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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. @danilofaria yes essentially. Allow the body to move as it pleases. But reframe the letting as a “natural course” of the body’s movement. Don’t try to get comfortable using the mind to control the body but rather allow the body to settle itself through the instinctual release of tensions and agitations. The catharsis should be a natural arising from the function of freely letting go. Otherwise, you would be just compounding the already existing tensions with more of them. The power of letting go is that is like a liberating reset.
  2. @annonnimm32 This is a nice way to conceive of the human duality of perspective. Human perspectives ought to have some varying truth to them since they are all perceiving the same thing and accounting for it from different angles. A human can only perceive from one angle at a time. In this sense, knowledge is contextual. We are accurate in what we see since we are limited to the angle we are seeing it. Rather than assuming one is correct and one is not, it is more accurate to understand that each human perspective is correct but from a particular angle. Truth can be ascertained from the most deniable source. As all perspectives must in the end merge, since all derive from the same source and perceive the same source and thus, are explaining it form one of the many angles it can be explained by. Oneness maintains that all perspectives are correct and incorrect simultaneously. A perspective is correct because it rests in the Absolute of Oneness, but it is incorrect in that it cannot not fully explain Oneness, since a part can never explain the whole. Our current times only exemplify how two conflicting perspectives can be equally valuable.
  3. Hahaha @GodDesireOnlyLove your user pic is epic ? To respond to your question @WHO IS, for me personally life is not serious at all. Life is uncultured and just pure is-ness. Human experience is the only area one could consider serious, and even that is merely a story created however we so desire. Human life requires responsibility, effort and commitment. However, we can do this joyfully or sufferingly. The choice is at our disposal. I recommend that we seek to live like a child with curiosity, creativity, wonder and play, while guiding our decisions like an adult, with independence, critical thinking and freedom.
  4. @Meta-Man appreciate the love! Right back at ya ?
  5. @The Don why ascribe to either? Both propose valuable points but both are inherently delusional and limited if taken to their epitome. Whether to take insight from either side should be a contextual matter not an absolutistic one. Seek to observe what a given environment needs at given time. Go meta and exercise the cognitive flexibility to move between both according to what is presently required. Adherence to either one only precipitates the fundamentalism we see in government all too often. The friction between both sides, is the very reason why government fails operate as efficiently as it could. It’s not that the right or left is a problem, it’s that they fail to recognise the necessity and value in both. Allow a Love for both, as both are valuable. Ps. Truth is beyond both a left vs. right dichotomy. This you are likely to only realise once ego and self/other perish.
  6. @danilofaria I’ve also found that mushrooms produce discomfort and an incessant need to move the body at the beginning. Feelings I find extremely uncomfortable. However, like others have said it’s important to let yourself settle in naturally. Don’t try to resist the need to move by stationing yourself. Just let go and allow the body to do what it needs to. The body is built up of so much unconscious tensions and suppression’s, it’s only expected it will convulse and move in a cathartic manner. For me, I had an extremely powerful physiological release from mushrooms. My body began twitching while on the ground releasing emotional baggage. This letting go allowed for the excess agitation and tension to release as it required.
  7. Hey there @Dwarniel great to here different approaches are being trialed at these times. Interesting to here the differences in Norway too. I imagine there being possible benefits to such approaches too. As for where my country, Australia, social distancing and travel ban measures have been implemented. The whole motive behind Australian policies was to minimise the social gathering of people and thus, reduce the degree of transmutable opportunities. It has supposedly been doing well. Further, we had large incentives to invest into mental health (therapy, psychiatry etc). as well as employment incentives to keep businesses open and people employed. The curve has been progressively decreasing and measures are now beginning to be loosened. The effectiveness of this however, does not go without consequences. Such as businesses closing and people becoming more prone to demosteoc violence and obtuse unusual behaviours. Obviously many have not been prepared for the implications of such measures. I feel these efforts have good intent and largely benefit the entirety of society but real impact for these times will only show in times to come. Nonetheless, feel there will be far more positives than negatives deriving out of this: awareness in business and cooperate strategies, more conscious consumerism, more emphasis on connection, more gratitude for social resources, and hopefully raised collective consciousness from the illumination of social instabilities.
  8. @kag101 well done for having the awareness to take a step back, many don’t. Psychedelics are not for the unprepared mind. Just a few things to consider: 1. Careful on using other people as competent reference points, especially those who express hysteria. This guy is not the best individual to model considering his admission to psychedelic abuse. Also, people are eccentrically different, so your ultimate reference point should be you, your own direct experience not another’s. 2. Be careful not to conflate your experience with psychedelics for the full quality of a psychedelic. They are much of a transcendental potentiation as the are a gargantuas obliterating one. It’s completely predicated on the user. Used correctly, they can be powerful, used incorrectly they can be destructive. And of course what is correct and incorrect is often subjective, one must experiment safely if to elicit any benefit.
  9. @Victor Mgazi For me, I have only tripped once but it with such little experience I can say that it has enabled me to question the very illusion of suffering. This has become significantly powerful in instances where the mind naively assumes it is suffering without considering its own fiction it created to facilitate such an idea. Psychedelics have helped create a junction point from which I can now see the deceptions of the mind with more transparency. In so doing, I now perceive reality for what it is more frequently, pure Being beyond assertion.
  10. @DrewNows Haha well depends what allows for more consciousness; separateness is often the ego’s way, where oneness is often consciousnesses way. No i don’t think it’s wrong necessarily but it’s completely dependent on which theorist you refer to. Many have good intentions, yet champion them in a destructive manner. It’s not about pleasing. If one willingly espouses their views in a disingenuous or dangerous way, we don’t just throw our hands up and go “oh well, their opinion”. We have to be able to see when a message is more dangerous than the quality it proposes, that’s if it proposes any at all. This goes for the media as it does any theorist. If a terrorist champions non-duality but recruits people to it fundamentalistically their prior intentions are redundant. But really we cannot change peoples ways but only enlighten them through our best efforts to communicate authentically.
  11. @DrewNows I rarely agree with the media. But I also rarely agree with “conspiracy” theories. Everything the mind derives is a conspiracy. It’s just to what degree. These theories in my opinion are not as awake as they assume they are, that’s my main point. Just because you find gold in rubble doesn’t mean the ground you then walk on is made of it. Yes I’ve looked into germ theory, viruses and vaccines. All are largely delusional in my opinion, but are much more complex than theorised. Yes I agree people with opposing views have a right to share their views, but also have a responsibility in how they convey them. Recent theorists have not acknowledged this point in my view. This is all I have attempted to make clear.
  12. @Vipassana Probably the most awake comment on here. I concur on behalf of my ego.
  13. @DrewNows Look, I have my own views on all those topics to which I feel no need to share here. The pharmaceutical industry is a disease, I need not go further, more critique I could mention than I have words. I disagree with much of what is being done governmentally, but why does that mean I must side with a theory in order to validate this? I agree with some of the points made by them, but they do not at all account for the complexity of a government. Way too simplistic in my view, many areas not considered. If people refute a government so much go and live on an deserted island and see what transpires. Also, I pointed out the positives I agreed with in a previous thread. Pleaser refer to them. The dangers in these theories far exceed their positives, hence what I have stated. @Vipassana Again, I feel you have misunderstood what was conveyed. The point was not these topics but in how one communicates them. You have completely missed this point I feel. I agree with some of what you are saying. However, If you despise this forums sub areas so much why contribute? You are now projecting your own contrasting bias, careful on what you choose to critique it may become you who you are critiquing in the end. Wish you the best man.
  14. @Vipassana this forum has better things to discuss that’s why. I think you may have unfortunately misunderstand what has been stated here. Good luck on your journey.
  15. @DrewNows The nature of your words suggest otherwise. Please consider what you speak before criticising those that may have fruitful information to share as well. Again, you are making more assumptions than Trump makes complements. What makes you think I haven’t been aware of these theories for the last few years? I live in the west where information is free to explore, not under a rock with slugs (although, beginning to consider maybe I do). I’ve been in disagreement with vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry for years, please refrain from asserting assumptions for things you do not know ? hahaha I think @Leo Gura has better things to do than to entertain your bedtime stories. @Vipassana judging form the quality of some comments here wouldn’t be a bad idea hahaha
  16. @DrewNows correct, I have. Clearly you have not. If you had, you would also question these theories you hold allegiance to, as they are extremely limited and largely unsubstantiated in their perspective. These problems are beyond just a “cult” theory. Is there some accuracy to the ideas in these theories, yes some. But holistically, it’s much more complex than that. But if it helps you sleep at night to caress the ego with simplistic comforting theoretical concepts don’t let me stop you
  17. Please educate these people ? Consciousness to some here seems to be more of a perceived threat than I knife.
  18. @DrewNows Your very comment clearly reflects your lack attention to what I have previously stated. I question socialistic and governmental influences endlessly, especially those of current times. Why do you think I take part on this forum? You assume one must agree with these theories in order to question their environment. Ignoring that questioning is infinite and can be done in endless ways. I am not convinced by the rigour of these conspiracy theories in which you seem to ascribe. In fact, just your very comment demonstrates your leniency to theories rather than questioning every aspect of your reality beyond them. A theory does not explain the entire mechanics of a situation. It does at best try to explain what is happening according to a given context. Judging by the “conspiracy” theories I have come across of recent, they are far from doing this to any comprehensive degree, any more than that of a fundamentalist dogma. My questioning of what is going on extends beyond these mere theories that you have stipulated or indicated. Please return when you are ready to question beyond the parameters of them. As @Consept has pointed out, you seem to me more close minded than those you are critiquing.
  19. @DrewNows Well I think you demonstrated my point. Question is, what level of quality is your shovel?
  20. @DrewNows I think you misunderstand the significance of what’s been said. I cannot inform you otherwise. Suffering = good/bad dualism, enjoy.
  21. @DrewNows Good and bad are relative, not absolute. It depends on one’s survival needs, where one exists and what they are made of. One can respond appropriately to protect the survival of themselves and others. But understand, that this is a bias with no objective truth to it.
  22. @Beeflamb This is extremely delusional. Here’s why: Rogan assumes thoughts, ideas and concepts are somehow interwoven into neutrons. They are not. You cannot capture a thought via a neural network, all it does is convey neurochemical information that facilitates a thought, not a thought itself. Just like a bike is facilitated by the metals and plastics it is made of, and yet metal and plastic do not at all explain it. If this idea was to come into fruition you would literally have access to arbitrary biological data dis-correspondent to the thoughts one has in relationship with it. Thoughts are conveyed by the mind via consciousness. Not some biological chemical activity. This is again a materialist assumption which holds no weight under close examination. I feel this is his stage orange speaking here.
  23. @Consept That’s it. There is no such thing as a bad or good world. It is simply whether the context in which an organism exists is having its survival benefited or impinged upon. Good and bad are dualistic limitations applied to reality. It’s a wonder the terms are even used considering how much suffering they both imply. Reality is the most unspeakable, incomprehensible magic one could ever experience ?
  24. @Consept Hit the nail on the head there! Consciousness is the only medium by which accurate interpretation can be initiated, and of course that’s providing the given individual has the capacity to be receptive to it.