Tyler Robinson

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Everything posted by Tyler Robinson

  1. I wanted to create a giga thread on teeth health, hygiene care and maintenance. Chime in your tips and tricks and hacks.
  2. I've some gold bracelets, rings, necklaces, pendants, chains, earrings that would need cleaning to look brighter and shinier. They look dull and faded. I stumbled on this. If anyone tried cleaning their gold jewelry (only gold please), then let me know what worked for you. I don't know where I can get this.
  3. @bloomer you act as though if women are eliminated entirely from society then all the men on planet earth are going to create some kind of an high virtue egalitarian society. Then why do gay men compete? Where's your rationale for gay men? Your logic is based in fantasy. Women don't give or take any value from you. We're governed by the same social factors that you as a man are governed by. In any social group, men or women will try to dominate each other, this is how social hierarchy works. It's too simplistic and you're making it overly complicated for no reason other than your own hidden biases. You are not able to get women so this is the outpouring of it, the inner frustration trying to rationalize the world through the lens of your frustration. Rather than playing the blame game and satisfying your ego, use the frustration as a fertilizer for your growth. You need maturity and some hard lessons on life. Goodluck.
  4. Tinder is usually a scammy place to get a date. Why in the world would a guy rely on Tinder is beyond me? Tinder is not known for quality dating and a lot of men have been conned there for their money etc. The girls want the guy's money is what I've heard. Those women are with other intentions that I wouldn't want to elaborate. No decent guy would ever want online dating to begin with. Most guys want a girl to hold their hand. They would want a real woman, a real friendship and intimacy. Serious men don't go on Tinder.
  5. There's one thing that women don't flake on - Raising a child.
  6. If you think appearance is a problem, then it goes for both gender. If anything else is a problem, then it's something you can work on. Most men are rejected due to lack of social calibration alone. Being a social active man will cause tons of women to notice you and want you. What will not cause women to pay attention to you? Not talking to women Not texting and chatting with women Not having a goal in life Not respecting women Living in your bedroom all day and playing video games Not having a job or work Watching porn all day Fantasizing, deluding self and constant theorizing on what women are, philosophizing on women psyche without putting real effort into attracting them The above will not help you get women. Work harder. Complain little.
  7. I'm not sure if I agree with you. Most men don't self improve to get laid. This has to be some beta male mentality. Alphas self improve because there are plenty of benefits to self improvement. Benefit 1 You're looked up to by other men. Alphas care a lot about being competitive and standing out. They want to dominate any group they are a part of. Being better than other men is a huge pride boost. Men live on pride. A man feels good about himself when he feels he is better than most other men. Benefit 2 Resources. What will a poor man do? Men love to gather resources. They want to feel like they have things - house, cash, access to best care. This is core of being a man. Go ask any homeless man. They feel shitty about themselves because they can't afford things other men can. This makes them feel helpless and bound to a very restricted life. Men love to expand their wings, enjoy life, they want that testosterone and adrenaline flowing, that needs money and resources. Most men travel, create a healthy lifestyle and engage in fun activities like drinking, clubbing, gymming, sports. This is not possible if you are homeless. So most men work hard to at least make enough money to afford basic fun things. Benefit 3 The hunger for power. A lot of men want power. They want to be doctors, leaders, politicians, preachers. This satisfies their inner manliness. They strive to become that. This is pure ambition and women or getting laid has nothing to do with this. It's just the prestige that comes with power and the feeling of gratification and achievement. Benefit 4 Retirement. When a man carefully plans his adult life and makes enough income, he can retire peacefully not worrying about who's gonna provide for him when he is unable to walk. Honestly this is the biggest driver for most men. They have to feed themselves all their lives. And the biggest stressor is who's going to help them in old age. That's why men are always Impatient around time. Time running out is a death sentence for men if they've not managed to make something out of that time. The constraints of living and livelihood on men is what pushes them to succeed, build wealth and create a better life and that's why men in poorer countries actually do a better job at pushing and being ambitious. Immigrants work harder than natives. Because nothing pushes men like poverty. This is less about getting laid and more about core survival and manhood. I get it, being a man is hard.
  8. @OBEler thank you so much for telling me. I'll be careful not to take it.
  9. Toxic women will not respect you. Good ladies respect good guys and expect respect in return. Simple logic. If I see a good guy I respect him even more because I know he is a rare find. Good guys are a bomb.
  10. Thought to share this video. What stuff to avoid putting on your face.
  11. @Lyubov my diet is this - My weight is 55 kg. Breakfast - Milk/ tea with 3 toasts max. Sometimes a bowl of cornflakes or oats with milk. Lunch - 3 crepes with a bowl of mix veggies. The bowl is size of palm. Dinner - 3 crepes with a bowl of mix veggies and 3 pieces cucumber. Veggies include - cooked slices of following Carrots, potatoes, beans, onion, garlic, tomatoes, salt, broccoli, cauliflower, bottle gourd, spinach leaves, fenugreek, brinjal, button mushrooms,cabbage, beetroot, capsicum, radish, peas etc. Sometimes I replace crepes with traditional sandwich bread. 3 bread loaves each time dinner or lunch.
  12. I canceled the doctor's appointment that was scheduled on January 20th.
  13. The dreams could be a sign that you are unable to achieve the things you want and this dissatisfaction is being reflected in your dreams. Don't be too attached to what you want. Being overly attached is actually what drives away things. Set an intention to attract things by law of attraction by positively reinforcing the belief that you deserve those things. Once that is done, don't constantly think or worry about what you don't have. The dream is a signal that you overthink. Overthinking/overattachment is like holding sand in your hands, the more tightly you will hold, the more it keeps slipping away. The more you are attached to something the less likely it will come to you. Let go and remain detached. Don't overpossess. That way you push away the very things you wanted.
  14. Don't drink tap water Stay away from blue light Stay away coffee No toxic communication No conflicts Don't use non stick Don't use ceramic Don't use harsh shampoo Don't use deodorants
  15. @flowboy thank you so much Erik. Keep doing what you do. You do an amazing job.
  16. Good. Thumbs up.
  17. Leo's words in the politics section You come here and spew your bias without any sign of self-awareness. I am not explaining anything to you because you are so biased you are beyond my help. This forum is not a place to spew political bias. We are here to attempt a Tier 2, meta-perspective on politics. If you are unable to do that then eventually I will kick you out of here because you do not deserve to pollute the entire politics sub-forum with your unconsciousness. It's not about you, it's about maintaining a clean space for others who want to discuss politics without the typical partisan noise found elsewhere on the internet. If you post like an unhinged extremist you will not be welcomed here. This is not a zone where all political opinions are held on equal footing. You need to have a certain level of development and self-awareness to deserve to discuss meta-politics with us because we are not interested in rehashing the same unconscious trash discussions found everywhere else online. If you want to be part of the Actualized community, get with the program. We have certain values here that require some observance. No one is asking you to be perfect, but at least demonstrate some capacity for objectivity, openmindedness, and self-reflection Good.
  18. Aging is a natural process not a disease. And nobody can stop aging. Neither are we ever going to be immortal.
  19. Also work on how to be more likable and productive.
  20. First wash the vessel clean. Remove your traumas, fears etc. Positive self talk cannot take precedence unless and until you remove all the toxicity and cut out the negativity. Is there anything triggering you? Is there anything bothering you? Ask yourself such questions everyday.. Do not consume negative material. Keep your mind blank sometimes to dis-allow getting sucked. Anytime you get sucked, take a step back and get out of the kitchen. Next positive energy will automatically flow into you and fill your inner room once the blocking negative energy is out. What is bothering you is not the lack or absence of positivity but the negativity blocking it from coming inside You got the idea?
  21. Love is a complex emotion and concept that is not directly related to the Schrodinger equation. Love can be defined as a strong feeling of affection or deep attachment to someone, and it is not something that can be described or explained by a mathematical equation.
  22. Please provide more details. The information is very limited. I'm not able to understand what you're needing exactly.
  23. Look into methods of non violent communication, there are books on it. I think what you need is discipline and self control. Rest will fall in place. Also your inner state of mind. If you are constantly in misery, anxiety and agitation, it will show in your interaction with others. They will not enjoy your company. But if you are in a happy state, you'll automatically make people laugh, then people will beg for your attention instead of calling security. Instead of asking for attention, give attention and love to others. Asking comes from scarcity, giving comes from abundance. Become the better man, the higher man. Give instead of ask.
  24. You're the first person on this thread who actually understood what I'm going through. Yea that place was full of psychopaths. Right now I don't have enough time to write about everything they did but I'll write it. It's absolutely essential that everyone knows what injustices happen in such places. It's good I got out. I was damn lucky. It was a deeply unethical place. More about it later.
  25. I can't heal you right now with words because no amount of talking will change what your mind is talking to you. So I will do what I can. I'm sending you a giant box of hugs. Hope you are in good spirits in a few weeks.