A way to Actualize

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Everything posted by A way to Actualize

  1. definitely for the people who are serious about enlightenment. Succes on your path!
  2. It is a practice that never ends. On the way there is enlightenment.
  3. Have you ever tried the teaching on self-love for a few months? Really casual, and I was wondering what your experiences would be after doing it for a few months. I still meditate too, but the teaching of self-love expands the spiritual practice to every moment of the day. I really admire your art btw.
  4. Yes here is advice! If you look at the Graves model. This video is meant for people at stage orange. Those are people who strive to be succesful. I do think the video on those qualities was earlier made than some other, I could be wrong. Notice that he justs shares qualities of succesful people, this time he is not stressing that you should work on it. Enlightened people still create things, but it comes from another place. It is not egoïc and is just an expression to add to the well-being of all. Like a selfless-service. I would still strive success in your career. With enough spiritual practice your values begin to change. It will be a slow change. You may discover you want not just succes, but to create. You will get more freedom progressing your spiritual practice, and everything will stam from a healthier place. See it more as a slow transition from wanting progress and succes to wanting to create. note: I felt with that video that he talked more from a egoïc place, or a place that was less authentic than some of his other videos. When he talks in videos he taked a lot of time to make, you feel that 'woooow, I am so excited to play this video further', and it is so much value, mind-blowing, eye-opening and listining pleasure experience. I think everyone has noticed how much Leo has changed over the year. It looks like he is really comfertabel and knows that he is in the place he is supposed to be. Amazing guy.
  5. Nearby Arnhem, Netherlands.
  6. Love that one. Depends. If you are questioning your beliefs, you are definitely on your way to enlightenment. This perspective I will state here is from an enlightened being. 'Questions are not always meant to be answered. Just a kid does, there is wonder for the question.' I would just play with that sort of questions. When I have question personally, I just love the one who ask the question. I love this kind of threads.
  7. I would like to quote something 'throw away your television' ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers
  8. It does not sound weird to me at all. You indeed had that experience. Visit another realm could mean astral travelling with ease? Contrary to some others, I would say there is some benefit to to powers realm in spirituality, (not for everyone at this moment). I never astral travelled myself. But in essence you leave your body to a space where you can experience everything you want to. Also for every answer to every question you can experience. For example what the orb around your head means. Before many people are going to say that it is bs, distracting etc. Do not mind this post. This is not meant to agree or disagree with. It is just giving a perspective for Sarah.
  9. Again, he says that in other videos. this one gives a new paradigm than the one you are saying with just doing nothing till you die. If you have watched this completely, then we can talk. note: I do not claim that by watching one video of Matt Kahn, you will be enlightened in three months. In my experience, I watched all his videos. As a result of watching those, I had awakening experiences and not experiencing myself as a person who seeks enlightenment in less than a month. Just test everything out he is saying and feel out what works for you. I also tested out many teachings in spirituality. By knowing of this guy, I can be in every situation while staying heart-centered. Do whatever you want to. I encourage you to do whatever you want. His videos are only for the ones who resonate with it. If there is resistance to self-love, means that you deserve more love, not less. You are not wrong in anyway. Go ahead!
  10. That is covered in this video: This thread is almost beginning to look like a youtube channel .
  11. He does in other videos. I like that you are still critical. Good luck!
  12. You are completely right. I wish you joy and love on your journey.
  13. What you are saying here is the opposite that Matt Kahn teaches. Investigate more of his videos to judge his teachings. This video does exactly covers your point.
  14. Thanks for your comment. But to clear things up: this is not ultimately the only thing he teaches. In every video he gives a really new odd paradigm to spirituality. For example, I created another post on a new paradigm for the 'who am I question'. He has a video on how To take full responsability for your life. But the thing he teaches the most is self-love. That is the thing that will help you realise the truth. There are many paths, but the teaching of self-love is so easy and gave me so many results in addition to all other things I tried out. He has his First book out: 'whatever arises, love that'. That is the example of the teaching that benefits you all day, not just twenty minutes a day. Besides you can do still meditation. He answers your question about people being couch-patatoes in many of his videos. note: he teaches in many ways, were he gives teachings that you can use in social situations. So it doesn't become only a private practice.
  15. these things are solved with the teaching of self-love. It seems that I have been stressing this guy in this forum, but he is so radically different than every other teacher (and he is funny). It covers all those points. But your post is really genius in a way. Sometmes I ask myself if I have not missed anything before going further.
  16. If You are done with meditation. I would recommend 'whatever arises, love that' bt Matt Kahn. It is a new book.
  17. Oh yes. I have it with numbers. When I look at the time. Everyday numbers like: 1111 2222 3333 1234 1212 1414 etc. I also say the word 'phantom' everywhere I go. It is the name of the band I am starting. I do not know what it means in that case.
  18. I did go trough the exact same thing. I follow enlightened teacher Matt Kahn recently. He says that every spiritual practice is a social one. In the perspective he gives he says that a fully integrated soul (can be beyond enlightenment), can relate to everyone. They are as interested in topics other people speak about, as other people themself. You may be not relating with others in the way that You are going trough the exact same thing. But you will encourage people on their journey and support them. I would say that you can even more relate to others. This is really the only rule in spirituality: if you wouldn't say something to a 6 year old kid, do not apply it to your life. note: when you have your first experience, your percieving point is way above your Head. With enlightenment, is that only 10% of the movie. Eventually your body and the truth of oneness will melt together. There is a point to return to the body with the truth of oneness.
  19. It is great that you posted this question. It is again a pity that I see people on the forum with spiritual egos that are not being nice to others, as to you in this post. Everytime we see an enlightenment being; they are quiet nice, right? Answer to your question here. With result making you are doing effort to create an external result. That type of effort wil tire you. You try to change your external reality. Enlightened beings are not consciously doing effort to create an external outcome. They are expressing art from their highest wisdom that is inside of them. They are completely okay with their external reality, so they do not feel the need to change it. Enlightened people are not completely passive. I know of enlightened people that go to the gym and watch movies. When they create an outcome, it is just an authentic expression.
  20. I love your question! same as saying: is knowing about enlightenment not just another worldview. It tells that there is the one who only sees. It basically tells that calling it an illusion, you are labelling the now and not fully experiencing now. What I said in my previous post was more of a new paradigm.
  21. 1) Matter does not call itself an illusion, so why do you? It has never been an illusion, that is the label we give as humans to form. The only one that sees all form is the one who sees and percieves. That part of you can not be conditioned. That part of you (that enlightened people realise) does not label form as an illusion. 2) Truth means here the thing you really are. Realizing enlightenment eliminates all ideas that were not in line with the way you in essence are. note: Reacting sweet to your ego actually helps your progress to realizing enlightenment.
  22. Wonderful to say. I think everyone can relate to that one with their first enlightenment experience . I came to the deep realization some time ago that no idea is ultimately wrong. It seems that a perspective is more right when closer to truth, but I would not suggest to take that as a more valid perspective.
  23. the funny thing is: as long as you 'chase' you will not realize it. I have checked out many enlightened teachers. The most pragmatic teacher who offers the way to realize enlightenment in the most casual way has to be Matt Kahn. Video on enlightenment. I would even say he is a stage further than enlightenment.