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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. @Preetom I feel this is just a stage of development in human psychology and physiology. That’s not merely a justification for solace but a stark observation. Something I see in myself and the wider would. We truly are amazing how we are deceiving ourselves yet not completely obliterating one another. This seems to be underpinned by some underlying striving for human prosperity. For me, this just a stage of progressive consciousness that will Inevitably hit an inflection point which will then uplift human awareness. We are just beginning in raising our potential.
  2. Great art pieces everyone! I love art and drawing. Here is a variety of some of my work. Some free hand pen portraits and some colour pencil.
  3. @docs20 I’ve done Transcendental Mediation and signed up through a program. I wouldn’t recommend it for an experienced meditator it would be a waste I feel. For those inexperienced I think it has much benefit. I had been mediating for a while before trying it and definitely found it being different. Although I’m not sure how I would scale it against other methods. I have my own preferences outside of it. But I think it’s a good varietal option. I don’t feel so much money should be involved but it does have its benefits as an alternative. The practice is completely grounded Maharishi Mahesh’s work.
  4. @Pouya That’s great to hear! I love cold showers I’ve been having them for the last 2 months and found great benefits. They absolutely obliterate the unending mind patterns and revitalise the body. I get deep moments of awareness in cold showers but no high prolonged intense sensations of it just yet.
  5. @DrewNows hahaha I apologise I tagged the wrong person, just edited ? I completely agree with your comment though. It’s definitely synonymous to what I was saying.
  6. @AerisFrom their own inadequacies, fears, insecurities, egoic resistances and so forth. The very things they have yet to turn inward and explore.
  7. @Kushu2000 I use a technique I call concentration stillness. It implies that you stare at an object for an extended period of time almost like a “daze”. Then allow your mind to be fully encapsulated by the feeling of observation. For me this disrupts the flow of thought, enstils lightness and brings a certain level of full body quietude and presence.
  8. @Aeris although organisations can have reformations. A conscious being if powerful enough can have their aura proliferate to the surrounding beings lost in unconscious behaviour.
  9. @Aldo Any technique can be used as an escape. People use meditation, yoga, psychedelics, spirituality as escapism. It’s not the tool that is the problem but the way in which you utilise it.
  10. @Aldo To my understanding life purpose can still be directly correlated to what is currently being done even after enlightenment. The biggest difference after enlightenment would be the approach he takes to business. This would organically change to a multidimensional approach that no longer just serves his ego and identity but rather the world, others and the raising of consciousness. For example rather than concentrating on ROI (return on investment) he would likely look at how his business could tackle worldly concerns and the need to evolve human health and awareness. Such as changing business model in advertising, investing more wisely etc. Thats just my understanding.
  11. @Knock completely feel you on this one. I’m not one really for excessive of feminism but I sure think men have created this new fictitious behaviour women must follow. “I must look good for men” “My value is in my body” etc. etc. This is now flooded into the dating sphere in which is polluted with women completely mentally hijacked with the notions males hormones have fed them. I shed tears for some of the women close to me, my ex partners and those whom I know. The difficulty it would be for women now days to navigate reality and try substantiate their worth beyond a measure of beauty, its disappointing. My ex partner measured her worth by the remarks she received and social media accolades. I find this extremely disappointing. Both men and women are incredible creatures that have been constructed into a product. I also fear the sustainability of healthy relationships for the generations to come throughout all this. In western societies it is difficult to to come across individuals who are not identified by the material exterior. My hope is that a inflection point comes where humans have no choice but to turn inward.
  12. @Devansh Saharan Sadhguru simply wants you to turn inward and immensely observe. If you meticulously listen to what he speaks he continually refers back to the human mechanism. All your experience comes from with you and you must begin understanding this in order to reconcile solace and deeper understanding for reality and your ways of functionality. its simple: turn inward and observe.
  13. @ColdFacts I feel you are again missing what I am saying. Your perception of reality is already an hallucination. Your preconceiving that what you perceive as of now holds true accuracy. That is a massive assumption. One that can be deeply debunked. A dream too distorts your sense of reality does that mean your sense of reality after the dream is damaged? No of course not. A psychedelic experience is just that, an experience. An experience of heightened consciousness of what already lurks within your mind. And further taking you beyond the mind. Just to make a note. I have not done psychedelics and would not at all say they are required to understand what is being said within this thread. What everyone is saying really is not far fetched or ludicrous. It just requires a deeper introspection beyond the constructs you may have initially been endowed with. You seem to be undermining the metaphysical nature of both experience, reality and your mind.
  14. @ColdFacts Again, they do not damage neurological processes in the brain such as memory and sense perception. In fact it is natural medicine that has these damaging outcomes. Research psychedelics and look at how they interact with neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain. They bind without damage. Just have a open minded exploration in research. I recommend it. It sounds like you may have been convinced by mainstream media.
  15. @ColdFactsThat’s not how they work though. They open metaphysical doorways that are acting opportunities for you raise awareness in your physical reality. They have potential to provide insight that then you can utilise in your “natural state”. Basically, their advantage is they can shed years of trauma and psychological torment from just one responsible experience with them. They are not a high you dispense of them have no take away. They have a high tested outcome in physical growth. I would say they can put you 5 steps ahead rather than the 2 you may get from traditional medicine.
  16. @ColdFactsalso consider that the minds propensity to damage neural cell tissues naturally. Through psychological adversity, mental disrupt and disorders without substance this is a state of effect beyond almost any psychedelic use.
  17. @ColdFacts you may be missing what I’m saying here. I’m not saying they are a substance for continual use. They are an optional tool to open door ways to deeper consciousness that would otherwise be incomprehensible to the conscious mind. Important insight into existential understanding for instance. Psychedelics have been given crude popularisations due to the bigotry of mass media, ethics and their irrational recreational use. They are a useful tool just like a supplement for the body. If used wisely can unlock avenues of unimaginable growth and recovery. Just look into scientific studies with PTSD, major depression patients. Results are quite opaque. I am not merely say do them. I’m suggesting be open to them. They could help more people than they disrupt.
  18. @ColdFacts Watch this for example. May be insightful.
  19. @ColdFactsThis would be true if the senses and the human neurological/biological evolution did not become a self deceptive distortion itself. Unfortunately, if we observe human evolution it is now the very barrier that has been created into a limitation. A non intoxicated state has now been classified by neuroscientists as a combination of hallucinations. In fact, a sober state may be more distorted then than a psychedelic one. As a psychedelic state attuned you to become more receptive of unconscious processes. More refined processes within you. Something to consider. Just look at how ones sensory perceptions can be distorted by a belief, a thought, a value, morality. Non existent metaphysical constructs are sufficient in sending a human into a state of distortion without any substance. Really, we are unmeasurably distorted in times such as now. Psychedelics are just a temporary tool to dive deep into the distortions that have been self created. Distortions that would otherwise be left dormant. In other words, they amplify consciousness that other wise rests in the background. This is coming from someone who has not yet done psychedelics but has extensively looked into them. I can say my perception on them has definitely changed. They are not purely the disruptive substance they are made out to be. I implore you to research them ?
  20. I’ve been following Sadhguru for what’s been now several years and there’s an essence of true profundity and wisdom he speaks that I feel is extremely rare. No matter what I read, what I hear, what I uncover the words he speaks seem to have such deep relevance beyond the constructs of what we conventionally believe. So much precision in what he speaks yet he does not require technical language. I find it fascinating that someone who has devoted so much time to the mechanics with them self seems to have far deeper wisdom than those who dedicate their lives to acadademic study and literature. Its as if he words what everyone is seeking in a more synchronised and unifying manner. Would love to hear anyone’s feedback if they have followed any of Sadhguru’s messages!
  21. Yes i figured since hearing so many synonymous references haha ? I feel this can confuse people though. But really it depends on the speaker I guess.
  22. Okay so I was not aware that there was was some debate on the mechanics of awareness and consciousness. So my question is whether Awareness comes prior to Consciousness or vice versa or if there is a omnipresent equilibrium between them. I’ve always considered them similarly equal but awareness to be the basis of subjective interpretation and consciousness to be the space in which awareness becomes. Could be wrong but interested to hear others opinions on this ?
  23. @mandyjw I understand what you mean here. It has a lot merit as well. For me, I find it’s when something penetrates me at the deepest level. I measure my level of understanding for a speaker by how much their message penetrates me not how much I see myself in them. As you said this can mean existential crises with internal disagreement. But these are necessary steps. For me it’s important to focus on the message that is spoken not the speaker them self. Otherwise it turns into a glorification, ideology or admiration of the speaker. The purpose then becomes missed.