Tyler Robinson

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Everything posted by Tyler Robinson

  1. My favorite fruits - Pineapple Tomato Lemon Orange Mango
  2. I prefer the following fragrances and scents - Lavender Cedarwood Bergamot Peppermint Sandalwood Macadamia Almond Honey Lemongrass Beer Nutty Red velvet cake Musk What about you?
  3. Through my research on women around me including myself, I've realized that women are poor judge of character. Our emotions and empathy rule our mind more than our intelligence. Another observation - Women who come abused environments with bad childhoods are even worse judge of character in comparison to those who come from healthy families. Please don't shame or judge women for choosing bad partners. Women like this don't understand what love means because nobody showed them what love means. We have a social role to protect women from bad partners instead of judging them. If someone is alcoholic it's important to rehabilitate them instead of judging them. Similarly.... Women are like alcoholics. They are addicted to masculine love. Usually the wrong man approaches them and gives them a promise of love and then abuses them.. It's like putting poison in alcohol and giving it to the alcoholic. If they die, it's not their fault because addiction is a mechanism of the brain, often the addict does not have conscious control over it and there's no replacement drug and addiction only keeps growing. Women are like addicts. They don't attract wrong men. Wrong men simply know how to get them drugged into their trap. The woman who choose good partners are not that addicted and usually come from healthy families and are difficult to drug. A lot of masculine women are not ruled by emotion or empathy so they use their intelligence and choose the right guy. A lot of feminine women (like me) are Hyper, chaotic, crazy and are ruled more by base emotion/instinct than intellect. The problem is that women like me who choose wrong partners are high in oxytocin. Our brains are designed to respond to stimulus. We're more maternal. That's why we are more inclined to become nurses, teachers, caregivers. The problem is that such professions or duties make a woman very vulnerable due to spike in her empathy. Can a woman judge her own child? No. We become non judgemental because of our role as women. Since our brains have been trained this way. The male brain is designed for order, logic and protection. This means that the male brain will be highly skeptical, and much more judgemental and very strict as compared to the female brain. That's why men don't get fooled easily. They carefully study their partner. Women on the other hand are careless, kind, vulnerable, reckless and don't bother to check their husband's phone. Often women get cheated on and are not aware of it. Because we're trained to always forgive, show care, love, empathy, kindness. This makes us blind to male error. We don't sit and study the males we date. Because our brains is full of bonding hormone oxytocin and this hormone is also important during lactation to bond with the child. As a result, we're less inclined to logically study the guy we're dating or even screen or scan him for red flags. If we like the guy, we just like the guy and we forget everything else, we don't even think about our future with the guy. We simply want to bond with him just like we want to bond with children. Masculine women don't want bonding. They want order in their life. So they carefully study the guy they are dating. So they get successful men and settle with good men Whereas most feminine women end up with some abuser, asshole, like me because we give too much into emotion and some creep comes along and learns to trigger an emotional response either by acting sweet (aggressive men repel this emotion), or by playing victim so the woman takes pity on the guy, and then win her heart using deception and manipulation, blackmail etc. Masculine women who are more logical don't fall for such manipulation. They don't easily believe a man's words. So they usually end up with better less manipulative partners.
  4. Post your essential life hacks here.
  5. I'm trying to explore the idea of good luck.
  6. Dr Grande says that people with borderline personality disorder are at an elevated risk of premature death. Not sure why he said this in this clip. Anyone has any experience with this to share and why do you think he said that.
  7. I'm INFJ. Just saying hello to my fellow breed if there's any here. Have a nice day you INFJ freaks.
  8. I've been struggling trying to piece together parts of self love. I find it ginormously difficult to love myself. And I'm trying hard to find the pieces of the puzzle and get my aha moment but it's just not happening. Looking for juicier insights, anything at all that will get my brain grooving!
  9. Question to men : what if a man tried to rape you (anally) how would you react? A) would you beat him up or kill him. B) would you run away and escape. C) would you tolerate and be pissed off. D) would you call cops and file complaint E) would you talk him out of it so he leaves you alone F) would you scream for help
  10. Can't believe this. Is this really happening or am I hallucinating?
  11. There's a heavy enforcement on psychedelics here. Why do I get the impression that people who do psychedelics are treated like they are great spiritual seekers here. Does it mean that people who don't do psychedelics can't be enlightened?
  12. I'm very dissatisfied with these brands I have used in the past - Dove, Pantene, L'Oreal, Garnier and Heads and Shoulders. I cannot tolerate the super high chemicals in these products especially shampoo. It ruins my day. I don't want to use any of these brands and I'm extremely frustrated scouring the market for a hospitable brand of shampoo with less chemicals and biologically friendly. Currently I'm using Herbal Essences. What shampoo do you use that is holistic and organic? Please recommend something with least commercial chemicals.
  13. I've specifically noticed during winter I feel very sleepy immediately after eating food. I almost fall asleep after a few morsels. What can I do to stop falling asleep immediately after eating?
  14. I didn't know such a book existed. Will surely check out.
  15. How many objects?
  16. I want to look into objects that bring good luck. Nice diamond. I don't know, maybe gold? Maybe some charms. Prayers. Prayer beads etc. Just knowing that something brings you good luck can be so relaxing
  17. Leo Gura should tell me if this is ridiculous or not.
  18. Finally I can rest in peace. I need people with 7 qualities in my life. I need people with 7 qualities in my life. People who understand me People who know how to trust me People who show me maturity People who are competent People who know to exactly handle me and the drama that is created People who are totally fair and not biased. Healthy, honest, non judgemental, direct, confrontational and extremely loving, courageous, protective, matured, forgiving and extremely competent. Only these people can handle me and my disorder properly. Others can't. People with extremely high maturity can handle me because they will understand the mental gymnastics going on in my mind and they will perceive my actions without misunderstanding and judgement.
  19. I'm busy this year. Very very busy. My sister has scheduled a ton of projects for me. No vacation this year.
  20. Oof. Out of a situation I didn't want to find myself in.