Tyler Robinson

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Everything posted by Tyler Robinson

  1. @John Paul I can't discuss publicly sorry. It's confidential.
  2. First things first - my suggestion is to build a solid system for your mind right from scratch.
  3. 10 reasons you can't focus. Not getting enough sleep . Too many distractions . Not dealing with problems. Take actual steps. .. Not having a good plan . Not getting enough exercise Working in a messy environment Get rid of messy tables Undiagnosed Adhd Working too hard - stepping away from work. Getting breaks Unhealthy diet. This is the most important. Taking vitamins. Lifestyle changes. Too much stress. Overwhelming stress will rot your mind.
  4. Good video on dopamine.
  5. This one is a really great resource on the basics
  6. The effect of dopamine. And how modern life impacts the psyche. Although I don't agree with her that the richest countries have highest suicide. That's a convenient lie.
  7. I was diagnosed with OCD 15 days ago on my recent psychologist visit.
  8. Julien Blanc on self esteem.
  9. @John Paul I didn't understand what you are trying to say.
  10. Yea I have been diagnosed with the following over the course of 4 years GAD Depression OCD CPTSD BPD Autism Anger issues Emotional Distress syndrome
  11. @John Paul it's involuntarily happening of its own accord and unconscious. That is my mind is not doing it consciously or mindfully.
  12. I recurrently get flashbacks. It's like a snapshot of my childhood where I get those memories of my playing with my dad. My dad's death caused me tremendous trauma. So the flashback comes from the trauma of his memories with me. During a flashback, I remember every word, scene, image, voice, background. I remember the color of his shirt. Flashbacks are very detailed and vivid and remain stuck like an old song in the head. It's the constant non stop replay of a memory or past event like a broken record.
  13. These are really bad and obsolete things. They should be boycotted and removed. Who even allows this anymore? Reminds me of 1970s memory pills adverts. Future generations will laugh at this.
  14. Yea sure keep disrespecting women and you'll get some low quality women to sleep with you and that way you can be proud of yourself that you got laid. If getting laid is your only concern. Sure. But if you want a high quality woman to even look in your direction, then learn to match the standards needed. Or else stay with your low quality company you find. The same principle applies to everything in life. You want something really good. It won't come easy.
  15. You're kidding me. I found the entire video very disturbing. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
  16. @mmKay one thing I learned from that video - always be with a guy who wants to boost my ego.
  17. Paul Joseph Watson is straight up bullshitting.. So the rippling effect is just more conspiracy. No worries.
  18. @Karmadhi you can online date anywhere. You could online date on a spiritual community online. I was talking about Tinder though.
  19. I was going to write about healthy Masculinity.
  20. This is not a Tier 2 discussion. It's more of a disguised form of a subtle blame game. Nothing to gain here. So I'm leaving this discussion. Goodluck.
  21. Why would you assume this rationale that all of self help is driven by feminine idealization of men, if you were already satisfied with women? Not this specific post. But your other posts on Andrew Tate where you constantly try to drive the point that men are being feminized and that we need a Tate like figure because somehow in your opinion women are eroding masculinity, a man satisfied with women would never talk like that. Just because you get women to like you doesn't necessarily imply that you are satisfied with them. I suspect some resentment inside you against women from the nature of your posting. Nothing wrong with it but you must realize that your resentful bias is coloring your worldview. Step out of your resentment with women and you'll see women live just like men, we don't drive you to become better or worse. We pick men for our survival. You pick a better career for survival. Everything is fundamentally driven by survival. It's not hard at all. You find something and anything to pin blame on and then justify why some outcome exists. Separate phenomenon from outcome. Andrew Tate is a phenomenon, not an outcome.. Survival is a phenomenon and society is an outcome. Don't put it on women, your core masculinity guides you to survive as a man.
  22. Tinder won't help you learn game. That's another point I missed. It doesn't grow you as a man. Honestly if I were a man, I would do hardcore street dating to up skills no matter the rejections. Any rejection would be fun. Gaming should be about learning rather than sleeping, sleeping is jhust a by product.
  23. Removing stains.