship. She also dumped my ex as a friend because she felt like my ex do not care about her and their friendship. Now she's here inviting me to swingers party with her. At the beggining she straight up told me, that boyfriends of her friends are taboo, but as we chat more, I have a feeling that the situation has changed. We should see each other first and talk, then arrange something. Putting the girl aside, I think it can be helpful to go to swingers party at this point since I really don't have this kind of experience and it can help me to detach from my ex fully. I do have a simillar offer from another women which is also after brake-up and wants to enjoy herself, nothing more. Should I enjoy myself now for a little bit or cut all of that and just "focus on myself"? If I think about it, I do believe that some aspects of it can really help me to move on with my life and I also feel like I'm missing some life experiences for which now is ideal time to have. I always tend to try different things, that is what got me into philosohpy, psychedelics and similar topics. P.S. In other aspects of my life I moved on. I live by myself in nice apartment in the center of the city, hanging out with friends and family and I also decided to change my work for the better (While I'm writting this I got a call from a job I really want to invite me for a job interview which is GREAT). I exercise, spend time in nature, read and just do things for which I didn't have energy before since my mind was ocupied by my relationship. Thank you for reading this and I'm happy if you leav your insight for me
  3. Feel you man @Lyubov... 2 months back I broke up with my GF for 7 years. I deeply loved her, planned to have family with her, but had to let her go. Will make a separate post about it since I'm not sure if the things I'm heading in to now are the best I can do. But the feeling of rebirth is there. My whole concept of what My Life is have fall apart. Now I can build a new one without the previous mistakes I made. But the good times, they are hard to forget.
  4. Thank you guys for sharing. Sorry I won't respond to all of it and without tagging to who I do respond to. It's kinda difficult to do it on the phone. So, you were talking about relationship dynamics and that they were set badly and that this time of ultimatum will fade away in the same dynamic (situation) as we had before, if we won't change the programs that lead us to here. - I agree 100℅ and I'm glad that when we were both talking about it, we came to few things that needs to change - not in the means of "you need to give me more attention", but really specific things such as "I don't want you to came from work and work again at home, because I might be waiting for you to spend some time with you". That is why I have hope... You also mentioned that I shouldnt read her messages without her knowing it and I agree too, did it for the first time, I thought I needed to be 100% sure if I make the decission to build up trust to her again and at that point with all of you telling me I shouldn't trust her I broke up that rule within me. Also strongly agree with Flowboy, when he made the point of "instead telling you that she's not happy with something, she goes to someone else" and I said exactly the same phrase to her. She responded with naming 3 occasions in which she did tell me that, but I ignored it. And, when I look back at it, she is correct in it. BUT It's not my mistake that she couldn't make it as a big deal for her - she wasn't able to communicate it as a real problem for her. Now we know, hopefuly won't forget. With the commentary on vacuum between us: YES, you said it perfectly. The whole issue can be seen now without avoidance and it is something that we need to go through. We decided to do something new together, something that we both feel passion for and that can be used as a new connection between us. We went to a archery range yesterday and it was awesome, it was the first come out from the "vacuum" and we both agree it felt well. Do you feel there might be some other threads to it that we didn't discuss yet? Thank you
  5. Thank you all for your responses and thank you so much @Roy especially. Even though it may sound naive, I do believe her that nothing more happened. I'm not proud of it, but yesterday morning I went through her phone (without her knowing it) and they were talking about it - there was nothing more, than she said to me. But it doesn't matter now, we had pretty rough day yesterday as I went with all of it out. I was on my way out of the relationship. When she get it, she started begging me and promised me that it won't happen ever again. Sweet little words... I said that it will, that it is only a matter of time and I don't want to be in such shit ever again. She asked, in tears, what I want. I said that she will cut him off, completely, won't see him ever again. She stood there, in complete silence, looking at me for a few seconds and said "done, if you really wish that". You will tell him that right now. She did that. Then came such a strong vacuum between us. It feeels like everything was destroyed in that day. I needed to get outside, so I went out, thinking. When I came back, I could see it in her face that she spend the whole time waiting on me, if I come back. So, where this is going? We were talking the whole night, she was crying a lot, she didn't stop even when I get to sleep, because I was already so tired of it. I don't know. She had a good point in our conversation though. She said that she started to feel that since I got my new job I changed a lot. That I started to take her as granted, using her for sex, food and so on. Not showing her the respect of what she's doing for me - not in action, but only with words. And that she feels like I'm doing the same as she did. THESE THINGS CAN'T BE COMPARED I said. But I will make my best to not do it. Because there is some truth in it. Of course that she was looking for something to justify her behavior, we, as a people, do that all the time. I feel like I should give it some time to settle down, but I also know that it is hard to not fall for some bullshit again. What do you think might help me with that? She is going abroad in a month for 4 months straight. I think it's awesome to hear your opinions on this, since you can see it from higher ground than me. But also, you don't know everything, so I can't take it as a clear way to go. So my plan is to let the dust settle down for 2 days and see what will remain. If we can build something upon it, good, if not, good bye. I will keep you updated, since It might be easy for me to continue even though it will happen again. ("You are doing it right now Lubomír "- I can hear you saying - maybe) Thank you
  6. Thank you! I'm going to bring it up again and make her to cut him off forever, or she can go to him, I don't care. I had similar situation with her before (when she were flirting with other guys) and I resolve it the hard way "Fuck off or respect me" and she stopped doing that and came to me. I don't know how I could forget that huh? Sweet little words... Will let you know how that went.
  7. Hello community, long time no see So I have a question on you. But first let me briefly explain my story: I'm with my gf about 2 years now, we live together, both of us is finishing our university studies (26/25 years), so we are still young and naive - that is why I feel need to ask more experienced people for this. What happened? My gf have a friend, her ex boyfriend. Last week she ask me, if she can go to a one day trip with him and spend the night in his apartma after that. I said "sure, no problem, thank you for asking". I did that in the mindset in which I knew that she still feel something for him, because we talked about it. But she always refered to him more like brother (I love him like a sister can love her brother she always said). It also wasnt the first time, that she went with him to do something, as friends sometimes does, right? So I was fine with that, knowing that she have some important history with him, that she cares about him, that she wants him to be happy and I don't want to stand between these feelings, as they are no thread for me, for our relationship. But I was wrong. Aftet she came back, everything was normal - she told me about the trip, that it was awesome. She told me that her ex looked much better then before, that he was happy and that she felt something has changed in him and she is happy for that. I felt a bit jealous in terms of "hey, I want to have such an amazing experience with you too", so I decided that we will go on a trip of our own - you can see that I was compering to him at this moment. The trip went well and just the next day she said that she wants to go to her hometown alone, she needed to pick-up her new passport, because she is traveling to different country in a month (for 4 months). She stayed there few days and when she came back, we went for a drink outside and was planning to go to the cinema. But at the second we got our first drink, she told me that "I was cuddling with (her ex) when I was with him and I need to tell you that", that, kinda shocked me, but at the same time not too much. She in the second breath added, that she was touching his penis during that, but nothing more happened, not even a kiss. That, didnt added much more feelings to me. Now I'm 2 days after the conservation, in which I told her, that I feel distrust to her, the morning after I couldnt lay beside her, it was unpleasant for me, knowing that our relationship isnt so special as I though and I want him to be. We talked, I wasnt mad at her at any point, she described me how much she love him and that it was so strong feeling in that situation, that she wasnt able to resist. She also kept mentioning, that even though she love him, she most importantly love me and that she wants to be with me, not him and that I don't understand her love to him. I told her, that she is correct, I don't and I won't. But what I know, is that I don't want to have another person in our relationship, taking parts of what is between me and her and what is special for me. We were both crying at some point, but she were crying more, especially when I told her, that I don't feel the trust that I felt to her before and I don't want to tell her what she can and can't do, so I don't want to restrict her love to him in any way, BUT, I don't want to be in a relationship with a third person. She understand that. And right after that she send him a message, where she apologyze to him for what happened and that it can't happen again. She told me that. I decided to take it as a lesson, because I was probably giving more attention to my work then to my gf last month, so I understand that something like this could occur and that it wasn't her plan to let it happen. I decided to build the trust to her again, because, even though she did what she did, I love her. I feel like something similar must happen in every long-term relationship, or not? Do i behave like a fool? What would you do? Thank you <3
  8. @BlackMaze Yeah, I started to have financial problems at that time, because my car and phone broke and I couldn't straight afford to fix it. We also planing to move together in one week to our own flat, so there's plenty of things that needs to be done. So yeah, I'm in stress. That's the thing I "blame" for it right now. Also thx for tips, I'm overall can control myself very well. But lately it's just so fucking hard :)... @DIDego Thx! I'm still working on not being ashamed of anything in my life and I improved a lot from the begining of my journey. Guess this sums it up :D, love it
  9. So, this problem started like month ago. Until then I could have sex without ejaculation for like 15-20 min on everage, sometimes I didn't even ejaculate despite our sex being freaking awesome and we both really enjoyed it. But now it's weird for me. When she came back from abroad and spending 14 days of quarantine at hut of my parents with me, we then moved at "my place", where she stayed with me for almost 2 weeks. We was at that time at "my place" alone (we both still study so I had rented my own room with other couple living in the second room). Few days past by and everything was fine, we weren't only at "my place" but also at hers grandparents and few other places... But then my room-mates came and everything seemed to have huge tension. And that's where my problems with performance started. We still had plenty of sex, but I always came after like 2-5mins when I penetrated her. We talked about it when she was moving to her parents for hollidays and we both agreed that our whole sex after my room-mates came was not good, sometimes even platonic. She's right now at her parents and I came there for a visit too. We had sex and it was much, much better in terms of pleasure and connection, but I still couldn't last longer then few minutes. I'm starting thinking that it's not because of me, but because of her -> she had some real traumas with her father and she's been preparing for it the whole time (she finally decide to talk about it with him), so maybe she just got into stress and that realized itself even in her sexual way and her body. Maybe, I don't know. Just trying to hint some tips and comments on it. So feel free to say anything. Also, if it's relevant, we are together more than a year. Thx
  10. I'm not really sure if I got it right... It seems to me that you are just scared to continue into something. Try to communicate with them about it. You just automatically asume, that girls can't be with you because of........ (But almost for sure, it will be turn-off for them if you try just to "tell them" instead of actually showing them, how you live your life)
  11. Exactly. We do this together or for the other one often, like everything you listed and more. We for example love to take psychedelics together 3/4 times per year and just talk or "be". So in my opinion we are doing great in area of intimacy What I found is just me not being 100% conscious all the time when it comes to sex.
  12. I ment "gross" like - idea of me using her just for pleasure while she is not doing that. I understand. Yeah, my lion tamer need more practice in this. Yes, I'm counscious about that And yes, I can see that I have a lot more energy.
  13. @Emerald I feel that and completely agree... Right now I'm also doing no-fap and I can already feel more intimate with her even through text messages. I don't think I had sex with her for my sexual desires ever, it was always something deeper. But since I was huge "fan" of porn videos I tend to sometimes see her, for a glimpse of second, as something that I can manipulate with. It's really grose when I think about it... I also had a lot of sex in my dreams, with different womens, doing what I want. But since I'm with her it's not so often. I see it now, even though I love her, there was this addiction to sexual pleasure. And even though our sex is about emotions and intimacy, there's still these "programs" for me that I have in my head. I'm doing no-fap for second week now and my dreams about sex with different womens stopped. Just today I had a dream where another one wanted to please me so bad no matter what, but I remembered my GF and couldn't allow it. I'm happy for myself and even more happy that I can share these things with you, people on this forum. It's funny how quick we can found something new about ourselfs. And from "problems" of others shift to our owns... So, yeah, thanks!
  14. @Parththakkar12 Yeah I think so, I would bend toward the second option, but I think it can be both, she had problems with that in the past (setting boundaries). Will talk about it with her @Shiva99 I don't know really. It can be, ofcourse, we are together just 1 year. This might be huge. Yeah, I think that I just need to give her space from time to time to let her engage. Because just today we were on Skype together and she suddenly started to be sexual. So yeah, I gues it's that!
  15. So I just discussed it with my gf and she told me, that she feel like she's getting more and more passive in sex when we are together. Since I'm horny AF (in a good way), we have sex almost everytime when it's possible. And yes, I do feel like she somehow isn't that girl who she was before - in terms of sex (when we were dating and didn't spend so much time together). She was a lot more proactive, sometimes even did surprise me when she wanted to fuck at her workplace and so on :D. But yeah, when we are longer together, she don't have energy for that anymore since I would fuck her anywhere, anytime... and I bassicaly do. Don't get me Wrong :D, I'm not creepy "I wanna fuck girls" type. I just really enjoy it and when there's place for it, why not? Also, it's not like she does not enjoy it too. She does and keeps telling me that So my question is: Do you recognize these things in your relationships too? Right now we are both in different countryes, but I'm going to visit her soon. I wonder if I should cool myself a little bit? I'm courious!