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About Jamin

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  1. Nothing I have written is true. I can only write from awareness of experience and knowledge and there are limitations to both. I can only speak within language and there limitations to language. Satan has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm writing about, sin and love have nothing to do with it either. There is only an omni-present awareness of nothingness. I quote "You twist everything with your beliefs and the lense in which you see reality and the filters in your mind" There are limitations to beliefs and there are limitations to the you that you call yourself. Any feeling other than the unconditional love enshrouded in reality and you are in disaccordance to your existential nature or being you could say. Is it making sense now? I'm talking on another plain, your existential existence and the realization of nothingness. My entire post is very nihilistic. But you only perceive it that way. You see things negatively, but there is nothing to be negative about, there is only unconditional love ever-present in realty. Your self image is blinding you from seeing this. Imagine being ever present in pure bliss for eternity. This isn't some Eutopean fantasy. Your level of awareness blinds you from seeing it. It's with you now, it has always been with you. Your entire life is a distraction from even being aware of it. But your existential being always knows it is there buried deep down or hidden in the core of your soul. You spend your whole life chasing your own tail. You are trapped in the neurosis of your mind if you aren't the very pure awareness of it. Don't fool yourself, you are not ready. Even as I write this I am not even close to ready, not even on the tip of the iceberg of it. This is all just cute philosophy according to what I am speaking of. There are limitations to knowledge. Knowledge is completely irrelevant. What we refer to as knowledge now, does not see outside the limitations of knowledge. Imagine being able to accept any energy that comes in your existence. Be able to be every single emotion in it's purest form. You block out the energy of others. It goes against your belief and you experience disconnection to unconditional love. This is why everyone has flaws, every being has a different personality and existential existence. Everything and everyone are connected. Connected deeply to the core of reality. Everything is reality and everyone is reality, unseparated. Unconditional love which is deep in the soul of every being and all of reality is the only thing that can connect us back to our deepest being. Which is why you can see the fiction of all beliefs. Beliefs create the very feelings you feel. Wouldn't you rather be relaxed and blissful in unconditional love in the ever-present moment? No, because you don't drop these beliefs, they are so woven into your self image. You use all your energy in an endless loop preserving your self image. You have a unique way in which you see and think how the world works. You will give your all to preserve your self image, defending it until your deathbed. You dislike the way people are and you are just waiting for the world to change, not realising that reality is already perfection. Change yourself and the world will change. But did anything really change, or do you just see it differently now? Relaxation is what you are. Stress is what you think you should be. The way people interact with you now is completely different. Did they change? No. You missed so much in people. You missed so much in yourself. You have context completely fly over your head. You don't see the beauty in every soul and the majesty of reality. "You hold that there is no God and also many other beliefs about how reality works, like for example that objects are made out of atoms. And these beliefs are fictions! Yet you don't drop these beliefs precisely because they are woven into your self-image to such an extent that if you ever did succeed in dropping them, your very existence as a human being would come into question. "You" would literally die. The body would remain. Which is called enlightenment (AKA God). So actually we could say that your atheism is directly preventing you from seeing God. That's the language that a Zen Master or Yogi might use. But which is often misconstrued by pre-rational and rational people as mysticism or fairytales. Notice how you start off by saying, "I am an atheist." In fact, "you" are a fiction equivalent in absurdity to a bearded man in the clouds. So the very first words out of your mouth are already false! And this is not a mere triviality or ad hominem attack, this is THE WHOLE point! Every false belief creates the sense of YOU. And that's all YOU care about, is protecting YOU! As long as you feel comfy, as long as YOU are alive, all is good. If not, all hell breaks loose. If I call you a racist idiot, your psyche automatically puts up a defense without even considering that you might be one. Notice that your very criterion for truth is an emotion of comfort and security. If it makes you feel secure and more like a real self, it is called true. Otherwise, false. But in actuality, truth is irrelevant to you. Yet you tell yourself otherwise. And so this one assumption has already tainted the very foundation of all "your" reasoning. You will now live your whole life (which isn't yours by the way) -- just like the religious person -- and NEVER question this assumption seriously. So your epistemic position is IDENTICAL to an Islamic fundamentalist. Like seriously! I'm not kidding. This shit is real and it's happening to you right now as you read this very sentence. And sadly, even as you start to suspect this, the illusion and dogma is so deep you still can't break free! Tomorrow, after this discussion is long forgotten, you will slip back into unconsciousness, back into fundamentalist illusion, dismissing one as a crackpot and all this as cute philosophy. And yet, you will also live for the rest of your life in fear of the truth, distracting yourself with every form of distraction invented by man just so long as you can avoid doing the investigation I'm telling you to do. You do intuitively sense that your life is a lie, right? That your life is a distraction from this truth? Your career, your girlfriend, your family, your friends, your favorite movies -- all of it is a distraction from this one thing: your fear of death. Which of course you should fear, because you are a fictional entity. You fear death as much as the fundamentalist fears having his religion questioned. That's not a coincidence. That's because you two share the very same ego structure! Yes, one can apply logic and reason to see the inherent limitations of logic and reason and thus transcend it. You are aware of Godel's Incompleteness theorem, yes? Which proves that every sufficiently complex language system (i.e., math, logic, science, English) is inherently incomplete, meaning that there are truths that exist outside of every language which are real but cannot be demonstrated within the system? Kinda a big deal, huh? But conveniently swept under the rug. You don't get to spirituality through faith. You get to spirituality through rationalism. Spirituality is what occurs when rationalism eats itself alive, like the snake eating it's own tail. Once the snake eats itself, nothing remains. And that's what spirituality is: the realization of Nothingness. But none of this can make sense logically because you're trying to use logic to make sense of itself without realizing what logic actually is. It's not what your ego tells you it is. It's like you're trying to fix a defective microscope by using another defective microscope. This, in a nutshell, is the entire absurdity of the science vs religion debate. ( @Leo Gura, actualized.org)"
  2. I have been writing alot recently. Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Lie through your teeth. Put up a front to hide behind. Be completely fake to people. You can break down their being, see all of their vulnerabilities, their strengths and weaknesses, and how evolved their soul is. Context completely flies over their head because they are really too unaware to see it. You can play on it and break down their being at the deepest core. You can see the inside of their present being in it's entirety and see outside the borders of it, all while being completely vulnerable, and paradoxically; authentic. You see all their flaws and you allow them to see all their flaws, without judgement. Imagine you see it like you're living in hell, and to enter heaven you must be willing to stare Satan straight in the eyes and convince the devil himself with pure authenticity that you would be willing to commit any sin known to man without resistance whatsoever, even if the situation were so dire, horrific, mortifying, sorrowful and quintessential. You have expectations and anything in dis-accordance with these expectations will leave you disempowered. You feel awkward. You get angry at people. You distance yourself from others. You block out the energy of others. You feel that you are in lack. You are anxious. Good feeling is distant. You are upset. You are annoyed. You are shocked; in disbelief. You can't stand having eyes on you. You want to escape. You are full of sorrow. You feel drained. You can't imagine an alternative to this feeling. You are desperately trying to find happiness but in doing so you only realise more pain. You feel resentment. You feel guilt. You are desperate. You don't give the things you value importance. You have too much pride for your own good. You feel fear deep to your core. You're soul is fragmented. You are not pain, guilt or shame. What you are is the awareness of the pure unconditional love that exists and is enshrouded in everything in reality. Your entire life and entire being is enshrouded in your thoughts and your thoughts create your feelings. You don't even realise what a thought is! Thinking is merely a tool in your toolbox. You misidentify your thoughts as actually being you and you use thinking so neurotically that you create unwanted energies, anything that you dislike, or even don't like about yourself. You aren't authentically very pure. Thoughts are tools for visualization, creativity, imagination, energy production and connection. You are so addicted to thinking and not just being that you can't even comprehend this. There is no good and there is no evil. These are fictions in your mind. Get angry. I mean immensly furious; filled with rage. Indulge. Hold spite for life. Steal. Be arrogant and bitter if you so desire under your own authentic circumstances of the complete unknown, and without waging war in your own mind; acknowledging any emotion that arises and being okay with it, the interconnection of your lower and higher self; because you don't owe anyone anything and they don't owe you anything. Their is no true real value.... in anything... Stop trying to improve yourself because the you that you think exists doesn't exist. Only your existential being can grow, let yourself be any emotion, not feel any emotion. Everything is just what it is. You twist everything with your beliefs about life and the lense in which you see life and the filters in your mind. Let everything in reality just be, in fact be any emotion; you are what reality is itself, you are not just a part of reality. We are born of sin, yet god created the devil himself. God and the devil are not two separate entities. They are one in the same. The interconnection of the two poles. In fact God and the devil aren't even entities. They only exist within the borders of reality, not outside of it. That is where true majesty happens. They are literally reality. Everything in reality is righteous and pure. Everything is connected, even in the sense of "the most empty field of pure awareness, which is not localised in space; and is outside of time; and this field is omni-present and it has no physical qualities or dimensions. It has no colour or sound or feeling in it" (Leo, actualized.org); beyond the limitations of anything you ever see reality as. You would also need to be able to see the limitations of all language, science, religion, knowledge itself, and the entire you that you think is really you and your entire way of life. Love life and all of reality, and not just some of it, all of it in it's entirety unconditionally - The Way of Love: - [1 Corinthians 13] "13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,endures all things. 8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 Forwe know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."