A way to Actualize

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Everything posted by A way to Actualize

  1. With most people, it is that they have a spiritual ego. That they are better or more wise than people who do not know anything about spirituality. When you become more heart-centered, you are interested in everyone (even in topics you are not interested in). The ego dissolves and it is basically you talking to yourself, and every word is interesting. Spirituality is a social practice, not only a sit-at-home practice. This is a very good toping, thank you.
  2. Going alone can be really fun. To speak to people who have the same interest in things as you do is a cool experience. Not really any adice I could give other than enjoy yourself.
  3. I do not watch movies, but the soundtrack is beautiful
  4. I have the same 'lack'. Discipline is not needed in life. That does not mean you do effort for the things you like. Every type of effort that does not make you tired (when you do not try to force an outcome) will be a award in itself. Leo had said it in his last video: become relaxed. When you are relaxed, much cooler, creative results are there. It is an art to find an intrinsic motativation for everything life you do, just come up with one. Forcing a external result to be happy won't work in the end. But if you need to (school), practise relaxation, self-love and intentions (see Matt Kahns videos, Teal Swan Swan also a video on self-love). Than it is not a burden anymore and can be done more allowing. That is a much more finer way than institutionalizing.
  5. I did not get a job so I can focus on creative projects, I am around your age. Buying the life purpose course and looking what you will end up with is a difference compared to that job were only you are making money. Discovering talents is really fun and is a vital part of living.
  6. that is so fun about it. Every word flows like it comes from my highest wisdom. Applying intentions (Matt Kahn) and the word 'love' becoming popular in Your subconscious mind (Matt Kahn and Teal Swan) will definitely help. You are too a light, maybe there is not the fully discovering of it. Even of you are in ego you are doing everything in your highest evolution, try the video on embracing your humanity from Matt. He will redefine every emotion, so when it pops up, you will be grateful for the emotion. other peoples ego are not a disease l, why? It is the same when you see a baby and go: it is a disease they are babies, everyone needs to be an adult. Everyone was once in ego so it becomes understandable that people act in that way and sometimes need a bit more time.
  7. After Leos videos I stumbled on this video. I was in a lot of adversity back then. Then I began watching When you watch his videos the teaching automatically is wired in your dna apparently. I have watched all his videos on everything had been so reframed and I applied to teachings, which were really casual. It is like you are not consciously looking for enlightenment but the teachings wired in your DNA and applying the teaching have a result of emptying yourself behind your back. I am still young and the permanent state of percieving a outside in perspective had a result of the fact that I can't totally get the chanche to explore my ego anymore (sex in ego etc.), but it is fine. I can not identify anymore with anything, while I still wanted to explore, but I enjoy everyday. If I am honest, being shamed by saying the word 'I' does not grand you awakening. Life is now a really cool adventure for me. Somehow things pop-up when I have a intuïtion. I was searching for a singer, Three seconds later a singer came to me. Than after some time I needed to talk to him, and he showed up directly after. The word would be instant-manifesting I think. Thoughts become very amazing and creative. I am fascinated by them that such a random thing comes at random. I am not fully enlightened, but enlightenment is realized to a degree were there is no self. There is a body, but no identification. There is joy. My perception has flipped over it seems, from Inside out To outside in is the best I could explain. It is maybe a kind of shocking thing for an ego, I do not feel the need to share it to classmates, friends and family. I remember being extremely scared of being in unity. Now I strongly realize you can not be fulfilled while in ego for a long time. I am not at a stage were I can sit in a cave all day.
  8. This will sound odd to most of you, but I think I realized enlightenment on some level. I am seventeen currently, but it went soo fast. I actually do not know how deep the enlightenment is but I percieve everything from outside in instead inside out. I do not experience the struggles of the ego anymore and there is a peace 24/7 present. I had an enlightenment experience half a year ago and now I followed a teaching that brought I think too fast to this state. There is no 'I' anymore, but the rest goes on; there is only space where a body stands with an outstanding expression. I do not get why I was so afraid to dissolve the ego anymore. I feel like some sort of baby again, like in your first years how you percieve the world. I am amazed why people are doing so much effort for enlightenment while it is too easy. Self-love has been such an easy way, and still is. Everything is just more fun, peaceful and loving. The people at first who I hated, can I love. It is not a VIP-ticket, but the ego of others are the most beautiful thing. The ego has such a profound beauty, why not celebrate the ego to let it dissolve? At first there was a dence body and I got back to the inside out experience. Now I am a light body where there is no return to the not realized state.
  9. It is 2,5 months later and now I see my world really weir last week. There is no self present but only presence and with no attachments to my body, but I stay in my body. If you watch his videos the information integrates in your DNA and you do not have to put effort besides that: you will do the teachings automatically. And there are many positive things that will happen from apllying this in you social world, I won't say it because will sound impossible to the ego. Wish you good luck!
  10. 4 minutes of talking that the personal experience actually exists, but it does not contain identification. Watch first before reacting.
  11. Oh yes it will.
  12. 6 years later.. He changed so much. He recently is working out again. I find it very amazing that enlightened people still do the very same things as normal people but with different intentions. He does working out to let the warrior side of him go loose, because he sat for so many years in stillness.
  13. +2
  14. That sort of answers don't help me on this forum. Someone in ego trying to talk like a guru. May someone else answer in a not abstract way. I wish you joy Ayla. Ask yourself if what you say, is the same what you would say to a person in day to day life.
  15. kind of vague answer. Does not really answer anything.
  16. Would standing on a stage still give you goosebumps you get from the overflowing mass and the beauty of that. That ultimate significance. Would that be ego? Would enlightened beings still experience that? I never experienced it, but is it only experienced in ego and would I miss something when I am enlightened.
  17. @Markus really, really good answer. This helps me alot. I found today that I do not really care about a lot of things that I used to hold on too. what does it look like more from your perspective: I am afraid to not be occupied with being a life coach anymore when I am enlightened. (life purpose at level of consciousness) or I am afraid not sense the respect/emotional spikes I get anymore when I am enlightened. (Identification) or I am afraid not to see the beauty of a painting I like when I am enlightened. (bullshit)
  18. Thank You. Money is not problem. My parents own the creditcards and do not trust a product from America using paypal or mastercard. There seems no other way, while I feel like that product would benefit me the most now.
  19. @Emerald Wilkins Really good point. Indeed emotional states are reflected. If you are constantly worrying, you probably will attract more worries. If you are in self-love, people start to be really nice to you. I experienced surprisingly in a month that people who first kind of hated me now treating me like jesus. Not egoïc ment. That was so mind-blowing that I believed even more in the law of attraction. If you focus 20 min a day on a experience you want to have, you get a specific feeling while you have that. That feeling will be reflected back to you maybe in what you exactly imangined. But it is really hard to hold that exact feeling for a year, so it is not worth trying. Repeating the word 'abundance' for some months 24/7 will manifest wealth/money btw.
  20. An occupation is not pre-destined. The funny thing with creating, is that what you create reflects your state of consciousness. But I do not think life requires creating for everyone. There are enlightened beings who live somewhere doing nothing. To define a life purpose, it is not an occupation. A life purpose is more of the things you wanted to experience such as truth, freedom, self-expression, unconditional love etc. But we can take an example in the means of your connotation to life purpose. We can take someone who wants to be famous because of the lack of respect and love in their life. That person would consider being famous as an ambition or life purpose. We can also take a person who is depressed and starts playing world of warcraft all day. He becomes a professional and considers that his life purpose. If those two people were enlightened, would they still think their occupation would be their aim? Probably not. But when you are enlightened for example, great chanche your are pretty conscious and that reflects in your creations. So that would mean (generally speaking) that it helps people. When you are not enlightened and are advanced in the practice of self-love for example. It would also help people. But when in ego, you could think that you are helping people, but it could be you are doing damage.
  21. For example we can take one who is depressed. To say to him: 'be happy now!' does not work. To be happy is to be at a state of peace, that can be intensified with deeper stages of awakening/presence. Self-love is definitely something that grants you process towards that without return. Self-love is not something you have to depend on. Eventually it becomes something automatic, and you will somehow not be attracted to lower conscious things, only if you need to release judgement.
  22. Music is not only mirroring of emotions or vibes. But that makes a clear point that no enlightened being ever is a musician? Every enlightened being does nothing all day or teaches spirituality?
  23. Thank you. But you can easily record videos in a cabin I would say.
  24. and enlightened ones? There are enough 4d consciousness artist. I am talking about 5d consciousness artist.