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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. @AlphaAbundance great words! Thank you. Will take that on board. I’ll start working on my leadership skills ?
  2. Hi everyone, I’ve been on here for several years now and just thought with the value I’ve already attained that I’d share some recent life changes for the purposes of feedback. So I’ve been studying psychology for the last few years and should be graduating around the start of next year. My plans are to focus my future work primarily around psychological health, art and consciousness work. I have a business on the side that I work on and develop products/content etc. but I have now recently stepped into the Human Resources sector to supplement my study. This job description is ‘Youth Mentor’. Which essentially, entails working in residential housing with young people who are troubled, un-homed and/or misfortunate. I’ve been working there for about a month now and it’s been fairly good so far. However, the job is definitely challenging and psychologically taxing. I do my best to see the relationship between my consciousness work in my personal life and the work itself. Though at times, this is difficult to do, due to the demand of the job itself. These demands may be but are not limited to: abuse, non-compliant young people, escalations or just generally maintaining house order. My trouble is trying to maintain my consciousness practices while working. At times it slips by the mind due to heightened situations. My question is, how does one do their best to maintain good healthy practice while working a challenging job? Has anyone had any experience in this field, the health sector, support work or any type of challenging work in the social sciences? What have been some useful methods which instil and maintain a balanced sense of self in these fields? Thank you in advance ?
  3. @UnconsciousHuman Similar to what @Leo Gura stated, he holds intellectual integrity, however, this a function of the psychological community he adheres. JP is not necessarily a malicious man, he is somewhat unsure of himself and uses his scientific endeavours to try and rectify this. Of course science is limited and this one of the delusions I feel he does not acknowledge. He is good at compartmentalising material, just not so effective at broadening and expanding upon it. Yet, the point is that his apparent deception, myopicness or dogma is more of an innocent misunderstanding than an intentional act of misguidance. Almost like a dog vehemently chasing it’s tail, not realising the tail it’s chasing is it’s own.
  4. @njuufa in youth work? No I haven’t but that’s a great idea. Someone more experienced in the field would be great in sharing insight.
  5. @kindayellow the following: Mediation. Practice sitting and doing nothing. Learn a new skill. Read. Begin journaling. Make plans for future goals. Watch documentaries on philosophy, psychology, health and reality. Do something that you find extremely challenging. Contact someone you’ve been avoiding or contact all people you haven’t in a long time. Start a project that helps people and builds an income. Start to refine the basic everyday skills. Eg. Cooking, cleanliness, hygiene, communication and exercise.
  6. @Vipassana Great work! Thank you for the informative post. Really resonated with the relativity of time. I’ve been considering a practice of this caliber for quite some. I do 2x 20 sessions a day at the moment and aim to at doing something like this. Interestingly, my challenge isn’t sitting for long periods of time, my challenge is maintaining a stilled mind within the period. I’ve sat for 2 hours on several occasions and in each, the mind wanders off into irrelevant thoughts within 5 or so minutes. I look forward to attempting this.
  7. @TimStr I fully admire your courage and authenticity in this post. I feel we should all take some insight from this. It’s so easy to become deceived by the efforts of assuming “your doing it all right to begin with. Often the very deception we assume we are free of, is the very deception we are holding. Leo is holds a lot of wisdom on this path but I would say, it would be wise to tread the path in this work carefully beyond heresay. It’s important not to assume those more experienced or primed are any less deceived than you. The biggest self-deception will always be ones own mind not others.
  8. @VeganAwake haha I like the way you put that! Indeed so. We are chasing the very thing that’s right in front of us and we, have created the obstruction that blinds us from seeing it. life is truly magnificent and probably much simpler than we assume it to be.
  9. It’s become more and more apparent to me a deep hypocrisy that lies within nihilism and to that, any devout endeavour of skepticism. Before I continue, it’s important to disclaimer, I am neither for or against such notions, I see them both useful in part. I have just come to notice underlying issues in them that seem to be often overlooked. Subtle Hypocrisy Nihilism, the urge to disbelieve in any one thing or ascribe it a specific meaning is to do the very thing that was first aimed at being avoided. See, nihilism maintains there is no meaning, however, it is equally assigning a meaning of meaninglessness as it proceeds. Which in doing so, characterises existence and all its parts a purposeless function. In other words, nihilism is the claim that things function and there is no explanation behind this from which to understand. That itself, appears to be the prime hypocrisy. To claim no purpose or meaning is to assign things “purposelesses” - in turn this a description. It’s very subtle but when exploring the terrain of nihilism at its core, it becomes no less delusion than a fundamentalist cult. The problem is not what is being argued in nihilism, but where it is arguing from. Now this by no means, is my railing against nihilism. Just simply putting forth a very undermined factor of skeptical thinking. When one takes skepticism to its epitome they become the very thing they were first being skeptical about. At least, these are my stark observations. What I’ve learnt from this is, no idea belief, notion, ideology, theory or perspective escapes critique. Because concept and language are limited in nature which renders any claim upheld by it essentially redundant. This also includes what I am writing here. What I write can never encapsulate the whole since I write in parts fragmented from a larger system. Thus, any branch of existence is itself limited in explaining it. I can empathise why mystics and sages speak in such confusing sentences and say how existence cannot be described, as any description denies reality of what else it is that is not accounted for in the limits of a description. And I guess this why Being is so fundamental because nothing can describe it. Anywho, these are some of my thoughts of recent. Feel free to critique what I have written as it will inevitably fall under the same trap I have spoken about haha ?
  10. @WHO IS precisely, the irony is, everyone denies themselves of what they really are, their true form beyond a finite self. Eventually, this lack consciousness can not continue and will exterminate those who continue to operate so primitively. If all there is consciousness, it will be the only thing that will prevail.
  11. @WHO IS Personally I’m my view, because they threaten the very structure of predominate society. Most of our human civilisation is operating at such a primitive level of consciousness and as such, a highly conscious being undermines the establishment of this. “God“ like beings are so rare, so when one appears they will seem alien and will likely be attacked as such.
  12. @Malekakisioannis you’re getting caught in the content of what Leo is saying rather than what he is pointing to. What he is sharing is beyond the veil of words he is using. Look beyond the words. What is it in your experience that he is so insistently pointing to? Even the most unconscious moments in ones behaviour has consciousness within it. Be careful not to get so consumed by critique that the critique you give is the very thing that halts your development.
  13. “Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” ― Marcus Aurelius
  14. @ivankiss anytime. Happy to contribute. It’s great to see that you have interest exploring these areas because they fundamental to explore ?
  15. @ivankiss interesting postulations here. Although I would suggest that an illusion cannot be so easily rejected if there are comparisons as you are stating. Comparisons, contrasts, dualities, polarities or dichotomies are the very representation of illusion. Because if reality is one singularity then the illusion is the belief in comparisons. You see, a comparison is an illusions simply by the fact that it denies reality of its unequivocal non-duality/oneness. So the proof of illusion is comparisons not the other way around. In other words, any distinction that is drawn, is an illusion. Thus, because human life is predicated on distinctions it is an illusion made up of mind which is ultimately made of consciousness- the one consciousness, all there is. I feel you may be unintentionally fragmenting consciousness into multidimensions and therefore creating multiple illusions around it in order to explain it. I could very well be wrong though. Forgive me if I am taking you out of context here just my thoughts on your ideas.
  16. Haha @andyjohnsonman you are making this a lot more confusing than it needs to be. As @blankisomeonestated, go with your direct experience it is a far better teacher than your rational mind you seem to be using here. I appreciate your inquisitiveness but you could get stuck in and endless tunnel of skepticism if you don’t make some form of footing. Begin doing the practices that have been widely spoken about. Take time away from this forum and find these answers out for yourself. For it is you who will have to experience them in order to understand them.
  17. That’s possible however, unlikely when investigating your experience. From a human perspective (which is ego) we are divided. Someone else can never your experience and you can know never theirs, which is division. So if thats the case what would make you speculate that all seperate egos are one if your experience is the contrary?
  18. @andyjohnsonman you are right we can never know for certain. But from our own experience, we can infer that ego appears as though it is expressed differently among each person and that being seems to be a shared experience. From there would be the best evidence we could operate from. Rupert Spira speaks about similarly in regards to seperate self’s. Probably the best for explaining this topic in my view. watch this video It illuminated a lot for me sometime back.
  19. @andyjohnsonman in my view, it’s A. The ego is a division of seperated fragments from which each human self knows them self. And above that is the one total being in itself. Being is one but it could be said it is understood and expressed in many gradations or levels, which is what we are right now doing as seperate finite egos. Ultimately, all egos will collapse and enter the one source of being from which they all arose. All ego’s are divided but Being can never be divided.
  20. @StripedGiraffe great to hear! Yeah I’ve seen there are some people start doing deep which is great, means more conscious civilians haha. I agree, if not ever it will be for a long time to come.
  21. Before I begin, I by no means neglect the damages this present event is causing to the many people across the globe. My sincerest concerns are sent to those affected. However, It has become extremely apparent, especially in light of this work, the importance of COVID-19. While many I feel are missing the point, there is a core teaching from which I feel is right front of us. To understand the core depths of oneself and all constituting facets. We have been privileged the opportunity for solitary exploration where one can use sufficient time of quietude to unveil the very shadows that were previously blinding them. We could not understand the instability of the self while stuck in the busyness of ordinary life. Since this has been the biggest self deception mechanism to delude one since the beginning of time - “I’m too busy”. None of that can be substantiated now. Time is available, space is available, silence is available. The question is, will people awaken to such an opportunity? Likely not. One thing is for sure, those who see the magnitude of this modern event will be sure to use it to its exponentiality and transform. I feel this is not only a time for self-exploration but one whereby we can learn of the fragility and finality of the human being. The incessancy of fear, what those in the most comfortable locations will do when threatened, the attachments to stability, the fear of change, the reliance on material acquisitions, the pervasiveness of survival, the unequivocal need for a collective even in individualist thinking societies. It will also illuminate the hidden power of the human being; the ability to connect and serve, the capacity for tenacity and resilience when called upon, the core importance of consciousness, the need for creativity and strategic innovation. The very limitation of a human self will be exposed, as we are so far seeing; as too the potentiality of what one could become. This is not something to squirm over or resist but to enter. Explore and learn about it. As this is the place where limitations are afforded the place to then dissolve. A level of global crisis of this degree only comes once in a lifetime. Use it, do not abuse it. Do what others fear to do, turn inward in times when everyone is so incessantly focused outward. Contemplate, reflect, mediate, read, self-inquire, seep into silence, disengage from all activity. Once that glimmer of transformation sparks within lend others around you a helping hand. Just some of my thoughts on the current world climate ?
  22. Hi @Rujan Mehar Bajracha I've been mediating everyday for at least a year plus, with extra sessions through the day now. As you said, this a perfect time to turn inward and do deep work. Mediation is a great technique in the midst of this lockdown. it’s actually disappointing that all these people worryied about what they are going to do, how they are going to bounce back, when things will go back to normal, are missing out on the most powerful opportunity in life - to understand the core of their very being free of surrounding distraction. But instead, people will find any means to fill the void and run around crazy until things go back to how they were. It’s truly disappointing. I hope this pandemic helps to awaken some people and illuminate the importance of self-exploration.
  23. Hey everyone, It’s been a long while since posting on here, better late than never as they say. Any who, I came across this video the other day and found it extremely enlightening. The video is of Rupert Spira (I would assume many of you know) whom I have been listening to now and again for the last few years. Ruperts manner in speaking on these linguistically challenging topics is extremely admirable and sophisticated. He could very well likely be considered one of contemporary pioneers in discussing this work. Upon this, it’s come to my attention that Leo receives a lot of untenable criticism that may just purely be due to miss translation and misinterpretation. However, the more I listen to Rupert the more that i see parallels in Leo’s work. A large degree of how he constructs his explanations is analogous to Ruperts. The variation in explanations may highlight the criticism Leo receives. Yet I see almost mirroring similarities. This video and those alike may assist those struggling with some of Leo’s explanations and provide some further scaffolding so Leo’s work can be further appreciated. ps. Thank you @Leo Gura for all your contributions you’ve provided a lifetime of transformation.
  24. @Bazooka JesusI’ve started watching this and he presents some comprehensive arguments so far, however, it would seem he is undermining the primacy of consciousness. If he so happens to include it later, then please ignore my comment. Nonetheless, I would say undermining consciousness when speaking about reality would be to undermine the very thing in which enables it be at all validated.
  25. First attempt at hyper realism drawing. I completed this Siberian Tiger early last year using Prisma colour pencils on A4 paper.