A way to Actualize

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Everything posted by A way to Actualize

  1. There leaves great room for interpertation with the term 'highest wisdom'. To act from your highest wisdom is to take action from a place of the most loving action. You could also interpret it as being wise, because enlightened beings are really authentic.
  2. Self-love is something that goes beyond accepting yourself. Self-love is a way of living your life in your highest destiny. Matt Kahn makes almost all his video's on self-love. Enlightenment is realized while doing it. Also mentioning 5d consciousness is a topic that is selflove. If Leo has enough information, self-love could be the video that helps most people actually get enlightened.
  3. If You have tried for half a year, there is a much clearer perspective on that topic. Personally I found that I had more life energy and being attracted to a wider range of females. You began socializing more and you are more motivated to get things done (waking up for example). There is no need for porn or that superficial sex after some months. If you just do one month, there is Just more need to get off. So it is a way to get sex not as a need anymore. Have you even tried it for more than four months? Otherwise it justs becomes something used for pick-up, while for a longer amount of nofap it wil be a spiritual practice. Ancient priests used to nofap because it was taking their life energy (also creative Energy) away.
  4. There is this problem that is coming up: Without actively chasing enlightenment, the stage to fully realizing enlightenment is fast-tracking. There are still things we need to face in our daily lives that require egoïc thinking, for example that students have to learn for exams. So here the question: If one becomes enlightened, but still would need to do something like an exam, would he be able to make the exam the same as a student who is not fully realized? Would you forget all you have learned? Maybe you would say: 'no student becomes enlightened in their school period'. I would say that this question is hypothecical and everything is possible. Enlightenment would be a way to get more freedom and self-expression. Those are values that I value somehow more than truth, though truth is a really beautiful thing that I also value. I think a life purpose is predestined in a way, rooted in higher values like self expression, freedom, truth, unconditional love etc. I feel lighter and lighter everyday. Enlightenment does not permanently occur with people who still have density. For the ones who would want to do enlightenment work in a not painful way for the ego, were you take the practice the every moment of the day that is casual without effort; I recommend the self-love teaching (Matt Kahn has one for example). I have fast-tracked so much of my journey in a year that I feel that when it keeps going this way, enlightenment is not far away. I have gone trough multiple awakenings now. I have now a permanent intuïtion that I am all the empty space around me and objects (not in an egoïc way). I feel fulfilled most of the day (the emotional ups and downs are humongously reduced) and there is this clear notion I am only the observer self also. There is an intuïtion that everything is one, sidenote: how do you put the same quote beneath your post like Leo has?
  5. In the country I live in, everyone needs to have their high school finished (law). In our country there are different levels of high school. I have the one that takes the longest to master to were I have to stay 1.5 years till now before leaving the school. @Emerald Wilkins That means they are still capable of learning subjects like history? Or not?
  6. It does have that connotion of an inferior ego to it. But I know what is ment. Everythingness would be a more plausable use of the word, because everyone is amazing in a way. Lets reframe it in a more true way: everything in existance is nothingness, but it seems that I experience diversity of everyones highest wisdom and expression.
  7. This just helps so much people who are HSP. Density in a social situation will never influence you anymore after watching this when applying it. He teaches that every spiritual practice is a social one in every video he makes. So say bye to the negative effects of being an empath. Everyone knows meditation does not help to the negative effects of a social dense situation, creating bounderies or visualize a shield around your body. I would recommend watching the love revolution before this to get a more clear understanding. Enjoy!
  8. What is the opposite of fear? Love. I think all your fears are gone after sometime after watching this video. This is not information that you have to practice, but it will be an automatic process.
  9. There is one huge misconception that is concluded from that video that is easily made. Nothingness is still existing with the fact that everyone has their own unique expression. Personality is of the soul ~ Matt Kahn. The fact that we live as a whole seeing to look trough the eyes of a seperated being is a gift. It is not about getting rid of the personality but to transition to being emptiness in his own unique expression. Only you do not have different personalities, but only your authentic one. All enlightened persons have a personality. It would not be a healthy thing if everyone was the same, don't you think? This is is a really vital question you posted on this forum.
  10. Here is a enlightened teacher giving a solution for this dilemma. It is about releasing judgements to those things from pleasure to not be addicted to it and be attracted to healthier things. Futher explanation is seen in the video.
  11. A real high queality post. Love your answer.
  12. post your story on: -how you got Leo his videos -progression in finding/developing Life purpose -enlightenment experiences and devoloping your spiritual journey. Also if you told anyone in your surroundings of the experience. -changes in what you value and what things you really like to do my story: age currently: 17 When I was sixteen I felt most of the time being bullied. One day my emotions expressed itself and in that period I stumbled on Pau (simple-pickup). It was very eye-opening and I began picking up girls. In that period I also stumbled on Leo his channel. I was quite unhappy at the time because I did not know what brought me happines. I thought that playing games (addicted) and seeing friends ment happiness. I fell in love with Leo his video on the spectrum of happiness. A few months later I watched his video on enlightenment and I was really shocked and never felt anger and depressed after watching that video. Just to get an enlightenment experience a few days later. It was beautiful but during that period I got some big experiences to endure that my body could not handle in such a small period of time. My body disentified completely with my emotions and I felt numb for three months, with a viewpoint far outside my body (also effect enlightenment) and thought I had a heavy form of borderline. I despiced enlightenment, because I confused that numb state with enlightenment. Afterwards the disidentification with life was the most scary experience ever in my life till now. I wanted to go back in the system after the enlightenment experience and afterwards in the 'numb' period I never searched for help. Except I visited a psychologist in the numb period, but she could not help me. I told my friends and parents about the enlightenment experiences. I discovered that the friends I hanged out with were not as superficial as I thought but are really interested in enlightenment and the topics surrounding that; like life-porpuse (just deep topics). In vacation I became connected to my body again with meditation and discovered the love I had put away for guitar-playing. When I was fourteen I thought I was not good enough for the matcho 'who knows most theory and play the fastest' guitar community. While born more sensitive I could not force myself to practice eight hours a day. So I remember being really sad about dropping the guitar, while I had such a big intuïtion to make an album. Writing my own music was the only thing I liked, but almost every guitar player said I should practice guitar loops over and over. So in vacation (back to sixteen years old) I became connected again. I started gradually playing guitar again, but this time only expressing my own music. It feels like one of the best things in the world to me. Eventually I will publish an album, maybe in a band. I now can say that I am amazed with what I make. But when going back to school I had a huge resistance against it. I thought they were seperating me and the guitar. The guitar gave me freedom, acceptance, relaxation, self-expression, creation and I felt a big fire burning in my belly. When vacation was over I became seventeen years old. With following Matt Kahn I released the resistance and became more free, self-accepting etc. I had a couple of awakenings as a result of following him. Now, I love the emptiness of enlightenment and I feel as someone dressed up as a person, instead of a person seeking something. My progress in spiritual work is developing at a extremely high rate, while I do not actively search for work or do self-inquiry work. I just practice self-love many times everyday, what results in these shifts of feeling the emptiness of love and being something that dresses up as a person. I still play guitar everyday from a point of creation and will reveal the art publicly eventually. I am completely changed. This all happened in year and it was very intense. Leave your own story below (if you are 18 or younger).
  13. Is it planned, that in the far futher you will give a seminar and post it on youtube? Most Actualized followers are wondering how the legs are doing.
  14. I am. The thing here is to transition from highly sensitive to highly conscious. I follow besides Leo, Matt Kahns teachings. It is about being heart-centered, eventually you do not feel other people their energy field in yours. Or being affected by the presence of others: you will be authentic at all costs. I listened all his longer videos; it resulted also in not feeling tired by being in places with many people or conversations. For me it was more that I feel a really wide spectrum of vibes and expressions. It helps a lot with creating the art of Music. The creativity never ends.
  15. This post would give you the most mind-blowing experience. I follow Leo for a long time, and I think this post would benefit Actualized.org in many ways. A few months ago I found the channel True Divine Nature. Matt Kahn speaks in these videos. He is enlightened and offers new paradigms that do work. He teaches self-love in such a casual way: the benefits are amazing. His teachings are sort of integrated in your DNA. You don't have to believe me, just test for yourself. The benefits I found in two months were: -Fastest way to enlightenment without effort (simplistic and not exhausting way) -feeling really authentic -showing enlightenment signs (experience oneness) -from a person who seeks something to infinity dressing up as a person -cure for depression -being fulfilled and content with every moment -people being loving to you (this will surprise you, see for yourself) -Selfdestructive behaviour completely gone -fear can't influence you anymore (you can't feel it) This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you see more teachings from him, you will get the full picture. If I see what it did to me, I can't imangine what impact it would have on actualized.org. He has also a video on self-love, it is incredibly easy to do. For people who still hang up on the idea that spiritual work is exhausting! Video Matt Kahn, must watch for people who viewed enlightenment videos from Leo:
  16. I wonder how Leo would speak/behave differently when he would be enlightened. Question: if you were enlightened, would you even know of Actualized.org and still use it as a tool to reach people. Maybe someone else posts videos of you talking in it. What kind of videos would you make? I do not think there is a real answer here, but I have a sense that these question may play on your mind, Leo?
  17. There is a part of you that can not be conditioned, the observer self. It is when every conditioning is being unconditioned you experience life without labelling reality. You will start to have that child wonder again where you sit outside at night watching the sky with overflowing coolness.
  18. The old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new era of spirituality invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up. Whether the focus is on dissolving illusion, duality, the ego, or unconscious belief patterns, there is no way to tear anything down without ripping your innocence apart in the process. Instead of having anything to resolve, process, maintain, or remember, it is the activity of building yourself up that raises your vibration to bring your highest qualities to life. This includes loving what arises, viewing life through the eyes of beauty, and celebrating the success of what you are doing right in any given moment. When building yourself up replaces any tendency to tear anything down, you will no longer manufacture erroneous symptoms to overcome. As this occurs, you free yourself from believing that spiritual evolution can be earned, when it exists as a truth you are free to remember by declaring it so. This is the way of heart-centered consciousness. ~Matt Kahn
  19. required: open-mindedness when a voice says in you 'that is bs', just notice the egos reaction to this
  20. I know that Apple is a consciously chosen name btw. It is so that people have a connotion that their product is healthy. I would say that chosing a brand name has some influence, not much. Every word has a certain vibe, especially highly sensitive people can feel it. If it sounds bs, it is okay. But I would notice that ones perspective is not the only one on the world. If you are someone that is not that sensitive and find this not true, just consider open-mindedness.
  21. This is such a good topic. I am questioning something similair with noice vs. music. I do not know the answer. I am not fully enlightened to speak of advice. Dancing is till a form of art and spiritualy aligned beings still created music or dance. I do not know how it is with enlightened people and if you could get so relaxed that You won't do it anymore. Only advice I can give is to feel out what feels best. And for expressing emotion: you can still do it. My guitar playing changed in a way now I feel most of the time really heart-centered without the real ups and downs of live. It does get more authentic and more beautiful/artistic what you make. Music is one of the most powerful tools in the world. I do not doubt dancing. I hope you Will encounter an enlightened being who will have a clearer answer to your question.
  22. It seems quit hard to accept what is of you should accept what is. When it becomes a thing that needs to be forced, it won't help really on your way to enlightenment or if you want to relax. suggestion: when something distracting shows up, say to yourself that it is okay to have it.
  23. If you want to go for all other things than enlightenment, then go do it. It is the best way to realize that those stuff won't make you fulfilled eventually. When you have done all that. Enlightenment is a thing that you become interested in. Enlightenment is more a thing that you are willing to let go of an concept to flow in authenticity and service to endless wisdom. I had an insight last day that the reason enlightenment is seen as meaningless, is the scarcity for being so fulfilled in every moment. I think meaningless is not the right word, more pure emptiness of love/true self is the right word. I advise to just get accostumed to the Idea of enlightenment and experiences. Just enjoy your experience while your life eventually gets there. If not this life. self-love is a not so painful way to get there. If you want to have fun in the park, go do it! No one is holding you back.