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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. Because heaven is only defined as heaven by virtue it is unalike to hell. The contrast of perfection “bad” is what makes what we believe to be good, “good” in itself. Really with an unbarred heaven you would be prescribed to a reality where no contrast could be made to even classify anything enjoyable or remotely heavenly, as what would it be framed by and contrasted against to know it to be so? You only enjoy a thing because the opposite of it is not desired. Limits are what make a thing heavenly not the ability to not have them.
  2. Because the ego loves a destination that is tangible and materially accessible. Enlightenment is too esoteric and too difficult for an ego-mind to comprehend, let alone strive for efficiently. So it’s convenient to just hanker after any derivable pleasure one can access instead. These never become what one wants, but it takes searching for them to figure such a thing out. Even ‘enlightenment’ is an ideal for the ego-mind. Really, there isn’t such thing as enlightenment to strive toward. Thats just another amusement park for the mind to venture. You are better finding out who “you” are and stripping yourself of all you are not, especially what you consider yourself to be. This is what we all want truthfully. To understand ourself. Some may call that enlightenment, yet that is merely another idea. Ironically, there becomes no thing to strive for when one discovers they never existed to begin with.
  3. They don’t “make you” anything. They show you truths of which you can choose to make of what you wish. You can recognise them for what they are or distort them to fulfil some selfish desire.
  4. 100% agree. This is my main point of interest but I must also ensure the gameplay matches just as well. I have a freelance game designer who I am considering to hire for a reasonable price. However, for art design and graphics we may need extra help. I am an artist myself but still quite intermediate when it comes to digital. Heres a game I find has a similar environment effect I am aiming for https://youtu.be/fe9DytkcSlc
  5. Hey all, So I currently have quite an ambitious idea. I seek to develop an immersive meditative game app directed at mitigating anxiety and tension for individuals struggling with mental health. The app would be directed towards those with anxiety disorder, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD etc. However, it could be accustom to any person whom desires playing it. Adjustable and custom settings. The game would be set in highly immersive and aesthetic 3D environments wherein the player would be an inanimate object part of it that navigates the plains of a particular setting. The sole purpose would be to simply explore with no addictive objectives in which to attain, without inducing anxiousness and tension. For example, my first idea is to use a space galaxy setting with the player being a star. The player could navigate space past milk-ways, meteorites, planets and other various objects. The player would be a glowing luminescent star like object orbiting space consuming other small stars in a calming manner. Meditative, binaural sounds ages would accompany the background. Functions would include touch screen holding and sensitivity, with slow movements to maintain a nice balance. Eventually I would extend the game into other sceneries such as underwater, mystical, jungle, clouds etc. but I would begin with someone like this. I aim at creating an entire platform on self-development games as this is a completely untouched niche. Longterm, the game would be a tool that could be implemented in treatment plans for patients within the mental health faculty. Therapists and medical practitioners could use the game as a revolutionary shift from conventional gaming applications. Im currently in conversation with game developers at present discussing costs and requirements etc. I plan on investing into this quite soon as I have done research and found there is both a market interest and need. Other game examples include: flower, abzu, flow and journey. Extremely popular and successful games. However, they hold no aim towards these aims I earlier mentioned. Having said all this. My question is: if you were to play game of this sort game what features would you like it to have? What are some features you would like to see? How long would you play a game of this, duration, time? Other tips etc?
  6. Thank you! @seeking_brilliance Awesome idea, I’ll definitely look into this man. We live in such a great time of technological advancement
  7. Ooo this sounds interesting! Thanks for the feedback. I like the idea of inducing different emotional states brain wave function may be harder to detect without an external product related to the app. But could be a self computed input of some form.
  8. Ego shapes duality providing you a platform from which to be a unique being unalike to other existing things in reality. An ego is an important life form if considered an entity that can develop a meaningful quest. Ego death can only be of value having considered you develop a healthy, competent one to begin with.
  9. Yeah couldn’t agree more! A lot f misleading methods out there really. I noticed you said you don’t do private label which is interesting. I’m doing private label for both Amazon and Shopify and resonated with what you had said. It’s much harder to start up but can become a huge pay off once you get going ?
  10. It’s relatively easy and doable to find a decent ethical job that pays your way until you can gain the necessary funds. The biggest thing you need to forget are SHORTCUTS. Avoid them, have a long term horizon completely predicated on the overall objective not how long it takes. Be a visionary enamoured by your ideas to change th world, then find ways to put them in practice. Its not enough to simply start a business. You need to be intrinsically driven by an idea. It needs to completely demolish your need for hedonistic gain and be a landmark for powerful change in the world. It can begin small and be scaled up. You don’t have to be the next Elon Musk. Just find a way to use your skills to innovate something either yourself or within a company. But sure as hell avoid the easy route, for it becomes the hard route in the end.
  11. Personally, I feel because it removes the underlying fear of their partner not being a potential match. If you believe you’ve already found ‘the one’, all effort in pursing that objective can be now put to rest. In other words, its a self fulfilling prophecy that eliminates the need to validate finding the “one”. It crudely fills the void, so to speak A lot of people over look the simple fact that almost anyone could be ‘the one’, it’s a matter of perspective and situational susceptibility. One can accustom their personality to any person, and we see many do this depending on how needy or desperate their aim for a relationship may be. The whole ‘soul partner’ is a fabrication of ones mind.
  12. I’m curious to know if any other users on Actualized.org originate from Australia, more specifically Brisbane? Interestingly, I met one of my now good friends on here. Would be cool to see who else might be in a similar boat. Fire away
  13. For sure! People can apply their learning to anything, even things as simple as living skills. It’s such a lost cause when we overlook the immense opportunities we have afforded to us by technology. Ps. I forgot to mention some weeks ago I explored your podcast and listened to a few episodes. I found it great and insightful to listen to. Keep up the good work! You seem very genuine in what you speak, something which is extremely needed in the business sector
  14. This is quite a common problem. It usually has to do with the intellect attempting to overanalyse. A good practice is to do a fully relaxation method prior to meditating or during it, in intervals. For example, shamanic breathing, observation by staring into an object, relaxing through image visualisation, mantra meditation etc. Find an exercise you can do to still the mind whilst entering meditation and exiting it. I find this to be most helpful when the mind is far too active.
  15. Interesting responses. You seem to be genuinely interested in the field which is really great to hear. Sorry it was hard to tell by your first post. So for myself, yeah I would study it again but only if I could find more philosophy subjects to go along with it as electives. I feel that is by far the biggest pitfalls of psychology nowadays, is its denouncing of philosophy. The very thing that made it what it first was. I plan to do further study, maybe masters etc. as I have aims to operate my own practice. See what happens though as I am working on my own business at the moment. I see why psychology is an important choice for you, considering it’s applicability when working with people and implementing therapy. But it could also be beneficial looking at areas such as counselling too. I personally found that immensely enjoyable. Study the works of Milton Erickson, Jay Haley, Gregory Bateson and Salvador Minuchin. These guys founded strategic therapy and systemic therapy. Very powerful aspects of psychology. Particularly, Milton Erickson he was an immensely interesting psychotherapist working in the area of hypnotherapy for his patients. Paradoxical interventions are an intriguing read.
  16. I finished my degree last year and can say it provides somewhat decent value in understanding cognition, society and academic writing. Also helped with my communication and composure. However, there are many pitfalls. As @Moksha has mentioned it can be extremely valuable in a human behavioural sense. Yet as for deep faculties in human life and reality you need to study much broader and nuanced areas. Such as Existentialism, Transpersonal psychology, metaphysics, mysticism and ontology. Pretty much any philosophy on human mind and life is beneficial. Studying psychology in University is yields barely m any significance in this regard. It scratches the surface of these topics at most. The bigger question do you see yourself doing this as a full time career in 5 years time? Do you yearn to learn this area of study? Do you have interest in human behaviour and the sciences? Or is this just a prerequisite study aim?
  17. That’s to be expected when gaining a bigger audience. Years back the forum was more concentrated. But as Leo’s channel has grown so has the diversity of his listeners. It could be a positive in that more people from lower stages are being acquainted with deeper work and more genuine aspects of life. As such, we as earlier adopters are afforded the opportunity to support and raise them up opposed to denegrating them. The forum still holds massive value nonetheless. It just depends what threads you are gravitating towards. Just like YouTube, there are plenty of high quality channels but they can be seemingly drowned out by poor quality ones if your attention is excessively given to them.
  18. One does not have to be enlightened to have boredom not overcome them. I am not enlightened and I never experience boredom. There’s far too much to do in life to ever get bored. Boredom usually stems from a deeper issue, such as that of psychological dependency. I wouldn’t say boredom is the best measure of enlightenment since it is far to relative. Ones attention to the present moment and absence of thought is probably a measure. But If you experience boredom I would estimate you aren't being creative or engaged enough in life. Boredom is a fabrication of the mind in an attempt to mask how much there is actually to do.
  19. Awesome so glad for you! I agree. The joy of happiness is invariably counterbalanced by the pain of sufferring. For me it’s informed me to execute opposed to spending endless time pondering. I’ve started a large amount of projects since COVID and really got my hands dirty in the business world. Its also taught me the fundamental importance of human connection of which I rarely entertain due to my insular ways, spending most of my time studying and creating. Great blessings lie in deep suffering. We then realise the suffering never existed to begin with.
  20. Develop your resourcefulness. I’d agree with this premise but my question would be what’s the intrinsic payoff in such an act? Not not picking, just interested. Is casually sleeping with women the pay off? Or the development of confidence and self-governance? What are you truly seeking from pursing this objective? For example, do you have a fulfilling creative outlet or is this your outlet at present? I tried the whole casual sleeping with women thing a while back and found it to be quite shallow and fruitless. Most of the time it’s a bottomless one night fling or unintended attachment ensues. If this type of life is something you enjoy that’s cool but I found it quite toxic and inauthentic. I prefer mingling and seeing where things go. Develop friendships, network or possibly take things further if it so eventuates. I never solely intend to expend my sexual resources however.
  21. I watched this sometime back and can imagine the frustration to those who have experienced a psychedelic experience, I myself being one. However, I see Ruperts point here. It makes sense that no experience can represent infinity since it is but only one expression of many others that can be represented. If an experience was infinite it would mean it is inevitably formless which they are not. Only that which has no form can be classified infinite as it is not limited to any particular experience, it can be any. A blank canvas can not not revel all possible colours if itself is not a colour. So it could be said that psychedelic experiences are a modulation of infinity not infinity itself.
  22. As crude and as pictorial as this title appears to be, this metric seems to be generally maintained in western societies. Of course there are outliers but these remain few and far between. I found this with friends of mine that are female as well as past partners. Women between ages 20-30 tend to base their attraction on the toxic superficialities of a male. beyond this age their attraction seems to be derived from places other than purely this. Some of these superficialities include: looks, macho bravado, egotistical, uneducated (or low involvement in education), status driven, hedonistic, daring, bad-boy attitude, party goer, arrogance, obnoxiousness, fashionable, non-emotional, non-reflective or spiritual etc. need I continue. It seems to work both ways too. The more these superficial features are exhibited in a male, the more he will attract the prettier girl. This seems obvious but once you've taken time to observe such a social movement it becomes comical and extremely illuminating. You can almost estimate the oscillation, duration and quality of ones relationships by this very metric. It opens ones eyes to the level of psychology younger adults seems to be operating from in a western demographic. Human behaviour seems to be more predictable of course, but more importantly you also see where you can be of support to those lost within these notions. I assume many women will object to such a claim, as it would seem to undermine their dignity. However, I would disagree. I would argue it undermines the deep meaning of sexuality and attraction. Males undervalue what it means to really be a man thus, select the most obnoxious characteristics by which to operate. Females buy into these traits due to sociological shifts and trends that churn through culture. Whats also undermined is our social systems, those which educate and influence prototypical change. Without judgement I implore those skeptical to explore this trend. It’s astonishingly pervasive, more so than we’d probably like to admit.
  23. I’m more than happy to have a proper discussion with you but you seem more interested in deploying untenable slander. Thats cool you do you. Firstly, your made a claim using genetic biology as the basis of your argument as to explain culture, from which you assume attraction is derived. Which I claimed is groundless and substantiated by material scientific testimony. Furthermore, I claimed culture explains the function of modern attraction more so than biology, since all material scientific endeavours are erected by the metaphysics of concept and language (both immaterial properties derived by culture itself) which is mind, which is concept, both divorced fabrications from reality. The attraction we see today is a learnt social conditioning upheld by the developments of culture and society not predisposed biology. That was my claim in opposition to yours. So in sum, what you claim is equivalent to the belief in evolution. Crudely debunked and denounced by many researchers of today. Take that as you will. We have far left the topic at hand so I will leave my responses here since little has come of what we have discussed between us. Ps. I recommend humbling yourself too in your communication with others. You appear to come off quite arrogant and narcissistic. Apologies if this is found offensive, just something to consider. Any-who, good luck to you sir ?
  24. @Origins What a story my friend. You seem to desirably go on irrelevant tangents to entertain topics with no relatability to the subject matter. Personally I disagree with your assessment of culture. You have it completely backwards in my view. Genetics is an emerging property of culture. How can you not see this? Your mind is right now doing such an act. Genetics is a theoretical proposition stemmed by the metaphors of language and concept which cultures have collectively created. These theoretical positions you so firmly revere are founded by the minds of scientists assuming the objectivity of a material reality, which is an illusory hallucination at work. The materialistic paradigm is a fabricated mental presupposition one then conveniently applies to reality. I feel you undermine the metaphysics of language, culture and the mind, thereby, fortifying materialistic aspects of human society to fit a naive realist view of the world. They are but one factor to explain life and do very little to explain the very core existential domains of self and existence. Fundamentally, they are ambiguous abstractions from reality. Yes the other factors you mentioned are important (class, attachment, historical predispositions etc.) I agree. However, I was using a general schema to asses the dating culture between that age group. Which seems far more enduring than you are giving it credit. This was not intended to be an encyclopaedia analysis for which a thread could never account for. For that we would need much more breathing room. Also I never spoke of other countries, my critique was directed toward developed western societies specifically. Please refrain from incessant insults, it’s not a good look on a forum of this type nor the integrity nor maturity of your responses.