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About ChimpMonk

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    Quebec, Canada
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  1. This book was life-changing for me I strongly recomend it Edit: Or if you're more interested in weight loss. I considere this one the bible
  2. Told you, he won't tell. so It was porn... Lol Whatever, I think the point in not telling is to not influence anyone and as you all know. Finding one's life purpose is a lot of personal work so it's important not getting distracted.
  3. Pretty sure he won't tell because he didn't in the vlog about wage slavery (why get rich scheme won't work or something like) So I just assumed it was into the porn industries for fun or maybe more realistically into dating since he was passionate about pick-up communauty and stuff. It's all gossip, I would be curious too
  4. An high anti-oxidant diet would help too. A plant based diet is a very good base to have in most people life.
  5. That quick video help me
  6. Quebec, Canada. DM me if you want to know more!
  7. @Snick Bonjour mon ami! (from quebec)