Tyler Robinson

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Everything posted by Tyler Robinson

  1. I fear fear.
  2. You're dealing with existential crisis. Don't worry it will go away on its own. Happens when you're trying hard to figure out things around you.
  3. Maybe ocd or anxiety disorder. What other symptoms do you suffer from?
  4. Reading is good but writing everything in too much detail will be beyond the scope of the forum
  5. Aight. Auwill do it.
  6. @Carl-Richard mention a couple of them. Are you talking about someone like my favorite Epictetus?
  7. I'll go back to Eric. Whats the point of all this? You're never going to own me anyway.. You just don't give a fuck, do you?
  8. I feel Disorganized and I just don't feel like doing anything. Some days I am fine especially when I am happy inside and in general if things are going fine. Or if I received a compliment. And then other days i feel sick and just hate the whole world. I wish I could feel upbeat everyday and not so low energy all the time. Any tips on how to get motivated would help.
  9. No. I think it's only caricaturized or perceived narcissism. I usually don't like women who give mixed signals to guys. That's a potent sign of narcissism. Although I don't like simps either. Simps are the reason why we have narcissistic women in the first place. Simp culture. There's no need to put women on a pedestal. --------------
  10. Nope. Women are just biologically weak/sensitive. Nature made them to be attracted to what they're attracted to. They are generally attracted to protective guys, there are evolutionary reasons for such context. Usually these are tough men, problem being that tough men can easily use their weapons on their own woman which backfires since the woman was looking for protection/provision, she usually ends up with an alpha, and sometimes these alphas can be toxic which also has evolutionary reasons of its own. Attraction is not by determination, but by biology.
  11. @Devin @Anand Yog thanks 1
  12. You make it out to be about intelligence. But love can be much more complex than that. Yes I do agree that women can make poor choices in men. Yet love is very unpredictable. There are biological factors. You could have a guy who is extremely sweet and would make a decent partner and the woman might make a wise choice by having him, yet you forget that women are wired to be with men they are attracted to. She might just not be attracted to him. What is she to do? She can't feel loved by a man she isn't attracted to? And the men that she is genuinely attracted to sometimes turns out to be a total asshole. I don't think it's as cut and dry as making intelligent choices as you make it out to be, unless we're talking about compromising on attraction itself which is the hardest thing to do.
  13. Maybe they aren't being loved in the first place. How do you automatically come to the conclusion that they are shallow just because they are hot? What if the men who approach them only do so to simp them to get into their pants and don't offer them love? Would it be their fault that they never received healthy love from a guy? I was gamed by men for sex and I felt terrible. My only mistake being that I was looking for love and found it wherever I could. Yea you could say I was being reckless but life and love and dating doesn't come with a navigation map or manual.
  14. Love is more than just sex, just saying.
  15. What do you mean by comeback?
  16. @Devin @Anand Yog thanks @Devin emotional guidance scale. I think I have heard of it.
  17. @Devin Devin, how do you turn someone high value?
  18. Ughh. You're very wrong. We actually do need a bill of rights for kids to be able to access the candy store 24/7. *parents holding their kid back not letting him eat Choco and instead feeding him carrots.
  19. I think you're also hinting towards some sort of insecurity related to intelligence and general comparisons. On one hand it's great to cherish one's uniqueness meanwhile on the other it's great to be humble about who you're. If someone excels at a skill you lack and you're not a deeply insecure person, you should have no problem in praising the other person. It comes down to Humility really. Some people are really more valuable than others, it really depends on the context you use, for example someone like Michael Jackson is simply undeniable in their talent and you cannot afford to ignore that they are uniquely gifted and different from the rest of the crowd, shouldn't they be valued for the different taste they bring to the table, or the insane amount of hard work they put into building their craft, to compare it to a rookie and not value this hard work would seem equally unfair to me, granted that we should be generally encouraging towards everyone for their uniqueness, yet a standout is always going to attract our attention. I don't see a problem with it. It doesn't necessarily presuppose that others are lacking, in fact it ordains standards that we can look up to to improve ourselves, these kind of comparisons don't make us feel small, rather they serve as a benchmark for improvement.