Walter B

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About Walter B

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  1. Sure, if you can figure out who you are. Most people are simply who others want them to be. People forming others in their image. Sounds like playing God.... That's what turned me off to so much of today's society. Maybe people will wake the fuck up and realize that individualism is very important to survival. Be who you want to be and quit letting others form what you should be. Feminism is the prime culprit of this filth. So is socialism. So is group think. So is much of religion. God is the ultimate and unattainable individualism and Jesus was persecuted in his time because he would not conform to man or woman playing God. Vote wisely my friends! And keep your ballot private!
  2. Here, for anyone trying to overcome a road block.
  3. "The world is fundamentally fucked up, because people don't realize it is perfect as it is." -Markus I love it. And so many of them still don't see through the illusions. And damn, it's political season! Maybe some folks should listen to some music from time to time!
  4. It is a lot of brainwashing to sell stuff to people. Like marriage is a huge business and so is beauty. External beauty sells more than internal beauty in general. Look at it from an economic perspective and statistical perspective and it makes sense. However, I've been very attracted to older women at times. It's really all about what you think of yourself. Take an older semi-attractive woman who can't figure out why a younger guy doesn't get attracted to her. Well, it's much more likely that there is something on the inside that turns him off rather than her exterior. But the years of her life are what instilled these undesirable traits into her. And the wrinkles, of course, but wrinkles matter much less than a genuinely good and loving person. It's vanity vs. everything else.....vain people drive me nuts! But vanity sells and that likely won't change. Ever
  5. Focus on your self-inquiry when you have something to inquire about by meditating. They go hand in hand. Forget about how you meditate. That is generally just the process of self-inquiry. However, if you are practicing something like chakra work then you would be exercising rather than meditating. But, it's all really semantics as to what you call it.
  6. Replying to the title of this thread. That's bullshit. It's quite effective in self discovery. And cleansing the mind of the bullshit from other people who would influence your thoughts. The hard part of maintaining enlightenment is establishing "difference". Or better stated to overcome the "indifference" that comes with being in this state. Why do you think people push control mechanisms like religion or political parties or groups in general. Some of it is a great thing and when you can find pure rules or "differences" to live by then that's great. But be aware that people easily try to push their own "differences" onto others to influence them to their side. Like in that fucking book by Carnegie. So, few people can be trusted with that kind of power or influence over others. So, our only refuge is simply to blow that shit off and ignore it best we can.
  7. Do you sit and wonder about the dumbasses that think they've got you all figured out and try to present things for you to work out! When in my case I've long moved on from what they are still hung up on from years ago. Fucking amazes me every time how shallow their minds are. And then most of them just still try to force issues or wear one down until they give in. The story of life! Bunch of greedy fuckers that label people as "angry" or whatever when it doesn't work out their
  8. You fucking can't! It's a big mistake to try! Only makes them despise you. It ruins their passion as well. So does underpaying them and expecting great work in return!
  9. Yes. Don't worry with that if it makes you withdraw. Just think about what bothers you most and go find a video to watch. Now that your feud with life purpose is in front of mind you can go back into the work of discovery and answer the new questions and deal better with the uncertainty of life purpose that holds you back from finishing it. And hey, life purpose could take a lifetime to work on if you think about it. But bills paid, food, water, sleep are really all that matter. Till you find a stronger purpose that belongs to YOU.
  10. I thought to keep a list at one time. Gave up on that quickly. Just started having marathon sessions while working. Played them over and over in the background even and eventually got in tune with the "air" of them so my attention held. Keep on it bro!
  11. I really like the two newest ones! Just got to them today. Great job Leo, on both of those! You nailed that wording in the most recent one! That's a really hard thing to communicate for most.
  12. I'll say 120 videos of just Leo's. And many of them more than a few full viewings. But, I lost count long ago. ...10 me's ago or so lol
  13. It makes it hard to stay on track when we get distracted. It's very clear, for instance, when someone is dealing with self image or self control issues and posting in here about it that they haven't even looked at Leo's resources on the matter. Like the girl with the chocolate fetish and Candida! So, let's see what the numbers show.
  14. Leo has a great video on dealing with breakups. For starters.