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About Viking

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  1. Aha ok. Let's infer the quality of the policies of the government using the body language of a person with autism.
  2. That doesn't prove that the person who wasn't elected runs the government but ok. What specific established systems did he tear down so far? And what was the reasoning behind them? And why is it benefitting only him and why is it bad for the whole of america?
  3. The person who was elected assigned another person to do government work. How is that a bad thing?
  4. @Shodburrito what examples of things Trump did do you feel guilty about? I feel maybe most of your guilt is the people around you. All the libtards (including in this forum) are ABSOLUTELY EXAGGERATING saying how bad this, so if you internalize it of course you will feel bad. What do YOU actually think? What was done which is bad?
  5. The issue is that "offensive" is subjective. A principal in an elementary school could say that teachers shouldn't tell children that there are more than 2 genders in order to not confuse them and then that principal could get cancelled and replaced. He didn't intend to say anything wrong, he just cared about the children, yet some teachers could find that "offensive". I think people who fight for free speech want to avoid edge cases like this. I agree that some just want to say offensive things, but not all.
  6. Saying "retarded" without consequence is the same free speech
  7. Both have peaks and valleys. The lowest point of sex isn't better than the peak of masturbation, but masturbation is a simulation of sex afterall. After a while of masturbation without sex it feels empty.
  8. Welcome to the middle east. If you claim to be stage yellow the solution is to incorporate those aspects and talk to them on the same level. Don't show any feminine qualities. If you're unable to do it you're stuck in green.
  9. Try taking a free online course in programming and see if you like it. Who knows, maybe along with making money you will enjoy it.
  10. Interesting. So you're saying by sharing, women express their yin energy? Their passive energy?
  11. Interesting point, it may be true that my question asking is a way to express that energy. So in continuation of this energy expression lol - why do men then express emotions with solution oriented expression of emotion yet women with just stopping at the problem and sharing only it?
  12. @NoSelfSelf i am a very emotionally supportive person. The reason i ask these questions is to provide better emotional support by understanding women better. Regarding what you said, it a bit contradicts the problem i talked about, how are women everchanging if they keep having the same issues because they don't solve them? Gets them rather stuck and not changing.
  13. It's a long discussed concept and I'm well aware if it but as a man it's difficult to wrap my head around it. If a negative emotion occurs, women want to share it, yet men want to solve it. Ultimately a balanced human should dabble in both sides, but I can understand at the core why do some women choose only the former - only sharing. Neglecting the solution entirely to their problems and only share about it, which leads to temporary relief, but since the problem hasn't been solved it keeps triggering them emotionally lowering their quality of life. Is it only when they're unconscious? And if they would be aware of the situation they would try to solve it? Btw I'm aware men also do this, but statistically less. Just a generalization. The point of the post is that i barely do it so I'm trying to understand the other side no matter its gender. My way of coping with negative emotions is sometimes addictive behavior but usually for matters which cannot be solved in the short or even medium term
  14. sure, then the point is about the administration, the people who tell him what to do
  15. I noticed i posted it in the wrong place, meant to post this in the politics forum